"I definitely believe in Mr. Jiang Bai's strength, but Mr. Jiang Bai, don't force me. If you push me, even if you run to Tianya cape, I will catch you back. Don't worry, I won't let you die."

Hearing what the head of the Rennes family said, Jiang Bai nodded slightly, and said with a smile on his face:

"Yes, Patriarch Rennes, you are right, I will not die easily."

Hearing Jiang Bai's words, the patriarch of the Rennes family showed a sneer on his face.

"Since this is the case, let Mr. Jiang Bai see what a real warrior is.

As the words fell, the patriarch of the Rennes family directly took out a mobile phone and dialed a number.

"Hello, it's me." The call was quickly connected, and an old and hoarse voice came out.

"Father, have you got everything I want?"

"Well, I've already prepared the things, and I'm waiting for you to pick them up." Hearing what the head of the Rennes family said, the person on the other end of the phone laughed for a while.

"Well, father, I'm waiting for your good news. No matter what the price is, I will send Jiang Bai's head back to you." The person on the other end of the phone laughed strangely, and then Hang up the phone directly.

Hearing the busy tone on the other end of the phone, Jiang Bai sneered.

"Since you want to kill me, I'll let you suffer." Jiang Bai's expression turned ferocious after the words fell.

Jiang Bai sneered coldly, his body was like a cannonball, he rushed into the crowd, waved his fists, and smashed wolfishly at the surrounding guards.

"Bang bang bang"!"

Accompanied by a muffled sound, a group of guards were instantly knocked out.

Looking at the guard who was thrown away by his punch, a look of disdain flashed in Jiang Bai's eyes.

"A mere piece of rubbish, how dare you spread it in front of this young master? You are still far behind.

After Jiang Bai's words fell, the guards who flew out stood up again, but this time, they directly attacked Jiang Bai.

"court death."

Seeing the many guards surrounding him, Jiang Bai's face turned cold, and the aura of his body exploded.

He punched out those guards blocking the way, and spit and flew backwards.

The guards were terrified and stopped attacking for a while.

But they can't escape at all.

"Since you all want to seek your own death, don't blame my subordinates for being merciless." After speaking, a icy coldness appeared on Jiang Bai's face.

"Break it for me."

Jiang Bai's fist was constantly waving in the void, and the offensive like a storm constantly fell on these guards.

" Psst.

A series of clear and crisp voices sounded.

In just a moment, these guards were all lying on the ground, unconscious.

And there was a sneer on Jiang Bai's face.

"You're really trash, you can't even survive one of my moves, and you still want to fight with me? What a bunch of trash." Following Jiang Bai's voice, the guards around turned pale.

Although they were unwilling, they deeply felt the terror of Jiang Bai during the confrontation just now.

And judging from what they saw Jiang Bai's boxing skills and that tyrannical strength, even if they send twice as many people to attack, it is impossible to do anything to Jiang Bai [it will always lose sex in vain.

This kind of result is something they don't want to see anyway.

Seeing that Jiang Bai kicked a guard in the stomach, the guard vomited blood and flew backwards.

"Hmph, a bunch of useless things, you better pray that you don't get caught by me, otherwise, I will definitely make your life worse than death." Jiang Bai's voice fell, and the guards fell silent.

They knew that the current Jiang Bai was no longer the weak guy he was before.

And from the eyes of these guys looking at Jiang Bai, they can also detect a kind of strong fear.

Seeing this scene, Jiang Bai ignored them and turned around to leave.

And the moment Jiang Bai turned around, a voice resounded in Jiang Bai's ears.

"Mr. Jiang Bai, please wait a moment." "

Hearing this voice, Jiang Bai couldn't help frowning.

Because the owner of this voice is the patriarch of the Rennes family.

"Could it be that he still has some tricks."

Thinking of this, Jiang Bai narrowed his eyes slightly.

"Mr. Jiang Bai, you should know (Zhao Li's) the hatred between the Rennes family and the other four big families?"

"Well, I know."

Jiang Bai nodded, with a slightly strange expression on his face.

After all, Jiang Bai once had a fight with the Rennes family and was injured.

"Since Mr. Jiang Bai also understands, you should know the rules of our family."

Seeing Jiang Bai nodding, the head of the Rennes family heaved a sigh of relief.

"Since you agreed, please go and bring the two of them here now."

Hearing the instructions from the Rennes patriarch, a smile appeared on Jiang Bai's face.

"It turns out that you want me to arrest people for you, it's really despicable."

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