American Comics: From Containment Anomalies To Great Old Ones

Chapter 114: Exchange 343, S.H.I.E.L.D Reveals Its Biggest Hole Card!

"What did you say!?"

If those things before were still understandable, now it really shocked them all.

a woman

A woman from space?

What kind of operation is this?!

General Ross and the parliamentary representatives all rushed up and stared at the monitor.

In the monitor, I saw a woman wearing clothes similar to Superman, flying in space, and looking at her flight route, it was obvious that she wanted to come to Earth.

"is her!?"

The representatives of the parliament knew what had happened the moment they saw this woman.

When General Ross heard the words, he looked at the parliamentary representative with a puzzled expression: "Sir, do you know this woman?"

Although the other party looks like a person from Earth, who has ever seen a person who can fly in space?

This is definitely not earthlings!

It should be some kind of powerful alien.

However, the parliamentary representatives seemed to know each other, which made General Ross a little confused.

Who is this?

"General Ross, hasn't your military been questioning us all the time, why can S.H.I.E.L.D allocate so much money?"


When General Ross heard this, he looked at the representatives of the parliament with an even more puzzled expression.

Is now the time to talk about these things? Shouldn't it be time to explain, who is this woman? And why is your council so familiar with her?

"This woman is the reason. She is S.H.I.E.L.D's trump card, Fury's biggest "five-eight-three" reliance, a mysterious person named Captain Marvel, her strength can even destroy the entire earth with one punch!"

The reason why the parliament allows the existence of S.H.I.E.L.D and gives S.H.I.E.L.D such great power is because there is a Captain Marvel behind S.H.I.E.L.D.

They have all seen the strength of Captain Marvel.

It is no exaggeration to say that the entire earth is just a ball in front of Captain Marvel, which can be easily destroyed.

Because Fury has a way to get Captain Marvel to take action, it will take a while to admit it, and allow the existence of S.H.I.E.L.D, and even let S.H.I.E.L.D replace a considerable part of the army.

Because the council is very clear that no matter how many troops there are, it will not be an opponent of Captain Marvel.

From this point of view, they still earned money from the council.

So even though there were many generals who opposed this matter, in the end the parliament still resisted all opinions, making S.H.I.E.L.D gradually become a new violent institution in the beautiful country.

And now the parliamentary representative told General Ross these words.

It also means that they start to think about whether they still need S.H.I.E.L.D?

After all, S.H.I.E.L.D even called out Captain Marvel this time.

This shows that there has been a terrorist incident that far exceeded expectations. Regardless of whether Captain Marvel can solve this incident this time, the status of S.H.I.E.L.D without a hole card will decline

In fact, Fury also understands this, so he has been reluctant to let Captain Marvel do it.

Because of Captain Marvel's action, it also shows that their S.H.I.E.L.D is unable to solve this incident.

But now, there is really no other way.

None of Odin, Ancient One, and the Foundation is a fuel-efficient lamp.

If you don't do it yourself, you really have no chance at all.

That's why Fury let Captain Marvel do it.

"General Ross, our order remains the same. Once we find any signs of loss of control, we will immediately launch all nuclear bombs together to completely destroy that area!"

Although the parliamentary representative saw Captain Marvel appear, his order still remained unchanged.

He doesn't know much about Captain Marvel, so he actually believes in himself more than Captain Marvel.

Only when everything is in your own hands is it truly foolproof, everything else is full of uncertainty!

However, when he was saying this, suddenly on the satellite monitor, he found a white light in the sky above the earth.

This white light is full of warmth and holiness. Even through the screen of the monitor, they can feel the clarity and cleanliness of those soul-cleansing from this white light. In this light, it seems that people also saw a kind the old man.

Almost subconsciously, one of the researchers present shouted: "God!"

Suddenly everyone was shocked, and then fixed their eyes on the screen with a half-believing look.

On the unnamed islands of the Pacific Ocean.

Watching the battle between Odin and Ancient One, Jiang Bai couldn't help shaking his head.

"All of a sudden, there is such a big commotion, if it is placed in the Foundation's universe, it is estimated that the memory cleansing of all human beings will be carried out directly."

The mission of the Foundation is basically not to allow anomalous objects and Foundation operations to be known to the general public.

Once known, action must be taken immediately.

Avoid as much as possible, causing panic among the people.

The usual measure is to clean the memory, so that the knower loses this period of memory.

If too many people know, then mass amnestics will be used directly.

As for saying that all mankind knows, it can only be that the memory of all mankind has been erased.

But no matter whether it is the amnestic erasure of groups or all mankind, there may be fish that slip through the net, especially for other organizations like the Foundation.

It is highly likely that they have used their anomalous objects to avoid amnestics.

Therefore, the Foundation will not take this approach unless it is absolutely necessary.

But in the current situation, it is a last resort.

Fortunately, people in this world are used to it.

The troubled Marvel world [is three points better than a place like Warhammer 40K.

At least humans will win in the end, and there will be a bunch of superheroes to help out.

In comparison, the world of the Foundation is actually much better. After all, the Foundation really protects human beings in all aspects, and most anomalies only cause a small number of human sacrifices before being resolved.

The supreme divinity that can restart the universe in an instant and destroy everything also has its own limitations.

So in comparison, it's better than Marvel.

