Eric “Magneto” Lehnsherr, is planning something big!

That is...

At the upcoming "International Summit", use the [X Gene Converter] to transform all heads of state into Mutants!


To activate the [X Gene Converter], his [Magnetic Field Control] Ability is required.

But it was only a small-scale activation just now, and it cost him half his life!

"No, I can't!"

"The great cause of Mutant still needs me!"

"I have to find someone to replace me..."

but unfortunately,

The most suitable "little rascal", escaped to the X-Men.

A name flashed through his mind.

but in an instant,

Just got thrown out of his head.

He's already very sorry for Lorna's mother and daughter, and he can't do this kind of bullshit thing anymore!

"Da da da----"

Hasty footsteps came.

Lehnsherr looked up and saw a classical woman walking quickly, holding several newspapers in her hand.

"Raven, you came just in time." Lehnsherr gasped: "You go to the Xavier Academy for Gifted Boys and bring out the little rascal. This plan must have her!"

"Mystique" Raven, who was obedient in the past, shook his head this time.

"It's not urgent, just take a look at this." Raven handed over the newspaper: "Your plan may have to be put on hold for now.

Plans shelved?

Lehnsherr showed displeasure on his face. The "International Summit" is held every five years. If it is shelved, we will have to wait another five years!

But Raven followed him at first, and he certainly wouldn't be aimless.

Lehnsherr suppressed his emotions and took the newspaper to check.

[Shocking! 197 countries speak at the same time! Mutant is about to usher in the biggest wave of migration!】


Could it be that the world has launched a new policy against Mutant?

Lehnsherr hurriedly looked down, his dignified expression gradually turned into surprise!


That alien savior wants to take in the Mutants from all over the world?

He flipped through other newspapers one after another.

【Dawn! Dawn of Mutant!】

【Breaking news! The spring of Mutant is coming!】

【The savior chose Mutant, are they really the future of mankind?】

【The savior took in the Mutant, is it kind or malicious?】


International, military, entertainment, gossip......

All the news is reporting on this!

Such a large-scale propaganda is using the title of "savior", and it is also used by the World Security Council.

Certainly impossible to fake.

Otherwise, the lack of national prestige is much more serious than arresting some mutants.


In an entertainment newspaper, Lehnsherr discovered that the person in charge of [Dawn] turned out to be "Lorna Dane".

and the identity is...

The savior's wife?

This made Lehnsherr narrow his eyes and feel a little uncomfortable.

that alien.....

But the three cuckoo sisters were just traded away, and they are still stalking their own daughter?

Simply Aquaman!


With such a large amount of money, it can be seen that he still attaches great importance to Lorna just because of the nearly 2,000 tons of gold.

brooding half-paid,

Lehnsherr said: "Since this is the case...the plan remains as usual, there is no need to go to the little rascal, just let me do it.

Raven is in a hurry!

"The situation is so good now, why do you have to sacrifice yourself? You......"

Lehnsherr interrupted Raven with a raised hand.

"Because of this, I must cut off their retreat!" Lehnsherr said firmly: "Lorna is a good boy, so I don't have any worries, and I can die with peace of mind.

Raven's teeth are about to shatter!

If she knew that delivering the papers would make Lehnsherr make such a decision, she might as well go with the original plan!

"Okay, let's do it like this." Lehnsherr said with relief: "It's really too much for a child to die for me.

He, Magneto, is not one to fear death!

Xavier Academy for Gifted Boys.

Xavier, Orolo, Logan and other teachers are also discussing about [Dawn].

"That child Lorna is really surprising." Xavier said with emotion: "Before she rejected me and created the Mutant underground shelter, I knew she was cold outside and hot inside, and she couldn't let those people go."

"It's too kind." Orolo sighed: "In the previous environment, it was too difficult to keep all the Mutants..."

"Anyway, she's succeeded now. Logan asked: "Charles, will our college continue?"

This question is on point.

Everyone looked at Xavier, waiting for him to make a decision.

Xavier smiled frankly.

"Isn't our original intention to keep the Mutant fire as much as possible?"

"Now that Lorna has achieved this, the existence of this academy is the existence that hinders the growth of Mutant."

"Notify me, we are about to join Shuguang, and those who are willing to come can come together."

"With such a big stall, Lorna must need an assistant."

Can be so decisive, give up the academy that has been in business for decades.

Or join the subordinates of the younger generation...

Logan and the others have to admire Xavier's open-mindedness and open-mindedness!

