Captain America and Tony, the two of them were like two invincible War Machines, rampaging through the crowd, and almost eliminated all the HYDRA agents in the hall on the first floor in the blink of an eye.

At this time, Pierce, who was located in the director's office on the top floor, was also watching this scene.

"Sure enough, it's a superhero. These ordinary agents with mortal bodies are not their opponents at all."

Pierce was not at all surprised that his men were easily dealt with by the two.

After all, this is the famous Captain America and Iron Man. They are quite powerful superheroes, whether in the hearts of ordinary people or in the eyes of those villains who do evil.

They are both symbols of strength and order.

Although during this time, the two and S.H.I.E.L.D have lost to the Foundation several times.

But Pierce never underestimated them, instead he paid more attention to and guarded them.

After all, the fact that they have been able to fight against Foundation members so many times is enough to show their strength.

To know the information about the Foundation, Pierce had to marvel at the power of the Foundation just by looking at it.

As Captain America and Tony, who have always been confronting the Foundation head-on, they are naturally defined as extremely dangerous opponents in the HYDRA data.

This time, if it wasn't because Fury suddenly knew his true identity, he wouldn't have taken the risk to do anything to Captain America.

"I don't know who deliberately exposed my real identity to that idiot Fury? If it wasn't for that, I wouldn't be in such a passive situation!"

Pierce scratched his hair a little irritably, then growled angrily.

For this point, he really couldn't figure it out.

Obviously, he had made a lot of preparations, just to prevent Fury from investigating his true identity, but even so, he still made a mistake in the end.

I didn't expect that someone would reveal my identity to Fury, which would lead to my exposure. Now I can only do something to S.H.I.E.L.D without being fully prepared. It's just terrible!

Thinking of these, Pierce felt upset for a while, always feeling that all his plans had been disrupted.

Obviously he could do better, but he fell short because of this sudden mistake. This 883 definitely made Pierce extremely irritable.

And that's not all Pierce has to worry about and get headaches right now.

Captain America and Tony are now fighting upwards floor by floor, seeing that this posture is about to smash through the entire S.H.I.E.L.D building.

Just looking at their actions made Pierce feel angry.

"Trash! It's all a bunch of trash!"

Although Pierce had long been prepared for the strength of Captain America and Tony, and when they defeated the HYDRA agents in the bottom hall, he didn't care at all.

But at least they resisted Ability a bit, blocking Captain America and Tony a bit.

But these people who came later were simply sending themselves to death.

They couldn't even delay the two's footsteps, they just fell at the two's feet in groups, without any power to fight back.

It was precisely because of this that Pierce was so angry.

Even though these two are superheroes, it is impossible to beat all of their HYDRA agents like sandbags, without even a little power to fight back.

This made Pierce extremely angry, and he only felt that these people under him were all ordinary waste, idiots.

"I've already said that trying to use them against superheroes like Captain America is not going to work.

Just when Pierce was about to be driven mad by his idiots, a voice suddenly came from behind him.

Immediately two people came to Pierce's side.

These two people are tall and tall, with a skull mask on their faces, and two black clothes crossed together on their bodies, they look like a strong wrestler

The other person was wearing a dark purple tights, and also wore a dark purple headgear on his face. Except for a pair of eyes, there was no piece of skin exposed on his whole body.

One of these two people is Crossbones and the other is Baron Mo.

Both of them are powerful fighters of the HYDRA organization, and they are also veteran members.

They've even fought Captain America once, and they've had pretty good fights.

To put it simply, both of them are the existence of the benchmark superhero in the HYDRA organization.

Neither of them has any special (bccg) Ability, or they don't have the ability to transform like the Hulk, or have the power to control something.

But that doesn't mean they are weak.

Perhaps in front of those forces that would destroy a planet at every turn, they are indeed existences that are not worth mentioning.

But for this era, which is still dominated by ordinary people, their strength is absolutely beyond imagination.

Whether it is Crossbones or Baron Zemo, they all have the same strength as superhero.

Swordsmanship, boxing, Fighting technique and even Strategic wisdom, etc., they all have achievements beyond the imagination of ordinary people.

Basically, they also represent the limit that human beings can achieve without accepting mutations or other abilities.

Even with Captain America injected with super soldier serum, they can fight head-to-head.

And they are all veteran members of the HYDRA organization.

They were already at the top of HYDRA almost before Pierce joined HYDRA.

It's just that now Pierce relies on his excellent results in S.H.I.E.L.D and the perfect implementation of the parasitic plan to get the help of their approval.

Therefore, after confirming that he would attack S.H.I.E.L.D, Pierce immediately invited these two people here, hoping to get their help to deal with Captain America and Tony.

"You guys are finally here. Now Captain America and Tony are about to kill me, but these trash can't even do anything!"

After Pierce saw the appearance of the two, he immediately breathed a sigh of relief, and then said to the two angrily.

Obviously, Pierce was really upset about the incompetence of his subordinates.

"A superhero is a superhero. It's normal for them to be unable to stop them. Originally, these trash fish were used to deal with trash fish.

HYDRA's greatest ability is to have the emperor's miscellaneous soldiers.

Even Pierce himself doesn't know how many people there are in HYDRA?

This is why it is said that one head is cut off and two heads grow back.

Because there are too many people in HYDRA, if you don't pay attention, it will be revived!

