In space, the battle between 343 and Captain Marvel continues.

But Captain Marvel, who claims to be an Asgardian on Earth, doesn't get the respect and respect he deserves on Earth at this moment.

As for the battle in space, people on the ground can't actually see it.

But they all know one thing, that is, their Lord is fighting a powerful enemy~.

Since the appearance of 343, people on the earth have regarded 343 as their legendary God.

343's reality distortion ability can directly rewrite the rules of a universe, and give the human beings on the earth a little benefit, which is nothing more than a simple matter.

Therefore, when 343 is exchanged by Jiang Bai, 343 will give some benefits to all human beings on this earth, such as eliminating their ailments, making the wicked repent of their crimes, and restoring the disabled to health, and so on.

Except for some people with strong power, or people with some special methods, who can avoid the influence of 343's power, other human beings have benefited from 343's power.

Human beings are a very real existence. For them, the most direct way to judge whether a person is a good person is to confirm whether this person is useful to them?

If this person is useful to oneself and can bring benefits to oneself, then he is a good person to oneself.

But now 343 has directly benefited all mankind. If anyone dares to say that he is not a good person, he will definitely be insulted or even wronged by countless fanatics in an instant.

So when they noticed that 343 was fighting an enemy in outer space, they didn't even think about who the enemy was?

Why does 343 want to fight this person?

Instead, he directly believes that those who are enemies of 343 must be villains and enemies of mankind.

So Captain Marvel, who obviously came here with the idea of ​​protecting the earth, has now become the public enemy of all mankind. Almost everyone is cursing Captain Marvel and angrily denouncing Captain Marvel.

"The great Lord must be fighting against terrible monsters to protect us, let us pray for the great Lord together!"

In the center of New York City, a priest with a face full of fanaticism came before the crowd with a cross in his hand.

Countless people had gathered in the city center of At the moment, and they all looked at the priest in front of them with yearning and fanaticism.

Their eyes are full of longing for the Lord and longing for faith.

In this era when faith has collapsed, people seem to have lost their awe of God.

But in fact, it is just hidden in the deepest part of their hearts.

And once the miracle happens again, there will be countless people who will become God's most loyal believers in an instant.

Because their hearts are empty, especially for people in the beautiful country.

They have always believed that they are invincible, that they are omnipotent representatives.

But at the same time, they also deeply understand how weak and powerless they are.

Their material may be very substantial, but they lack a firm idea in their hearts.

The richer or poorer the region the more this is the case.

Because the poor will hope to find a sustenance in their hearts, and they will expect a chance to change their destiny.

And the wealthy people will pursue spiritual satisfaction because they have obtained everything materially, and the simplest and direct result derived from this is faith.

This is why in this kind of area, cults tend to take root most easily.

Because they all have needs, and the needs are extremely high.

The appearance of 343 gave them such satisfaction.

An existence that seems to be able to save everyone, appearing in front of a person who is in urgent need of rescue, is like giving a rope to a drowning person.

He will definitely use all his strength to grab this rope and climb with all his strength.

So when the priest said this, everyone objected.

On the contrary, everyone seemed to have made an appointment beforehand, and lit a white candle in front of them.

The flickering candles were full of uneasiness just like their mood at the moment.

But no matter what the situation is, it will not be easily extinguished.

"Praise my Lord! You are the light, you are the cloud, you are the rain, you are the master of everything, you are the source of everything, you made everything, you gave everything, we walk in your kingdom, we pasture for you Cattle and sheep, look forward to the day when we can be redeemed, before coming to your throne, we will offer our most loyal everything!"

"Praise be to you, Lord of Hosts!"

Lord of hosts, God, or God's famous minister in the Old Testament.

The host here represents Angel.

There is also the god of war, or the meaning of victory in it.

Now that these people are saying this, they are looking forward to 343's victory, hoping that 343 can defeat Captain Marvel and get the final victory.

I don’t know what Captain Marvel should be thinking when he knows the human beings he wants to save with all his heart, but almost all of them are looking forward to his own failure.

Military Security Service.

"Sir, what shall we do now?"

General Ross looked at the parliamentary representative with a strange look on his face.

Because the council representative said before, Captain Marvel was called by Fury.

That said, Captain Marvel is on their side.

But now almost all citizens want to make Captain Marvel fail.

The old man who suspected God had become a living God.

Not to mention those people, even in his own security bureau, some people have shown a tendency to believe in 343.

In just a short while, General Ross has seen at least ten officers crossing themselves and muttering something.

That's why General Ross asked this question. He wanted to confirm from the parliamentary representatives how they should deal with these things next?

Facing the words of General Ross, the parliamentary representatives were also silent for a while.

On the one hand, he is a real person of his own, and on the other hand, he has become the true god unanimously recognized by the people of the beautiful country.

No matter what choice their council makes, it seems that it is not appropriate.

It can even be said to be extremely dangerous.

"Wait a little longer."

After hesitation for a long time, the representative of the parliament suddenly said to General Ross: "No matter what kind of decision is made now, it is not rigorous enough, so let's not discuss this matter for the time being, this battle has nothing to do with us !"