But also because of this, the people on Marvel's side don't need amnestics.

Anyway, they will get used to it sooner or later, and Thanos will come again in the future, and the scene may be even bigger then.

It would be even more so if Thanos was asked to type out that snap.

Immediately everyone has to cheer up.

So Jiang Bai didn't pay too much attention to it, he was just watching the battle between Ancient One and Odin, and planned to wait for Gu—— to show a tendency to be unsupported, so he immediately exchanged for 343 and ended the battle.

But who knew that just after Jiang Bai opened the exchange interface, he felt the news from General Ross.

"Captain Marvel coming?"

Jiang Bai couldn't help frowning when he heard the words, and then looked up at the battle between Odin and Ancient One.

Because there is a large guardian formation suppressing Odin's power, the ancient time did not show a tendency to be invincible. After Jiang Bai thought about it, he decided to stop Captain Marvel first.

Just from the battle between Odin and Ancient One, the Leviathan under his feet was already a little restless, and it seemed that he might wake up at any time.

If there is another Captain Marvel, I will get 343 out by myself.

As soon as the four of them appeared, it was estimated that Leviathan would immediately become manic.

So Jiang Bai immediately decided to let 343 stop Captain Marvel first.

So when I pressed the redemption button with my hand, all the 30,000 SAN value was lost.

This is what he has saved during this period of time, and then there are also the money from Magneto and his generals.

It took more than half of it all at once.

It would be a lie to say that I don't feel distressed, but Jiang Bai is also looking forward to it.

Looking forward to the existence of the strongest group that is considered to be under the supreme divinity.

It is clearly marked that the foundation cannot be contained, and he can freely enter and exit the foundation. Even the pilgrim agreement that specifically deals with reality benders cannot have an effect on him. 343, who claims to be the creator of the universe, is so powerful.

And at the moment when Jiang Bai exchanged 343, Odin and Ancient One who were fighting stopped at the same time, turned their heads to look at Jiang Bai...

They could feel that there was a powerful force gushing out from Jiang Bai's body.

This power seems to be able to destroy everything, and it seems to be able to create everything.

Just like being omniscient and omnipotent, as long as he wants to, he can achieve it!

"The power of the Foundation?!"

Odin knew it must be the Foundation's hand.

Before this, Han had always felt that perhaps the main force of the Foundation hadn't come to this universe yet.

So they currently have no existence that can fight against themselves.

This is also Odin's confidence to come directly to Earth to grab Leviathan, but the development of things now seems to have exceeded Odin's expectations.

The foundation actually has a strong man, and this strong man is actually Jiang Bai?

Ancient One's reaction at this moment is actually similar to Odin's, with the same surprise and surprise.

It seems that he didn't expect that the foundation didn't come for reinforcements, but Jiang Bai himself had such strength.

"It turns out that before this, President Jiang, you have been hiding your strength? I said why, you obviously don't have enough strength to fight against Odin, but you are not afraid of Odin at all, so it is because of this reason!?"

Seeing Jiang Bai's sudden soaring strength, Ancient One's uneasy heart immediately stabilized.

"Odin, now that you leave us, you can let the past go, after all, we were friends once, but if you continue to be obsessed with it, don't blame me!"

Although Jiang Bai's strength has skyrocketed now, Ancient One still hopes that Odin can leave.

If everyone continues to fight, it will definitely not be good.

Hearing Ancient One's words, Odin also had some hesitation.

After all, although he has stabilized the restless power in his body after going through Odin's sleep.

But if you continue to fight Ancient One, it will be hard to say.

Even if he can defeat Ancient One, Jiang Bai is a big trouble.

But at the moment of Odin hesitation, Heimdall rushed forward with the Excalibur in hand.

"My king, you still have our gods of Asgard here!"

"We will assist you in this last chance!"

Odin's prestige and status in Asgard are unmatched by all the god-kings in the past.

Because it was Odin who unified the Nine Realms and turned the original Asgard, one of the Nine Realms, into the current Asgard, the number one in the Nine Realms!

It was Odin who gave these honors to Asgard, to the Aesirs.

Therefore, the gods of Asgard are full of respect and admiration for Odin.

Even now that they know that what Odin is going to do does not conform to the rules of their 3.3 family, they still take action one after another, wanting to help Odin get this opportunity.

If it's just one or two gods making a move, Ancient One definitely doesn't care.

but now a

A group of gods took action, some of them were strong and some were weak.

Weak ancient ones can be solved, and strong ones, even Ancient One, have to be taken seriously.

And now they're shooting together, plus there's Odin on the side.

Ancient One immediately felt the pressure double.

At this time, Jiang Bai's strength also reached its peak.

With Jiang Bai himself as the center, a group of holy light shines out, illuminating the whole world in it.

People who bathed in this light felt that their souls had been washed.

Because of this light, people all over the world more or less feel the existence of salvation.

The wicked are repenting of their crimes, and the good have received their due gifts.

Patients are no longer tormented by illness, and frustrated people are full of passion and love for the world again.

And they all seemed to see an old man in the light.

A rather chubby looking old man.

He was wearing white clothes, his whole body was flawless, and he was holding a glass of Coke and a hamburger in his hand.

"Praise be to God!"

Almost instantly, people all over the world shouted the old man as God in unison.

And this old man is the anomaly 343, code-named False God, or God!.

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