American Comics: Dominate The Multi-Universe, Starting With Concubines

3. Meet Diana For The First Time! Mother Box Crisis! 【15000 Words】

I thought that Gwen's "do whatever you want" would be a fierce battle.

Dongfang Xing's pants are ready to take off...


Gwen stood up, grabbed Dongfang Xing and ran out!

"There's no curfew today!"

"I want all night!"

"I want to stay out all night!"

Give Dongfang Xing a whole smile.

Look at the child being held back all night - so excited.

Just stay with Gwen and be a rebellious child.

Watching Gwen running wildly on the street, shouting and cheering freely.

It's also quite interesting.


"What are you shouting for?"

"What time is it?"

"Aren't you going to sleep?"

Hearing the dissatisfied scolding from the surroundings, Gwen shrank her head and covered her mouth.

Seems too presumptuous?



It's not presumptuous enough!

Dongfang Xing manifested directly, a gold nugget of the Pyramids.

He took a piece off the top and handed it to Gwen.

"With this, smash their windows.

"Huh?" Gwen hesitated: "This......isn't it good?"

Be a good girl for 18 years,

It's a little scary to be a bad girl all of a sudden.

Dongfang Xing did not explain, but spoke loudly to the surroundings.

"Whoever wants a 500-gram gold nugget to smash a window, turn on the light!"

next moment--




A series of lights came on, leaving Gwen dumbfounded!

Can it still be like this?

But then I feel a little distressed, this is a gold nugget!

Dongfang Xing saw her concerns.

"I can make as much of this low-density metal as I want.

Gwen's eyes lit up!

Now that you've said that, I'm not being polite!

She took the gold nuggets,

Weighed it to try the feel, and threw it lightly——


The windows of a family were smashed, followed by exclamations!

What a real gold nugget!


How could you scold someone!

Praise be to the goddess of generosity!

After Gwen was sure that she would not be scolded, she began to slam her left and right!




Gwen smashed it,

It's cool to have a smashed window,

Dongfang Xing saw that Gwen was happy, and he was also happy.


Even the glass sellers in this area will be happy tomorrow!

What a harmonious atmosphere?


Monitor S.H.I.E.L.D all over the world, and soon discovered the movement here!

"Small-scale fluctuations detected!"

"Suspected battle!"

Hill directly calls satellites to view live images.

Then I froze!

This is...………

Dongfang Xing?

What is he doing?

Accompanying a girl, throwing gold nuggets at other people's windows?


These people are working overtime here, you just do this outside?

It's just...

I'm jealous!

Even Hill, who has been an agent for a long time, was quite touched by this scene.

This behavior seems childish,

But willing to accompany a childish girl, this behavior is very romantic!


Fury saw Hill staring intently at the screen, and walked over to check it too.

Then the face is completely black!

He silently took out his cell phone and dialed the number.

"Master is busy, no time to answer!"

Fury looked at the phone, and then at Dongfang Xing who was handing the gold nugget in the picture.

Just don't be too outrageous!

"Beep! Beep! Beep!"

The rapid siren sounded, and Fury's eyes suddenly became sharp!

"Powerful energy fluctuations detected!"

"The energy band matches the mother box!"

"The location is Beihai..."

"The beam of energy light has disappeared!"

The source of energy fluctuations cannot be detected!"


"The source of energy fluctuations cannot be detected!"

Fury has almost confirmed that there is definitely something wrong with this unmonitorable location!


"Don't send it." Dongfang Xing's voice sounded suddenly: "You can't find it."

Fury looked at Dongfang Xing who suddenly appeared, and beside him was Gwen who was looking around.

"Why can't I find it?"

"There is a protective force field there, which can disrupt all high-tech monitoring, and ordinary people can't go in, so there must be a special method." Dongfang Xing explained.

while thinking,

There is almost no difference, it is Paradise Island.


Home of "Wonder Woman" Diana Prince.

As for the energy beam...

The high probability is that the mother box is activated.

"Let me go and have a look." Dongfang Xing looked at Gwen: "Do you want to go together?"

"Ah? Can I?" Gwen was flattered: "Will it affect..."

"With me here, nothing will happen. 17

Dongfang Xing grabbed Gwen and was about to leave...

"Wait!" Fury called to him, "Can you take me with you?"

Dongfang Xing glanced at Fury.

"I don't care if I die."

Use [Phoenix force] to catch Fury, and teleport away in the next moment.

Appeared directly over the North Sea.


Super Vision didn't gain anything.


"Dark night!"

The sky was still broad daylight, but suddenly turned into a dark night, even the starry sky was covered with light!

in the darkness,

A hazy light is very bright.

