Gwen's eyes are starry, and she has the proper posture of a little fan girl.

Basically stable.

Dongfang Xing was not in a hurry to be ambiguous, opened the [King's Treasure], and took out a piece of information.

"This is the project information of the radiation spider, you will know after reading it."

Gwen was a little flattered.

Especially when you see the line on the file bag - the top secret file of the military!

"Is this something I can see?" Gwen wondered.

"I'll give it to you, no one will trouble you." Dongfang Xing said to himself.

It made De Gwen confident.

He didn't know what he was thinking, his face turned red again, and he hurriedly took the document and blocked it in front of him.

Dongfang Xing smiled without saying a word.

It's only a matter of time before this girl is taken down.

more difficult...

Probably to let her parents agree to have multiple wives.

But it's not a big problem if you think about it.

"Tiga, send a message to Fury and ask him to give Gwen's father a promotion."

【Has been sent. 】

In a word,

Gwen's father, George, was promoted.

Because the states of the United States are self-governing, laws can also be made by themselves.

If George, the chief of the police station, goes up, he should go to the city government for his official career.

There is a high probability that it is a deputy mayor level.

This is the deputy mayor of New York City!

As for going further, the mayor or even the governor, it was up to Dongfang Xing and Gwen to determine the relationship.

Thinking room,

Gwen also finished reading the document, her eyes were inexplicable!

The full name of the "Radiation Spider" project is "Super Soldier Project", which aims to reproduce the captain of the United States and create super soldiers.

Those who are bitten by "radiation spiders" will gain various abilities of spiders.

Super strength, super bounce, vertical climbing, silk spinning...

ultimate goal,

It is to mass-produce super soldiers and become invincible killers!

"It's unbelievable that the military still conducts this kind of experiment?" Gwen said with emotion.

"There are too many experiments." Dongfang Xing said with a smile: "The green titan and abomination that appeared some time ago are the products of another super soldier plan."

Gwen slapped his forehead.

"What have these people done with our taxpayers' money!"

Dongfang Xing smiled without saying a word.

Isn't it obvious to all that the United States military is urinating?

"So, I succeeded?" Gwen asked, "Isn't this super soldier plan a failure? How can I..."

"You are very lucky to have met me." Dongfang Xing said with a smile: "After all, she is such a young and beautiful girl. It would be a pity to end her life like this."

Dongfang Xing did not say the specific operation.

But without any hesitation, Gwen attributed this "one in a billion" success rate to Dongfang Xing.

"I really... don't know how to thank you!" Gwen said gratefully: "Although my Ability is limited, if you have any needs in the future, just mention them!"

"Oh?" Dongfang Xing raised his eyebrows and said, "Is it all right?

"Well! Anything works!"

Dongfang Xing smiled wickedly upon hearing this.

Gwen was taken aback for a moment, and then his face turned red!

Should he not...

No way?

If he really proposes, will she agree... or should she agree?

"Very well, let's do some exercise with me." Dongfang Xing said cryptically.

Gwen's ears were red now, and she lowered her head, not knowing how to respond.

Dongfang Xing stretched out his hand slowly, and Gwen quickly closed his eyes tightly.

I can't see it!

You can do whatever you want!


Dongfang Xing's hand just landed on her head, followed by a strange sense of experience.

Scared her to open her eyes,

But he found that he was no longer in the park, but came to a closed room with various cold weapons by the wall.

Could Dongfang Xing be...

Want to exercise here?

"No!" Gwen shook her head quickly: "It's my first time! At least find someone..."

"Ah? What's the first time?" Dongfang Xing teased: "Just to test your ability, here is enough."

Gwen: "..."

She was red to the base of her neck, and her head was still steaming!

What a shame!

it turns out......

It turned out to be this movement?

But then she reacted and glared at the smiling Dongfang Xing.

"Are you deliberately misleading me?"

"Ah, you are so cute, I can't help but tease you." Dongfang Xing apologized with a smile: "As compensation, let's help you get familiar with Ability first."


Gwen masked her embarrassment with anger, and began to do the test.

Strength is the most intuitive, Dongfang Xing embodied a ton of iron, said to grab it and grab it.

Still no need for a handle, you can grab it with your hands!

climbing on smooth walls,

facing away from dodge projectiles,

Even shot the first cobweb from the wrist!


Thanks: "Wang Chaoyue", "I live next door, my surname is Wang, I will help you if you have difficulties" voted monthly!

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