Leaving aside, this is the final decision of the parliamentary representatives.

Since you can't find a solution that has the best of both worlds, then simply ignore this issue.

It should be said that it is indeed worthy of the excellent style of the beautiful country all the time!

"Since you have already said so, sir, I shall do so."

General Ross nodded with a stiff look on his face.

It seems that he is a little speechless about the decision of the parliamentary representative, but in fact, at this moment, General Ross's heart is already happy.

Because this is what he wants to see, using the pressure of these people to force the parliament to give up the help to S.H.I.E.L.D.

This is the real purpose of Ross building the army.

Cooperate inside and outside, and push S.H.I.E.L.D to a dead end as soon as possible.

Facing the obviously stiff tone of General Ross, the parliamentary representatives also understood that this was a very irresponsible approach.

So after hearing what General Ross said, he could only nod silently.

"There is nothing we can do about this matter. In this situation, even if it is announced that Captain Marvel is on our side, the result is already doomed."

"The public will not accept this fact and will demand that we take action against Captain Marvel, so the best thing to do right now is to keep silent.

In fact, only a few minutes have passed since the representatives of the parliament went from being surprised and looking forward to Captain Marvel before to giving up and feeling helpless now.

But for parliament, it's all very common.

Because the first consideration of the parliament is not the position, but the interests!

Helping Captain Marvel now and keeping quiet, who's best bet?

Therefore, it is already expected that representatives of the parliament will do this.

"Sir, I understand what you mean, so let's keep silent now, just pretend that nothing happened."

As soon as General Ross said these words, many soldiers breathed a sigh of relief.

They are really worried, will they be forced to take a shot against 343?

…ask for flowers………………

Because after what happened just now, many of them have actually become believers of 343. If the council really makes them enemies of 343 at this time, it will definitely make them feel aggravated .

So when the parliamentary representative said to keep silent, everyone breathed a sigh of relief.

But there were also some people who showed dissatisfaction, because they felt that they should take action now and help 343 defeat Captain Marvel!

After all, 343 is their god!

And the parliamentary representative was also paying attention to the changes in the soldiers, so he could see at a glance that something was wrong with these soldiers.

This also made the parliamentary representative once again thankful for his decision, otherwise, he would only be more troublesome and troublesome.

The council is keeping silent and treating everything as if it never happened, but Captain Marvel may be uncomfortable.

Since he obtained this power, he has always been quite strong. He has been wandering around in the universe for these years, and he has never met an opponent who can defeat him.

But today, she seemed a little powerless in front of 343.

Facing the strength of 343, Captain Marvel has been fighting as much as possible. It can be said that since she got this power, she has never fought so seriously.

But at the same time, no battle would make her feel so powerless and painful.

In the face of 343, no matter how much Captain Marvel fights, the result will not change in the slightest.


All her attacks are like illusions in front of 343, they don't exist at all.

Until now, although Captain Marvel has not suffered any injuries.

But again, she never hit a 343 either.

After all her attacks approached 343, they would be directly distorted and erased by 343.

Therefore, she felt that her attack was like punching the cotton with all her strength, with an indescribable aggrieved and powerless.

It is precisely because of this that Captain Marvel is so uncomfortable.

I feel like the Joker who has been played by people on the side of the road.

This is absolutely unacceptable to the proud her!

Captain Marvel has always believed that he is the chosen one, who is arranged by fate to come to this world to protect the existence of world peace.

Otherwise, why would I be able to obtain such a powerful force?

At least in Captain Marvel's opinion, he is absolutely qualified to say this.

Captain Marvel, who can almost draw with Thanos, is indeed difficult to find an opponent in the universe, but this is only because there are many strong players that she can't see.

For example, those demon lords, almost every one of them controls a universe of one dimension.

These demon lords will live in their universe and spy on all living worlds.

They all have the strength to fight Captain Marvel, or even defeat Captain Marvel.

But they don't need to do this, and Captain Marvel, who can't see these more dangerous beings, naturally can't see a few more powerful beings than her in this universe.

So she has some deviations in her perception of herself.

Thinking that she should be a person favored by fate, and with this understanding, she started her so-called journey of maintaining peace.

Until now, she has encountered a troublesome existence.


This should be Captain Marvel, facing off against the Level God Father for the first time.

It's a pity that the first opponent of the same level she faced was hell-level difficulty!

"Girl, didn't you understand what I said before?"

At this moment, 343 has actually become a little impatient.

He has been keeping his hand, hoping that Captain Marvel can leave on his own initiative, but it seems that the other party doesn't understand the gap between the two parties at all, and has been trying to defeat him.

This made 343 quite dissatisfied, even faintly angry.

But Captain Marvel still looked at 343 calmly: "I will defeat you, and then protect the peace and stability of this world!"

"You guys with ulterior motives will definitely..."

Captain Marvel only spoke halfway, 343 waved his hand, and a few planets appeared in 343's hand: "I'm sorry girl, it looks like I have to tell you to shut up! E.

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