Dongfang Xing teleported again and appeared directly on the island. The vegetation under his feet was as dense as a virgin forest.

on a plain,

A large number of female Warriors are fighting fiercely with Apocalypse demons, and the ground is full of corpses from both sides.

But there was no sign of the Steppenwolf.

"Tiga, mark the enemy and us."

【Mark completed!】

【Phoenix force】emerged,

Turning into arrows, all the Apocalypse demons were shot, and their bodies were directly annihilated into nothingness.

it's not over yet,

Dongfang Xing held a ball of light in his hand, threw it into the sky and exploded into a rain of light, which fell on all the female Amazon Warriors.

【Light of Recovery】!

It doesn't matter whether it was a minor injury, a serious injury, or missing an arm or a leg.

All alive and well, not even a scar left.

some operation,

Seeing that, Fury's heart was shocked!

This bitch can hit and breastfeed, it's even more outrageous than Superman!

"Wow! That's amazing!" Gwen exclaimed, "I'm still thinking about what to do, but you can solve it with just two slaps?"

"It's just a trifle."

"If it were me, it would take me a long time to fight." Gwen was a little disappointed.

"It can't be compared with me. Dongfang Xing pointed to Fury: "Throw him in, and he was torn to pieces in about half a minute.


Gwen also covered her mouth and snickered, and slapped Dongfang Xing complainingly.

Without such a metaphor!

talking room,

The Queen of the Amazons "Hippolyta", also known as Mother Diana, came galloping with a cavalry.

Dongfang Xing landed on the grass and waited quietly.

When Hippolyta approached, she quickly got off her horse and made a gesture of gratitude unique to Amazon.

"Thank you for your help Alien!"

"But outsiders are not allowed to enter the Amazon, especially foreign men are not allowed to enter!"

"Also please leave!"

Thanksgiving first and then chasing customers, the primary and secondary are quite clear.

But since Dongfang Xing is here, it's not as simple as just brushing his face.

"The Steppenwolf attacked just now and took away the mother box, right?" Dongfang Xing went straight to the point: "In addition to the one that the Steppenwolf took away from humans, getting another Steppenwolf can activate the Trinity, and you won't be able to escape then." of."

Hippolyta's complexion changed!

"Are you here for Steppenwolf?"

Fury took half a step forward and was about to introduce himself...

Being used by Dongfang Xing [Phoenix force], he threw it behind him.

—I let you say everything, how can he have a relationship with his future mother-in-law?

"In addition to the mother box, there is also an Asgardian who has taken away the Space gem, and is very likely to summon alien forces to occupy the earth.

"Now we urgently need to solve one of the troubles as soon as possible, otherwise if both sides break out..."

"Your planet is basically doomed."


Hippolyta grasps the point sharply!

"Our planet? Are you not from Earth?"

"I am from the M78 nebula outside the Milky Way, a member of the Family of Light, Dongfang Xing.

This made Hippolyta a little ashamed.

Aliens are trying their best to protect the earth, they...

Immediately tell the story of the ancient times.

When Darkseid came to attack the earth, it was repelled by the cooperation of humans, Krypton, Green Lantern, Amazon, and Atlantis.

three mother boxes,

It is kept separately by humans, Amazon, and Atlantis.

"We haven't contacted Atlantis for many years, and we don't know their location..."

"My daughter has lived outside for decades, so she probably knows something.

"I will light the holy fire, and you wait there, and she will appear."

That's it...

"May I ask what your daughter's name is?"

"Diana Prince.

Dongfang Xing looked at Fury.

"Having lived in the human world for decades, can you find out?"

"One hour!"

Dongfang Xing nodded, and said to Gwen: "I have to go to work, do you want to go home, or go to the space carrier?"

"I want to find my dad." Gwen said nervously, "I don't want what happened last time to happen again! I have the ability to protect him now!"


Dongfang Xing raised his hand.

"Spatial door!"

The space was torn open, and the opposite side was the New York Police Headquarters.

Gwen waved his hand and left through the space door.

Dongfang Xing waved his hand, and the opposite side was replaced by the battle hall.

Fury walked over quickly.

sent people away,

Dongfang Xing looked at Hippolyta, what do you say?

Hippolyta pursed her lips.

"How open the door and we light the holy fire directly?"


According to the position Hippolyta said, Dongfang Xing opened another "space door" and directly shot a fire doctor on the ground.

The blazing fire spread to the whole palace, especially bright in the dark night.

Dongfang Xing stepped over the "space door" and looked at Hippolyta.

"Want to come and meet your daughter?"

"No." Hippolyta shook her head, "Amazon needs me more."

