
Dr. Serizawa and his party arrived with Natasha.

Nick Fury was personally receiving them.

"You're the Director of S.H.I.E.L.D.?".

Dr. Serizawa stretched out his hand: "Serizawa Ioshiro." "

"Nick Fury. "

Nick Fury held out his hand and shook his hand, "Hello, Dr. Serizawa, I heard that you are the founder of the Imperial Organization?".

"One of the founders. "

Dr. Serizawa smiled, "I'm just one of them. "

"Understood. "

Nick Fury nodded and said, "I hope to be able to learn about Titan Bio, and I hope Dr. Serizawa can help." "

"Absolutely. "

Dr. Serizawa said that there was no problem: "After all, the Imperial Organization is only a civil organization, and if the Titans recover, it will still be up to you professionals to solve it." "

Civil society organizations....

The more you listen to this, the more ironic it becomes.

It's obviously a civilian organization, but it's more mysterious than S.H.I.E.L.D., and it's related to Titans.

I believe you're a ghost!


Conference room.

Nick Fury only feels like his brain hurts right now.

"Inner Earth?".

"Yes. "

"Are you saying that the planet itself is hollow beneath our feet, and that Adventure to the Center of the Earth is reality?"

"Yes. "

"I must be crazy!".


The planet under your feet is actually a hollow big balloon, and there is a huge inner world underneath the stratum

If someone else told Nick Fury about this, he would have to smoke someone.

But it came from Dr. Serizawa's mouth...

"I'll make sure to you again. Nick Fury took a deep breath, "Really, there is an inner world?".


"Let me explain. "

The originally quiet Heavenly Emperor was a little impatient: "I'm afraid you have to dwell on such a problem for a day." "

"Speak, sir. "

Nick Fury didn't dare to brush the tiger's whiskers.

After all, this is a so-called Kamen Rider, and the armor that can kick Godzilla over alone can't allow him to be too rampant.

Otherwise, do you want this helicarrier?

Boss a sum of money!

"The inner world is an extra dimension that overlaps with the lower layers of the earth's crust. "

"Extra Dimensions?".

"It's good that you understand it as another space. "

The Emperor of Heaven casually explained: "That space is a part of the earth that was detached from the earth's space under a great turmoil that occurred in ancient times, and it was formed by chance.

It retains its original features, especially the high-radiation environment suitable for the survival of Titan life. "

Speaking of this, Nick Fury hurriedly asked, "Speaking of which, aren't all Titan lives afraid of nuclear bombs?".

"Yes. "

Dr. Serizawa nodded.

"Titan life feeds on radiation, and atomic energy is nothing more than their plaything.

However, some Titan lifeforms use radiation and atomic energy to strengthen their own powers, or produce strange abilities.

There aren't many atomic breaths like Godzilla. "

Nick Fury breathed a sigh of relief.

He was afraid that all the Titans would be able to release atomic breath.

So what's the fun?

He'd better summon Captain Marvel back.

But then, after Dr. Serizawa introduced him to some of the Titan Lives, he felt that he was relieved too soon.

Codenamed "Behemoth", the titan behemoth beneath the Amazon has the ability to reverse the ecological environment to an ancient era.

In just one hour, an entire Amazon forest can be reshaped...

Codenamed "Methuselah", the titan behemoth beneath Munich, Germany, is a moving mountain with the ability to manipulate gravity.

Able to carry Mount Everest up across continents...

Codenamed "Leviathan", a titan behemoth beneath the depths of the sea and the embodiment of a tsunami.

In the epic of Gilgamesh, the creator of the world-devouring Nabisteen Waves...

Codenamed "Raton", a strange bird under the volcano, it has the ability to trigger volcanic eruptions.

It is easy to detonate all the volcanoes of a continent, dead or alive...


"So much?".

Nick Fury took a deep breath.

"Dozens, that's not too many. He asked, "And where did you get these abilities?"

If nothing else, Methuselah carries Mount Everest....

If this kind of big action had happened throughout the ages, it would have been impossible not to record it!

"There are only dozens of special abilities. "

Dr. Serizawa smiled an embarrassed but polite smile.

"And it's kind, not only.

There are many, much more Titans than I said, at least in tens of thousands.

After all....

That's an extra dimension of life!".

In 10,000 units....

All right.

Nick Fury suddenly had the idea of messing around.

But the consciousness of the king of agents made him unable to let go, and then he was rotten.

It's just that this exaggerated unit number is really desperate.

Titan creatures in tens of thousands....

Even if it's just a level of skeleton crawlers, it's enough to sweep the entire earth, and humans have no ability to resist at all!

"As for the information you said ..."

Nick Fury could tell that Dr. Serizawa didn't seem to want to say.

He hurriedly said, "I hope Dr. Serizawa can tell me!".

"The main thing is that I don't know what to say. "

Dr. Serizawa was a little embarrassed: "Regarding these titan behemoths, they are only in the Inner Earth.

When the Imperial Organization was formed, they were no longer active on the surface, and we naturally had no means of observation.

And all this information suddenly appeared in our Titan bio database. "


Nick Fury was stunned: "Invaded?".

"Nor can it be said about invasion. "

Dr. Serizawa shook his head, "It's more like the hard drive has been recovered." "

The hard drive was recovered....

This metaphor is curious.

Dr. Serizawa continued, "At the end of the document, there is a sign that says 'Foundation'.

It's a pity that our Imperial Organization has never found this organization. "


It's even more of a strange organization.


With the end of Godzilla's video.

The light curtain can be said to have stopped for a long time.

If it hadn't been there, I'm afraid everyone would have forgotten about it.

Of course.

Sakura Country will never forget.

After all, the new leadership team is still organizing the urban rehabilitation project.

On top of that, something big happened.

Tony, the famous playboy of the United States, disappeared on the battlefield in Afghanistan and later escaped in the 1.5th generation armor he developed.

Later, he fought with his uncle in New York.

Finally, his identity was announced at a press conference, and he was Iron Man.

It's just....

The world is not interested in his Iron Man armor.

Because there is also stronger armor, which has been shown in front of the world.

In comparison, the Iron Man armor is not worth mentioning.

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