If not, HYDRA would not have continued from World War II to the present.

Pierce also understood this point, so although he was angry that those people couldn't even stop them, he didn't really want to deal with them.

Because he understands that this is their strength.

The general agent of HYDRA originally had this strength.

Their HYDRA is based on volume, so it is normal for them to be a bit short in quality.

"Crossbones, Baron Zemo may have to take your shot this time."

Although Pierce didn't really want to use their power [after all, neither Lai Yigu nor Baron Asakusa belonged to his faction.

Inside HYDRA, it is also divided into several factions.

Pierce mainly leads the HYDRA members of the Parasite Project.

Although this plan actually includes the entire HYDRA, more than half of the members.

But they are all ordinary members, veteran figures like Crossbones and Baron Zemo are not under his leadership.

This time it was also because his parasitic plan had achieved unprecedented success, and the entire S.H.I.E.L.D was almost controlled by him, so Lai Yigu and Baron Pengcao were willing to come to assist him B.

People from other factions will not make people happy even if they win in the end.

Because it only shows that you are incompetent.

Thinking of these, Pierce felt a little irritated.

But in the current situation, he has no choice but to do so.

Facing the two superheroes Captain America and Tony, these trash fish under him are useless at all.

You can only rely on Crossbones and Baron Zemo, two anti-heroes who can stand up to superheroes.

"no problem!"

"We're here for this."

Naturally, Crossbones and Baron Zemo would not refuse, and they came here for this matter.

Now that Pierce has already asked for help, they will naturally not refuse.

Dang even nodded and agreed to this matter.

"Then thank you."

Seeing that the two agreed without any hesitation, Pierce breathed a sigh of relief.

After all, these two people are the veterans of HYDRA, and their qualifications are not as old as them.

The reason why I didn't want to use these two people at the beginning was also because of this.

Pierce worried that when the time came, these two people would not obey the command, but would make things even more difficult for him.

But fortunately, it seems that the two of them are not this kind of people, but they cooperate quite well, which makes Pierce feel a little more at ease.

"I take on Captain America!"

"Then I'll deal with Iron Man."

Crossbones is Starscream's right-hand man. Since Starscream disappeared, Crossbones has been trying to find Captain America and avenge Starscream.

Now that he has finally found an opportunity, he will naturally not be relentless.

As for Baron Zemo, it doesn't matter, he came here to help.

It doesn't matter whether the opponent is Captain America or Iron Man.

Therefore, the two peacefully determined their opponents.

"You... are really peaceful."

Pierce originally thought that both of them would want to kill Captain America with their own hands.

After all, how much trouble Captain America has caused them HYDRA, these two people should be very clear.

Especially since both have played against Captain America, and both have a record of losing to Captain America.

In terms of emotion and reason, this is a good opportunity to avenge the shame and regain one's dignity and honor.

But what people didn't expect was that Baron Mo had no intention of competing with Crossbones at all.

This surprised Pierce a bit.

"Victory is the most important thing. As for who my opponent is, it doesn't matter."

"The easiest and most effective way to wash away shame is to win. As for what kind of victory? It's also not important."

Baron Zemo is a strategist. When HYDRA created by Starscream was still serving the Nazis, Baron Zemo planned many excellent victories.

Although the process and means of these battles may not be so glorious, but not so many people care about whether the battle is glorious and how the means are.

They all have only one purpose, and that is to win.

As long as you can win, no one will care how you do it?

No one will care, what method did you use?

"As expected of Baron Zemo, your thinking

The way opened my eyes!"

Whether it is true admiration, or false admiration.

Anyway, Pierce's words of compliment were spoken.

But Baron Zemo just nodded his head and didn't express anything.

After all, it was not the first time he had heard similar words.

It doesn't matter at all.

At the moment, the two got up with Crossbones and walked directly outside.

Captain America and Tony are about to kill, and it's time for the two of them to meet the enemy.

Inside the building of S.H.I.E.L.D.

Captain America and Tony, the two are like killing gods.

People block and kill people, and Buddhas block and kill Buddhas.

Rampage along the way, go straight to the top to kill.

These HYDRA agents also showed horror on their faces when they saw Captain America and Tony approaching.

"Monster! It's a monster!!"

Hundreds of them have fallen under the hands of these two men.

But these two people seemed to be nothing, still approaching them.

Although superheroes are indeed very powerful, they have never heard of superheroes being so terrifying!?

For superhero, this seems to have existed for a long time.

In fact, not many people really understand it.

Especially because the real strength of the previous superheroes was not too strong.

Most of them are existences like Daredevil and Spider-man.

The real opportunity for superhero to become stronger and stronger is that Avengers started to form this node.

So when these HYDRA found out that the superhero they were going to deal with was actually so powerful, they all started to feel a little scared.

This is completely different from what they expected!

"Looking at them, I suddenly felt that we seemed to be in pain too."

Looking at these panicked HYDRA agents, Tony suddenly spoke with emotion.

After hearing Tony's words, Captain America also showed a weird smile.

After all, after seeing the power of the foundation, the two even thought that they were not worthy of the word superhero at all.

But now the battle with agents like HYDRA has allowed them to regain their confidence.

But in the end, the ceiling above the two of them shattered.

Two figures came straight towards them.

"Really? Then let's see it!".

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