Mutant at the bottom doesn't care about the actions of the two major "head organizations" of Mutant.

Most of them don't know how to analyze the current situation, fearing that this is the official "clearance plan".

Still dare not take the lead.

But there are also smart people who know that countries cannot use their own credibility just to catch them small shrimps.

After repeated inquiries to confirm that the whole world has this news.

Just walk out of the dark corner and appear in front of the police station, Sentry, Mutant investigation and other official departments that were once avoided.

But more.

It is those who have nowhere to go and can only choose to give it a go.


When suffering from campus bullying, "Andy" who Awakened the mutant Ability, and "Lauren" who was exposed after saving his younger brother Andy.

(There is a picture in the upper right corner, awesome!)

Captured by the Sentry Secret Service, the siblings had to hide everywhere.

Even parents are implicated.

Originally, they planned to find the underground shelter of Mutant, but the other party disappeared directly from the world!

Just when they are about to lose their hold...

A newspaper picked up by the side of the road gave the siblings hope.

"Are you sure it's not a trap?" Andy worried.

"Do we have a choice?" Lauren said with a wry smile: "Starve to death and give it a try, you will!"

Andy is just a high school student being bullied, what can he do?

"Then listen to you!"


The siblings crawled out of the underground waterway.

Just ran into Turner who led the team, behind him were several Mutants with tails and horns.

They are clean, without the collars that suppress the variant Ability.

This made Lauren happy!

Could it be...

【Dawn】Does it really exist?

But the siblings still didn't dare to move rashly, and Andy even shrank behind Lauren.

It is really the pursuit of the past few days that has left a shadow in my heart.

Turner naturally recognized the siblings, and his complexion darkened further.

His child died because of Mutant, so he hated Mutant extremely.


Policy changed.

Mutant, who has no major crimes, is not only not allowed to be arrested, but also to be served with delicious food and drink, and sent to the nearest plane to New York.

What can he do as a small official?

He could only say with a dark face: "You know about Shuguang?"

Lauren's eyes lit up!

" it true?"

"I hope it's fake too!" Turner gritted his teeth: "I'm going to send them to the airport, you guys follow!"

After speaking, he went straight to the parking lot.

The other Sentry Secret Service agents also ignored the siblings.

Only those Mutants, the two of us enthusiastically recruit people.

"We've just been released from prison.

"Punishment of less than one year will be exempted directly!"

"Come on! The Savior is my God!"


Under the call of "companion",

Lauren stopped hesitation, pulled Andy to keep up, and took the initiative to sit in Chechnya on duty in the Sentry Secret Service.

The road has been in suspense.

It wasn't until I actually saw the plane, and it was still a separate small room, that I breathed a sigh of relief.

Afterwards, he ate a lot of Hesai, lay down on the massage chair and fell asleep directly.

The past few days of hiding in Tibet made her physically and mentally exhausted.

Has no time to take care of others.


"Wow! Cool!" Andy exclaimed, "Is this real?"

Hearing his brother's cry, Lauren suddenly woke up!

I saw Andy lying by the window, with bright light in his eyes.


When she got off the plane, she knew what it was.


A whole lot of robots!

"Shapeshifting King Kong!" A Mutant enviously said: "The only force under the Savior's command is said to be the remnant from the planet Cybertron, which can be transformed into any vehicle!"

Andy's eyes lit up when he heard it, he really wants to own one!

Although Lauren is also amazed that there is such a magical life.

It didn't make much sense.

Just about to leave with the team...


In a flash, the "space door" opened beside her, Dongfang Xing walked out from it, and ran into Lauren head-on.


This little boy with a childlike face looks familiar, doesn't he?

Dongfang Xing searched his memory, and remembered that this is the heroine of [Extraordinary Ability].

When I first watched TV dramas, I also liked this lively and brave sister.

———Definitely not because of the childish giant R!


Dongfang Xing left Optimus Prime, and went straight to the dumbfounded Lauren.

Who is this man?

It's too handsome!

"This beautiful lady, my name is Dongfang Xing." Dongfang Xing smiled and said, "Are you the first batch of Mutants who sent the dawn?"

"Ah? Oh! Yes!" Lauren said in a daze.

"Thank you for trusting me." Dongfang Xing handed over a business card: "If there is anything unreasonable, please feel free to complain to me."

"Huh? Complain? No, no, no!" Lauren quickly waved her hands: "It's great to have a place to live!"

On the contrary, Andy, who was very cowardly before, enthusiastically took the business card.

