The transport plane quickly took off from the luxury cruise ship.

During the flight, Captain Nine-Tailed Fox took out his tablet and showed Jiang Bai what he found this time.

"Sir, according to the comparison information database, it can be concluded that the anomaly we are going to contain this time is not 354, but 312!"

"312? Are you sure? What about 354?"

Jiang Bai was stunned for a moment, according to the system prompt, the abnormality found this time should be 354 blood pool, why did it become 312?

Why is Lao Tzu so big as a pool of blood?

"I'm sorry, sir, we don't know the specific reason yet, so we can only go to the field to investigate."

Captain Nine-Tailed Fox showed a shameful expression.

This appearance made Jiang Bai wake up immediately.

Now he has too few people under his command.

And because the Nine-Tailed Fox Team was also responsible for his security, they simply couldn't allocate enough people to conduct a preliminary investigation.

After all, compared with this loyal Nine-Tailed Fox team, those bodyguards left by Jiang Bai's original body are really inferior.

Jiang Bai couldn't believe it at all!

Thinking of this, Jiang Bai shook his head,

"It doesn't matter, whether it's 354 or 312, we have to contain it. If the order changes, let's change it. Tell me, what's the situation with 312."

From the system, Jiang Bai only got 354 data, and the sudden change of target made Jiang Bai's eyes dim, and he urgently needed an explanation from Captain Nine-Tailed Fox.

After receiving Jiang Bian's order, Captain Nine-Tailed Fox nodded, switched the channel of the headset, connected everyone,

"Attention everyone, I will explain the purpose of this trip in detail next. For the sake of your safety, it is best not to slip away."

Natasha Romanoff was instantly refreshed when she heard this.

She had guessed Jiang Bai's purpose for a long time, and without knowing Jiang Bai's specific goal, she couldn't make a perfect plan with S.H.I.E.L.D.

Now that Captain Nine-Tailed Fox wanted to explain, he immediately held his breath and concentrated.

Ada Wang also entered a state of full concentration.

She just told Wesker about Captain America and the Nine-Tailed Fox Squad, and Wesker sent out the entire tyrant army, which made King Ada very puzzled about what happened.

He even had doubts about the tasks he had come to Jiang Bai to perform.

It's just a smuggling group, so it needs such a big battle?

Without keeping the second daughter waiting for a long time, Captain Nine-Tailed Fox immediately started explaining when everyone was in the mood.

"Our target this time is internally numbered scp-312, codenamed: atmospheric jellyfish."

"According to investigations, SCP-312 is an organism composed of very thin tissue layers filled with atmospheric gases that are slightly warmer than the surrounding air. It usually floats about 100 meters above the ground, but once it locks on its prey , 312 will change its position to a height more suitable for hunting."

"SCP-312 is able to form a small lenticular cloud around itself and use it as camouflage by releasing water vapor and manipulating air currents. So when you spot a cloud over your head, be careful, very It is possible that 312 has locked the target on you."

"Through observation, we found that 312 is in the clouds, visually similar to a large jellyfish, so it was code-named, atmospheric jellyfish. 312 has a jellyfish cap with a diameter of about 2.5 meters, and tentacles on the lower body. The specific number is unknown. It is confirmed that the longest beard is about 25 meters long."

"It is worth noting that SCP-312 likes to prey on large mammals and shows a strong preference for humans, so when we arrive at the target location, everyone must always pay attention to the top of their heads, and immediately report any abnormalities, this is not a joke! "

"Let's explain 312's hunting method."

"When hunting, SCP-312 will stalk its prey from a position directly above, manipulating the surrounding airflow to maintain this relative position. SCP-312 will then create a narrow, controlled atmospheric vortex that looks like a long The cloud tube connects the lenticular cloud above to the ground. Prey are drawn into SCP-312's tentacles by the strong updraft within the vortex, paralyzed by the tentacles' stingers, and then digested."

"Definitely, because the appearance of 312 is close to that of jellyfish, it has the attribute of slow moving speed of jellyfish. Once locked, the prey only needs to move at a speed of more than 30 kilometers per hour (30 km/h) to escape the attack of 312 .Or escape by entering a crowd concentration point, which appears to confuse SCP-312 and redirect it."

"Then explain the containment method."

"The interior of SCP-312 has countless eyeball-like tissues, most of which are similar in appearance to human eyeballs, except for a large central sphere, which is suspected to be the real core of 312. The other eyeballs are connected to the central sphere by thin tentacle-like tissues. When When this central sphere is left unobserved, SCP-312 remains docile and appears to be able to survive indefinitely without food, although food does increase its mass and speed of movement as well as quantity."

"Because there is an entity, the containment of SCP-312 becomes very simple. We only need to control its central core, find a way to block its central vision, and put it into a standby state. Therefore, the plan is as follows."

"Through this transport plane, we will place a black cloth in the air with an area large enough to cover the entire 312. We will actively send team members to observe 312 and activate 312 to lure it to the designated location. In the middle of the mission, if 312 changes its target, we will not hesitate Bring it back to normal at all costs."


312 is much simpler than Jiang Bai imagined.

The scariest thing about this kind of thing is the unknown.

But once you clearly understand everything about 312, it's easy to deal with.

Captain Nine-Tailed Fox seemed to see Jiang Bai's relaxation, shook his head and stepped forward,

"Sir, things are not as simple as you think. The real trouble with 312 is that it cannot be locked. When 312 is in an inactive state, it is no different from the clouds in the sky. And even if it is activated, 312 will often follow a biological unit It will take as long as several months to make a move, so this time, if you want to successfully contain it, the time cost will take at least about 3 months."

"Is that so..."

Jiang Bai put away the relaxed expression on his face.

The Foundation's goal is to control containment and protection, not blind destruction.

So in the face of this abnormal slow motion, it is really a headache.

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