American Comics: From Containment Anomalies To Great Old Ones

Chapter 126: The Old Beliefs Are Corrupting Everything!

The chaos of the explosion attracted many people. The guards of the palace looked at the messy courtyard and the big crater that was blown out, with surprise and disbelief written all over their faces.

"Wang, are you okay!?"

But then they all set their eyes on Namor, and they all stepped forward to inquire about Namor's situation with worried faces.

Now Namor is undoubtedly the leader and backbone of their sea people, even the patron saint.

Namor has always been protecting Atlantis and all the sea people.

In Namor's eyes, there is nothing more important than his own people.

The same is true for the sea people. Namor is their leader and their patron saint. Namor is protecting them, and they all love and respect Namor.

So when they noticed what happened here, their first reaction was to ask Namor if he was injured.


Namor shook his head with an ugly face.

For Namo, who loves the people like his son, there is nothing more unacceptable than watching his own people die in front of him.

Especially when his people were dying, it seemed like a fanatic, calling out a name he had never heard before, but it made them terrified.

"Old Lord?"

Namor muttered the name with some doubts.

There seemed to be a flame burning in the eyes.

That was Namor's anger and Namor's killing intent.

But observing by himself, it seems that under this anger, there is still a faint trace of incomprehensible fear.


However, before Namor could vent the anger and killing intent in his heart, he heard an explosion.

"what's the situation?!"

An ominous premonition suddenly appeared in Namor's heart.

He always felt that something big was about to happen.

Soon, several guards came to report the explosion to Namor.

"Wang, several members of the tribe suddenly blew themselves up, and they all shouted a name before they blew up.


Hearing this, the ominous premonition in Namor's heart suddenly became stronger.

He thought he might already know what name those people were chanting.

But Namor still asked the guard: "What are their names?"

In fact, Namor is still looking forward to it in his heart, and the name he is looking forward to is not the one he guessed.

But obviously his expectations will be in vain.

Because after a few guards glanced at each other, they all said to Na with a look of fear: "Minister of the Sun.

The moment these four words were spoken, Namor's pupils shrank suddenly, and a look of shake and fear appeared on his face.

In front of these four words, Namor felt as if he had fallen into an endless abyss.

It was a dark, quiet abyss where nothing could be seen clearly and nothing could be felt.

It feels as if this kind of thing has been completely stripped away.

But there is a kind of existence, he is more impressive than anything at any time.

Then the evil god sleeping in this abyss!

Namor only felt that all his senses were occupied and swallowed by the terrifying existence.

It made him feel very clearly that there was a colossus, an existence beyond his cognition and understanding, staring at him in this endless abyss.

As if it might tear him to pieces at any moment.

In the face of all this, Mo got rid of fear.

There seemed to be no other way but to be helpless.

The power he was once proud of, his power to resolve all crises, has become worthless at this time.

He can't resist at all, and he can't understand this existence.

But he knew that in front of this existence, he was just an ant, a ridiculous ant.

Fortunately, this feeling comes and goes quickly.

In just an instant, Namor had already escaped from the endless abyss.

"Wang, are you okay!" "?"

The faces of the guards were actually not very good at the moment, but they were much more relaxed compared to Namor.

At the moment, they all looked at Namor with worried faces, worry and uneasiness written all over their faces.

In fact, when they learned the name Old One, they also had a similar situation to Namor.

It's just that it's not as serious as Namor is now.

"'s okay."

Namor shook his head slowly, and said forcefully.

But his face didn't seem to be okay at all.

The pale face, panting appearance, and undecided expression all betrayed Namor deeply, and made these soldiers understand one thing.

It seems that even the patron saint in their minds, whom they think should be the invincible Namor, is equally helpless and weak when faced with this weird name.

This further aggravated the fear and shock brought to them by the Old One.

These four words seemed to be branded, deeply imprinted in their hearts, making every cell in their body tremble because of these four words, Lord of the Old One.

After adjusting his situation a little, Na turned his head and asked them.

"How did the name come about?"

Namor doesn't dare to mention the words "Old Lord" anymore.

He had a hunch that if he mentioned these four words, or heard these four words, it was very likely that he would fall into the endless and terrifying abyss again.

Namor really didn't want to go through such a horrible and helpless experience and feeling again.

And the guards also had a tacit understanding and did not continue to mention the four words "Old Lord". Instead, they followed Namor and only used the name to refer to the "Old Lord".

"The name was originally brought by a human being who said he was missionary."


Namor also remembered now that the guards would blew themselves up when they mentioned the Old One when they reported the human to him.

Is all this really related to that human being?

No matter whether it was really related or not, Nami decided to meet this human being for a while.

After all, he is the king of Atlantis, and the Asgardian of the people of the sea.

Now there are human beings who have come to their own kingdoms and have harmed their own people.

As the king of Atlantis, he must personally solve all this for his own people and for his own country!

"Where is that human now?"

"It has been locked up, right in the prison."

"Take me there!"

Namor doesn't have the slightest hesitation, no matter who the other party is?

He has to go and meet this human being!

Although the guards didn't want Namor to take this risk, after what happened just now.

