Soon, dark-faced Coulson and May returned to the villa.

Coulson had obviously told May about the situation on his side, as could be seen from the livid faces of the two men.

Beicheng looked at the two people whose faces were as dark as ink, and felt a little embarrassed in his heart, so he exhorted them in a loud voice

“Come with me! It seems that what you need now is to learn, so in the next period of time, I hope that you can calm down and learn from the elderly in the foundation. ”

After comforting the two, a tower-like man walked in through the door.

“Foundation Class B Armed Soldier 4466 reports to the President!”

“Let’s go! We went to the New York base, where two new SCPs appeared. ”

Beichen nodded, then followed 4466 to a military Hummer, and 4466 and several people sped all the way to downtown New York.

Coulson suppressed his emotions and quietly asked, “Is our base in downtown New York?” ”

“Of course!”

Beichen smiled confidently, and then led the two to a shopping mall.

After entering the elevator, Beichen did not press the number of floors, that is, two strings of numbers were pressed.

The elevator, which receives special instructions, goes all the way down.

Negative 1st floor, negative 2nd floor, negative 3rd floor negative …

After nearly a minute, the elevator finally stopped.

“This is the foundation’s branch base in New York, which has a standing population of about 20,000 people and three 50 million tons of TNT equivalent nuclear bombs as an emergency response.” Beichen explained with a smile to the crowd.

“Fark ×3”

The S.H.I.E.L.D. trio present invariably exploded in their hearts.

What does a 50 million ton TNT-equivalent nuclear bomb mean?

This means that New York can be washed three times if the foundation so desires.

You must know that the world’s most powerful nuclear bomb is now 58 million tons of TNT equivalent!

For the strength of the foundation, the three have a new understanding.

Fortunately, the Foundation is on the right path, and if it is an evil organization, the Foundation is fully capable of setting off the 3rd World War.

Thinking of this, both Natasha, who is inseparable from S.H.I.E.L.D., and Coulson and May, who have no loyalty to the Foundation, are scared out of a cold sweat.

The people of the Foundation are a bunch of lunatics!

They had already planned that if the SCP got out of control, they would sacrifice the entire New York City for the final containment control!

You know, New York has a population of more than 20 million! This is also the center of the world, the most developed city of mankind.

“Crazy! The people of the Foundation are a bunch of lunatics! Such an organization must be regulated by S.H.I.E.L.D.! Coulson’s hand hidden in his sleeve clenched his fists.

Beichen didn’t care about the three people whose faces were not very good, but smiled and said, “Okay, follow me to meet the person in charge here.” ”

“Dr. S46, but the Foundation’s top 50 authoritative doctors, has very advanced research on SCP.”

Dr. S46 is not the gray old man everyone imagines, but a beautiful woman with blond hair and a plump body.

“President, here you are.”

Dr. S46 asked respectfully.

Beichen nodded and said the purpose of his trip.

“The newcomers are not reliable, and I plan to leave them to you to teach.”

“You wouldn’t be the unlucky kid who took fifty or so people to investigate SCP and was robbed of his house by SCP without even determining what SCP was?”

Dr. S46 looked at Coulson strangely.

The corners of Coulson’s mouth twitched slightly, and a hint of blush flashed on his slightly tired face.

“Why should such a beautiful and talented doctor have a mouth?”

Coulson was extremely depressed in his heart.

When the two people meet, they reveal their own shortcomings, is there anyone who does this?

Coulson moved his lips to refute the other party, but after recalling it, Coulson found that what the other party said seemed to be reasonable and well-founded, and he didn’t even know how to refute it.


Coulson had another foul word in his heart.

Dr. S46 sighed and said in a reluctant tone, “Forget it, come with me!” I’ll teach you how to investigate SCP in the way of a foundation. ”

Coulson: “…”

Led by Dr. S46, the crowd came to a conference room.

“This time two SCPs appeared in Hell’s Kitchen, which we named SCP-096 and SCP-173.”

“The first is SCP-096, which, according to our simulations, should be a deformed monster more than two meters tall with slender limbs.

Presumably, the SCP should be immune to bullet attacks, has very hard bones, and unparalleled speed, as well as super regenerative ability and super sensory perception. ”

“As for SCP-096’s homicide methods, we are still analysing and estimating that it will take a few days for the results to take place.”

“SCP-173 is relatively safe, and now that the Foundation’s analysis of SCP-173 is almost over, it has mastered its regularities and abilities, and is ready for tentative containment.”

Coulson looked ugly and took the information from the doctor’s hand.

The more elaborate the information on this, the more it shows the incompetence of him and his men.

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snap up immediately (Event period: September 10 to September 12)

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