"Okay, goodbye then."

Close the "space door"

………… Ask for flowers……………

Dongfang Xingzhi

Let Fury take the news of the fire at this former Amazon site and broadcast the news to the world.

Then a bag of sunflower seeds appeared, and he leisurely started nibbling.

Where is Wonder Woman!

People don't have many nice words, and fights are never ambiguous.

If I could take her down....

Happiness and sex, and rewards to get!

This is also the reason why Dongfang Xing wanted to send Gwen away.

half an hour later,

Dongfang Xing's Super Vision found Diana approaching here.

Put away the melon seeds, and then use【Phoenix force】to destroy the melon seed shells.

Dongfang Xing tidied up his clothes and faced the burning holy place.


Diana came up close, staring at Dongfang Xing suspiciously.

about to speak...

Dongfang Xing turned around and looked at Diana with a smile.

"Alien savior?" Diana said unexpectedly, "You are here..."

"I've been waiting for you for a long time." Dongfang Xing said: "Queen Hippolyta asked me to wait for you here. For the specific situation, you can go to the underground palace to find out."


The raging fire suddenly went out.


Grasping the flying arrows, Dongfang Xing walked inside the palace.

Diana hesitated, but kept up.

From the secret passage to the underground space, follow the stairs to a stone door, put the arrow in the groove next to the stone door, and the stone door will open.

Dongfang Xing made an invitation gesture to Diana.

"You are the master, you invite first.

"You seem to have been here?" Diana asked suspiciously.

Dongfang Xing shook his head.

"While waiting for you just now, I simply observed it, it's a very ingenious mechanism."

Diana suddenly!

After nodding, he walked into the secret room first.

Dongfang Xing followed in.


There was nothing in the secret room, only the murals on the walls, describing the ancient war.

Wait until Diana finishes.

Dongfang Xing said softly: "When I arrived, Steppenwolf had already snatched Amazon's mother box...Although I saved some people, those who died before, I

There is nothing you can do. "

Diana cast a grateful look at Dongfang Xing.

Dongfang Xing's healing ability has long been blown to the sky by Stark, it can break limb reborn!

I believe that many compatriots were saved by Dongfang Xing.

"So what do you need?" Diana asked.

"The mother box of human beings has also been taken away." Dongfang Xing said worriedly: "In the end, if the mother box of Atlantis is also taken away..."

"Trinity!" Diana's eyes were sharp: "Do you want the location of Atlantis?"


Diana's eyes flicked, and she froze on a mural.


"The capital of Atlantis has never been discovered, and the way to summon them is to blow the conch"

Diana was silent.


Where do they get the conch?

Dongfang Xing, on the other hand, let out a light snort, and pressed lightly on the stone slab of this mural.

The slate popped open, revealing a wooden box.

Dongfang Xing didn't go to get it, but looked at Diana——your things, you come.

Diana is also welcome,

Pick up the wooden box and open it, and there is a sky blue conch lying impressively.

The two looked at each other and smiled.

"Let's go." Dongfang Xing said: "Go to the beach and blow it.


The two restored everything except the secret room.

come to the beach,

Diana took a deep breath and blew hard...


Looking at the conch fragments in her hand, Diana was dumbfounded.

"It should be kept for too long, and the original is very fragile." Dongfang Xing reassured.

He shot a [Light of Recovery] and repaired the conch.

Diana expressed her gratitude, and blew the conch carefully this time.




Like a low voice coming from the deep sea, it spreads far away with a strong penetrating power.

Diana blew for half an hour, Dongfang Xing was very excited by her strong lung capacity.

This is stopping.

"Should it be enough?" Diana asked uncertainly.

"Just wait and see." Dongfang Xing replied.

Diana nodded and looked at Dongfang Xing curiously.

"I'm curious, why did you choose the Earth?" Dongfang Xing asked: "In the entire universe, the Earth shouldn't have a high level, right?"

Dongfang Xing did not hide anything, and said frankly——

"The mission of our star clan is to develop the clan as much as possible.

"There are some powerful opposite sexes on Earth, and they attracted me here.



Dongfang Xing stared at Diana with burning eyes, and the latter did not look shyly at her.

After looking at each other for ten seconds,

Diana was the first to be unable to bear it, and looked away.

Because of the foreshadowing of her previous good feelings, she didn't feel bad for Dongfang Xing's words so bluntly.


"Your behavior is called Aquaman on our earth." Diana joked.

"Your earth is also very interesting. There are more than two hundred families on one planet." Dongfang Xing joked: "There are many countries where polygamy is practiced."

Diana smiled inexplicably and did not continue the topic.


Neither against nor in favor of work?

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