They all agreed that Yuwangke was an extremely dangerous person, and they asked Namor to meet him in person, and they were all worried that Namor would encounter any danger because of this.

But it seems that Namor doesn't care about it at all, insisting that he must meet Yuwangke.

In fact, it is absolutely false to say that Namor is really not afraid at all.

But even if you are afraid, you must go, after all, it is Namor's responsibility.

He must protect his people well, and not let any enemy threaten or harm his people. This is his duty and responsibility as a king.

So even if he knew that the other party was in danger, Namor had to go to see Yuwangke to find out what was going on?

With Namor's insistence, the guards had no choice but to bring Namor to the prison.

Come to the dark prison.

Namor's complexion was obviously not very good-looking.

Because of the gloomy scene of the prison, Nazhu couldn't help but think of the endless abyss in the dark.

As long as he thought of that scene, Namor felt his hands and feet were cold, as if he had returned to that horrible place again.

Therefore, Namor obviously has some discomfort with this prison, but fortunately, this is only temporary.

Soon Namor recovered, forcibly suppressed the discomfort and sense of crisis in his heart, and then came to Yuwangke.

Perhaps because of being corrupted by the power of the old master, the Yuwangk at this moment and the Yuwangk used to be completely two people.

Even in the face of these seemingly dangerous sea people, and were imprisoned in prison.

There is still a smile on Youwangke's face, that soft smile, like a calm and calm elder.

Although any seaman here is much older than him, Yuwangke's calmness still made Namor a little curious.

"Human, you don't seem to be worried at all?"

Namo looked at Youwangke suspiciously, he didn't understand why Yuwangke was so calm?

You must know that based on what happened in Atlantis before, I have every reason to kill him.

But facing Namor's doubts, Youwangke just smiled lightly.

"Because I know that you will definitely become my Lord's believers."

"I have always been tolerant and kind to believers."

Youwangke's words made Namor a little confused, because these words sounded as if he was the one who was locked in the prison now.

And standing outside, the one who has the power of life and death is the same as the human being in front of him.

This kind of self-confidence made Namor couldn't help chuckling: "..."Ridiculous! You are so ridiculous!"

"Don't you know that you are already a prisoner? If you are still so arrogant, then I don't think you will live long."

Namo's words were full of murderous intentions, and it was obvious that he really wanted to kill Yuwangke now.

But this is also very understandable, after all, Yuwangke has brought all kinds of troubles to their Atlantis.

Countless big troubles!

Even for this reason, it is reasonable for him to kill Youwangke directly.

And now Namor really wants to kill Yuwangke, and is already thinking about how to do it.

"You will not kill me, because my lord is watching you."


Namo was immediately startled by Youwangke's light words.

Thinking of the existence in the endless abyss, and now staring at him, the creepy feeling immediately made Namor feel uncomfortable.

But after feeling it carefully, Namor didn't find any problems, and his face turned livid immediately.

"How dare you lie to me?!"

Namor didn't feel any abnormalities, but felt that everything around here was normal.

In this case, his first reaction was naturally that he was cheated by Youwangke.

Even though he wanted to attack Youwangke, Yuwangke still smiled at him calmly, and then said: "The lost lamb should return to the embrace of my lord. In my opinion, you and like your people

They are all a group of poor lambs who have no faith and lost their way.


"You have lived at the bottom of this sea all your life, and you don't care about everything that happens outside. It seems that you live and work in peace and contentment, but in fact you are escaping, escaping everything!"

If you want these sea people to believe in the old master, the first thing to do is to make them speechless and unable to refute their own words. (good promise good)

Let them have doubts about themselves. Only when people fall into a state of self-doubt will they start to seek some other things as their spiritual sustenance.

This time Yuwank was ordered to come to spread the belief of the Old One, although it didn't seem to be a difficult task.

But actually, there are quite a few troubles.

One of the biggest troubles is that Yuwangke impresses the other party constantly, planting the seed of the Old Lord in their hearts, and then waiting for the seed to take root and germinate is the time for them to believe in the Old Lord.

This is completely different from the fact that Yuwangk directly came into contact with the mark of the Old One, and then was corrupted to believe in the Old One.

Unless Jiang Bai took the initiative to leave the mark of the Old Lord, only a small number of people will see the mark of the Old Lord.

And only those who see the mark of the Old Lord will fall into the crazy worship of the Old Lord.

Therefore, Yu Wangke, who does not have the mark of the Old Lord, can only play tricks here, and constantly deepen these people's fear and impression of the Old Lord, until the four words You Youzhi Lord completely occupy their brains .

At that time, they will truly become believers of the Old One.

This was the case with the previous guards, but they were all used as bait to lure Namor over.

If there hadn't been such a big commotion, I'm afraid Namo might not come to see Youwang Keze.

And now that Namor has appeared in front of him, Yuwangke naturally has a way to make him believe in the old master!

"Think about it carefully, think about it, you Haiyang people, you really can only live here in this life?"

"The earth will face more powerful enemies in the future, Namor, can you really fight against those people and protect your clan and kingdom?"


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