Chapter 286: The Power That Dominates All!.

Beichen did not get angry after listening to the words of the recycler robot, there were really too many people who spoke ruthlessly about themselves.

But basically not in this world, really dead to the point that there is not even slag left, and even the collapse of the particle level. A few have become Beichen’s most loyal lackeys.

“A piece of iron dare to be so arrogant with me, and those who dare to talk to me like this are gone, you drank 98 gasoline, so angry?”

Beichen said playfully.

When he is invincible, it is also a joy to feel that he has molested the enemy step by step until he dies.

“You lowly low-grade carbon-based creature, do you know who you’re talking to?”

“I order you to get off my head at once, or I’ll let you die without even scum!”

At this time, the pursuer robot was very angry, that is, the conqueror Kang in front of him did not dare to talk to himself like this, this wild monkey who suddenly jumped out, where did the confidence dare to treat himself like this.

And in this palace, there are countless guards of the conqueror Kang and some of his cronies, and the moment they see Beichen, they want to rush up.

However, Kang the Conqueror waved his hand to signal them not to act rashly, because the ability of the person in front of him was too strange, making him a little elusive.

The moment Kang the Conqueror saw Beichen, he was already too frightened to speak.

He knows very well that this is the quantum world, where many terrifying abilities will trigger a series of chain reactions, and many of the results are unpredictable.

But the person in front of him jumped directly from space, then the person in front of him at least has the power of space.

The power of space is already very terrifying, and the few races in the entire universe will have such abilities, and some people can only control space with the help of space gems or some other space objects.

However, the person in front of him was absolutely terrifying in his grasp of space, because he did not cause a single spatial fluctuation. But where there is the slightest spatial fluctuation, the quantum world will also have great fluctuations.

“Boom, squeak!”

Just when Conqueror Kang was still pondering, and the pursuer robot’s words just fell, Beichen jumped directly down. By the way, he kicked the head of the pursuer robot directly.

“Gee, as a high-IQ robot, I don’t know what this thing is called, I’ll give you popular science, it is called a head on your neck, and if you take it off, it will be a head!”

Beichen said mischievously.

At this time, Beichen sat directly on the head of the recycler robot, the recycler robot was already huge, just one head was one meter high, and Beichen was sitting on it just right.

“Poor bug, you know what you’re doing, no, this is my honorable head, you are really too presumptuous!”

The head of the recycler robot was directly removed by Beichen, but he did not realize the seriousness of the problem, and he was still making a big fuss, because his body material originally had memory metal, and the body parts could be disassembled, and the recycler robot often removed it itself for maintenance.

“If you dare to say more nonsense, I will make your mechanical instrument and your life consciousness completely disappear in this world!”

The clay man also has a three-point fire, not to mention the North Chen.

Beichen’s purpose for coming here was not this garbage robot, but Kang the Conqueror, but the main lord has not spoken, this broken robot has been chattering, Beichen is really a little annoyed!

The moment Beichen spoke, a terrifying power directly swept the head of the recycler robot, it was not energy, but an ability of the strong itself, as if it was ethereal, but it did exist and could be used.

The recycler robot felt the threat to life at this moment, and instantly shut up and no longer made the slightest sound, because it was a conscious instinctive fear of death.

At the moment when Beichen kicked off the head of the recycler robot, Dr. S46 also led the Avengers to the palace of Kangde, the conqueror of the quantum world.

The moment they appeared, they saw Beichen’s shocking kick, and they directly gasped.

Many Avengers have no concept of the Recycler robot, but Dr. S48 gave them a little science before, and the shell of the Recycler robot is made of a combination of memory alloy and strength alloy.

“This kind of material does not exist on the earth at all, and the thunder power attack of the thunder god among you is the most terrifying, but when it hits his body, even the blood skin can’t be broken!”



“As for Dr. Banner’s transformation into the Hulk, the destructive power may be terrifying, but it can only beat him to deformation, and as for the memory alloy, it can be restored soon!”

Dr. S46’s words continued to echo in everyone’s minds, constantly stimulating their nerves.

This material is almost the hardest material in the entire universe, but Beichen kicked it with such an understatement.

“My mom, let’s just hug an elephant leg!”

Hawkeye said funny.

“Do you think the elephant’s legs are thick where the guild will grow?”

Falcon rolled his eyes.

“Point, I haven’t seen thicker legs on Earth!”

Hawkeye said helplessly.

Dr. S46 is completely immune to these people’s humiliating conversations, and even bother to roll his eyes.

“Okay, Kang the Conqueror, now that no one is bothering, we can talk about things between us!”

Beichen continued to sit on the head of the recycler robot and said slowly, the playful expression on his face was self-evident.

Between words, he casually pulled Marcus out of the compressed space, and at this time, Marcus’s face was like ashes, and he no longer looked invincible.

The humiliation he received came from both body and mind, and the man in front of him was not human at all, even the gods of Asgard were not terrifying as this man.

Compress the entire space with one hand!

What is this concept, maybe Ant-Man has the ability to change size at will, but that is not a concept at all, Ant-Man’s ability is more like a trick.

“May I ask who you are, where you come from, or which universe, the Time Anomaly Control Bureau should have nothing to do with you!”

Kang the Conqueror is not a megalomaniac.

He can conquer several universes, because he has a meticulous mind, after seeing Beichen’s strength, he instantly lowered his posture and said.

“Haha, it’s a coincidence, the foundation and the Time Abnormal Control Bureau you want are all mine, and I am the president of the foundation, Beichen!”

Beichen laughed and said, he was a little surprised by the attitude of the conqueror Kang, this is the legendary conqueror Kang who conquered many universes!

I don’t have a little temper with myself!.

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