"I'm Andy, this is my sister Lauren." Andy said excitedly: "You are the savior? I'm your fan! Can you sign me?"

Dongfang Xing is about to speak......




There was small-scale unrest in the base, but it was quickly suppressed.

Optimus Prime also walked quickly.

"My lord, it's the position of Yu Natural Enemy, I have to go there first to check the situation!"

Dongfang Xing nodded,

Optimus Prime directly turned on the injector, and the flight passed in a straight line.

Dongfang Xing looked at Andy again.

"... As you can see, I'm a bit busy right now, please contact me later."

finished speaking,

A flash disappeared immediately.

Leaving Andy holding the business card tightly, his whole face was congested and red!

Seeing this, the other Mutants were all envious.

This is the call of the savior, and the harvest in the future will definitely not be less!

part smart,

Then he turned his gaze to Lauren.

The savior seems to have a special affection for this woman?

Several female mutants walked towards Lauren immediately.

No matter what, it is always right to give up the relationship!

Dongfang Xing "teleported" to the explosion site.

Megatron was showing off his new guard with Optimus Prime.

"Have you seen!"

"The Vibranium my king gave me!"

"Replace all the outer armor directly, and the shells and energy guns will all rebound!"

I am proud of it,

Seeing Dongfang Xing approaching, Megatron quickly half-kneeled on the ground.

"My king!"

The other shapeshifting king kong followed one after another and fell to their knees.

There was only an old shapeshifting King Kong, staring at Dongfang Xing scrutinizingly, without the slightest intention of bowing down.

It is the natural enemy!

In "shapeshifting King Kong 3",

He opened the large worm bridge, trying to teleport the cybertron star, devouring the earth and resurrecting the kiln Botan

A seemingly benevolent, but in fact, like General Zod, an unscrupulous hero.

But now...

"Get up." Dongfang Xing said casually: "This very arrogant person is Yu Natural Enemy, right?"

When Optimus Prime heard it, he immediately became nervous!

Quickly explained: "Teacher is just here for the first time, and I don't know your dignity, my king, so please don't blame me!"

Megatron chuckled.

But he didn't add insult to injury, but excitedly said: "My king! The natural enemy has brought the coordinates of Cybertron and a complete set of teleportation pillars for the large worm bridge!"

"You can send Cybertron directly!"

"Use the fire source to ignite the well of the fire source, and Kuan Botan will usher in a new era!

Optimus Prime and other shapeshifting King Kong tools all stared at Dongfang Xing excitedly, expecting to get the answer they wanted.

Only Yu Tiandi remained silent.

if it is possible.....….

He didn't want the Cybertron Star City Mansion to be with other people.

But what can he do now?

(Is it) Dongfang Xing didn't even look at him more, and nodded in understanding.

"I have asked Zod to find a suitable planet, and when the time comes, he will directly teleport there to watch and help Krypton."

Megatron and Optimus Prime looked at each other, bowed their heads to Dongfang Xing in unison.

"Thank you my king!"

The ambulance and other shapeshifting King Kong also followed suit one after another.

"Thank you my king!"

"Thank you my king!"

"Thank you my king!"

Cybertron star can finally be revived!!!


At the exciting moment, there was a discordant voice.

"Why not just call here?"

All shapeshifting king kong surprised!

Looking at the questioning Royal Enemy, even Optimus Prime, who is an apprentice, frowned in displeasure.

about to speak...

"Let him continue talking." Dongfang Xing said.

Optimus Prime could only keep his mouth shut.

Megatron also put away his energy gun and squinted at the natural enemy.

The other shapeshifting king kong is also not in a good mood.

Where were you when they were about to perish?

Doubt their king right away?

who do you think You Are!

Yutian Enemy turned a blind eye, looking down at Dongfang Xing from a high position.

"This planet is rich in minerals and its geographical location is very suitable. Why not summon Cybertron in this world?"

"Directly absorb the accumulation of this civilization, and the recovery of Cybertron can save 20 years of development!"

"Could it be..."

"You don't actually want to resurrect Cybertron, just different?"

Good guy!

Have you used all the aggressive methods?

Dongfang Xing sighed.

How could anyone think that they could compete with themselves for leadership?

He didn't even bother to talk nonsense.

"Optimus Prime, he is your master, come on." Dongfang Xing said casually.

Optimus Prime's body shook!

This is for him...

Kill a teacher?

10000 words, please subscribe automatically!.

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