However, this sniper rifle still has some advantages over missiles. First, its speed is much faster than conventional missiles.

Second, it is quiet, small in size, and highly concealed.

It is perfect for sneak attacks.

Lin Xuan can see the battlefield below clearly through the night vision goggles. After all, he also has a role in this battle plan.

He can't just watch the Brotherhood slaughter the people arranged by Ross.

"Leng, bring me a bullet. He took the sharp bullet from Leng's hand and pressed it into the gun chamber. This bullet was exactly the same as the one before.

The body of the bullet was filled with compressed energy, and the tail was a miniature engine.


Pulling the bolt, with the butt of the gun against his shoulder, Lin Xuan looked calm, looking for his prey through the night vision goggles.

His eyes were fixed on the red-skinned giant. The bullets and laser guns hitting it could not completely kill this big guy, which only made him more angry.

The mutants of the Brotherhood used him as the vanguard to tear open the defense line of the Sunset Base one after another.

"It's you."

Lin Xuan's mouth slightly raised, revealing a smile

"The target is a big guy, locked, the intelligent computing system is turned on, and data calculation is performed"

"Locked, calculated"


He pulled the trigger, and the next moment a strong reaction force poured into his body along the butt of the gun.

Lin Xuan did not move at all, and the long barrel of the sniper rifle spewed out azure flames.

A sharp bullet blended silently into the darkness, and it could even automatically adjust its flight trajectory.

Lin Xuan looked through the night vision goggles.


The next moment, the big guy who was charging into battle against the military fire suddenly stopped moving, and then exploded instantly. The terrifying energy shock wave turned everything within a radius of 20 meters into ashes.

After a few seconds, the energy dissipated, and there was only a big pit on the ground. There was no trace of his body, which was directly annihilated in the energy storm and shock wave.

""Colson, my shooting skills are pretty good, right?"

Lin Xuan turned his head and grinned.

Coulson's expression was stiff, and he took off the night vision scanner on his eyes with trembling hands.

Even his body was shaking, and he took two breaths of cold air in succession, and then he said tremblingly:"Lin, your bullet is quite powerful."

A shot from tens of thousands of meters in the sky accurately blew the mutant into ashes.

Coulson said:"No, you can't call it a bullet, you should call it a missile."

Is this a sniper kill?

It should be called a bombardment.

"Ross, Ross, please answer."

"If you hear me, please answer."

Lin Xuan called in the wireless encrypted communication.

"Ross received"

"Ross received it."

Underground commander, Ross looked at the picture just sent back, and the big guy was blown up by a single shot.

It was so cool.

"Lin, you did it just now, didn't you?" he asked

"It's because your people are too disappointing."

Lin Xuan complained

"Ross, have your soldiers drive the Brotherhood members to the open area outside.

Lin Xuan said,"Don't hide your sniper, these mutants are quite capable."

"No problem."

Ross nodded and picked up the intercom.

"All combat units, attention! All combat units, attention! I am 01. I am 01. Now I will launch a round of firepower charge to drive the mutants to area A3."

"I repeat, drive all mutants to area A3"




All combat units responded to Ross.

The garrison at the base that had been defending the base began to adjust the combat direction in an orderly manner. All kinds of heavy weapons were brought out, and the vitality intersections set up at high altitudes were emitting fire snakes.

Even if metal could not be used, it was still possible to produce powerful heavy machine guns. This was not a problem for Angel Technology at all.

Under the powerful firepower suppression of the military, the mutants who were originally attacking were frustrated, especially without this big guy who charged forward and resisted the guns and artillery.

"Boss, they are starting to counterattack."

The man with sharp barbs all over his body was forced back by the powerful firepower.

Lao Wan opened his hands, and a powerful magnetic force burst out, forming a powerful twisted magnetic field. The dense bullets and energy rays were twisted the moment they came into contact with the magnetic field.

The flight trajectory changed, and Lao Wan opened his hands. All the bullets avoided all the mutants like a tide and hit the surrounding buildings.

"Use the storm grenades."

Ross saw this scene in the command room and shouted.

The so-called storm grenades will release a large amount of electronic storms at the moment of explosion. In addition to being accompanied by powerful energy, they will also disrupt people's electromagnetic waves.

If you are in an electronic storm, even if you are not burned to death, you will become a fool.

The appearance of these new weapons caught the Brotherhood mutants off guard. Even with the help of Lao Wan's magnetic field, they could only keep retreating.

After all, all the metal in the entire military base was taken away, and even the underground metal mines were dug out and buried with explosives.

The magnetic force could not exert its power.

"Cold, bullets."

Lin Xuan said.

His eyes wandered over all the mutants, constantly choosing his next target.

"It's you."

His eyes were fixed on the woman wearing a black tight leather jacket and holding a long knife.

After pressing the bullet into the gun chamber, Lin Xuan turned around and was immediately startled.

A large number of S.H.I.E.L.D. agents gathered behind him.

"Why are you looking at me?"

He turned his head and used the intelligent computing system to lock the woman.

"Pull the trigger."

As expected, the bullet appeared silently from the darkness and directly annihilated the mutant who was playing with the knife, as well as everything within a radius of 20 meters.

Not even a slag was left. The two Brotherhood members who were close to them were very unlucky. They were swallowed up by the energy in an instant without knowing anything.

With a speed of up to Mach 40, very few people could escape.


Nick Fury put down his night vision goggles and applauded.

He witnessed Lin Xuan shooting three mutants.

"Lin, what kind of gun is this?" the old bald man asked resentfully.

"Why haven't I seen you take it out before?"

"If we had this, it would be much easier for us to fight mutants."

"Isn't that right?"

Lin Xuan nodded:"If you accidentally fall into the hands of mutants, it will be much easier to deal with you. One shot from 30 kilometers away, at a speed of 40 Mach, the bullet has tracking and positioning, whoever is hit will die."

"Don't think about it, this thing is not for sale, I just play with it myself"

"Then can I fire two shots?"

Nick Fury rubbed his hands and licked his face and said

"Take it and play with it."

Lin Xuan nodded.

"Remember to put away the sniper rifle after use"

"Let's go back."

He left the deck with a cold

"How come I can't see anything here?"

Nick Fury looked at the night vision scanner for a long time and found it was pitch black.

He couldn't help but speak

"Nick, use your other eye."

Coulson kindly reminded.

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