American Comics: From Containment Anomalies To Great Old Ones

Chapter 41: I'm Waiting For You At The Foundation!

Hammerfell is known for its firepower among all of the Foundation's Mobile Task Forces.

The Hammerfell elite squad is even more composed of elites in Hammerfell.

Whether it is equipment or experience, Ability is the best group.

As soon as Abel moved, there were several gunshots immediately, followed by overwhelming gunshots.

The powerful firepower formed a firepower net, enveloping Abel in it.

Countless bullets constantly rushed towards Abel, all of which looked exactly the same as when S.H.I.E.L.D attacked Abel before.

And the result is naturally the same.

The knight's epee in Abel's hand was like an absolute field. Countless bullets hit him, but they couldn't shake Abel at all.

One bullet after another was cut off by Abel, and then fell to the ground.

The bullets everywhere covered the entire ground like fallen leaves.

And Abel was still advancing towards the Hammerfall team.

There was deep curiosity and anticipation in his eyes, and he knew that the Hammerfell team must have their plan.

But what is the plan?

What kind of surprise will Abel bring to himself when he is looking forward to the appearance of this plan?

"Sure enough, as the president said, this 076 likes to break through head-on!"

The captain of the Hammerfell team looked at Abel who was walking straight towards him without any evasion, and a gleam of heat flashed in his eyes.

"Heavy machine gun fire!"

Under the captain's order, several heavy machine guns immediately began to pour ammunition at Abel.

Powerful firepower, accompanied by bullet casings flying all over the sky, made terrifying roars in the dark night.

The gun flames and gunpowder smoke from the muzzle, like a heavy metal music, is being staged to its climax.

Before, Abel was able to handle the firepower network composed of fifty S.H.I.E.L.D agents with ease, but now he was firmly suppressed in front of these special machine guns of the Foundation, although he was still able to withstand the bombardment of these machine guns .

But Abel was also firmly suppressed by this terrifying firepower, unable to move.

Seeing that Abel was really suppressed, Phil Coulson didn't feel any surprise, after all, this is a heavy machine gun!

It once changed the pattern of warfare and completely drove the cavalry out of modern warfare.

On the contrary, Abel alone was able to ensure that he was not under any attack under the firepower of several heavy machine guns. This is already an extremely terrifying thing.

"Foundation machine guns, don't they need cooling?"

Jin Bin looked at the machine gun that was still pouring out firepower, and the terrifying amount of bullets placed beside it, and said with some doubts.

He also does the arms business, but he has never seen a machine gun made by that company that can last for such a long period of high-intensity shooting.

Aren't they afraid that the barrel will overheat and cause the chamber to explode?

"Maybe the foundation has their own way? These organizations are more mysterious than we know."

Phil Coulson looked at the machine gun that poured out the bullets as if they didn't want money, and deep fear flashed in his eyes.

If it is not Abel who is in front of these machine guns, but ordinary citizens.

Perhaps tens of thousands of people have died by now.

The Foundation was able to bring so much firepower into the urban area without S.H.I.E.L.D's knowledge. Their means are too powerful, right?

Is it possible...

Suddenly a bold idea appeared in Phil Coulson's mind.

Could it be that there are spies inside S.H.I.E.L.D?

As soon as this idea appeared, it planted a seed in Phil Coulson's heart.

Maybe after this battle, I should go back and investigate the inside of S.H.I.E.L.D.

Even Jiang Bai didn't expect that his actions would cause HYDRA to surface after years of lurking in S.H.I.E.L.D.

Definitely, this is already a later story, the most important thing now is the battle between Abel and the Foundation.


"Anomaly-076 is indeed worthy of being a strong person recognized by the president."

The captain of the Hammerfell team saw that several special super heat-resistant machine guns could not hurt Abel, so he immediately recognized Abel.

But then a stern look flashed in his eyes.



Following the captain's order, the barrel of the tank aimed at Abel and fired.

If it was just shelling from tanks, Abel would naturally not be afraid.

But there were still a few heavy machine guns, which held Abel firmly in place, making it impossible to escape.

The violent explosion directly blasted Abel away with strong wind pressure.

The invincible Abel, who was like a god descending to earth before, rolled around on the ground a few times in an extremely embarrassing situation like a rag doll.

Before Abel could stabilize his figure, more than a dozen high-explosive grenades that had been removed from the insurance had already landed at Abel's feet.


The flames and explosion soaring into the sky directly shattered the exterior glass of several nearby buildings.

Immediately, the bombardment of the tanks followed one after another, bombarding Abel without stopping for a moment.

At the same time, the armed helicopter in the sky also fired two rockets at this moment, directly hitting Abel's body.

The smoke and explosions all over the sky made the whole Hell's Kitchen seem to be under the baptism of gunfire.

Jin Bin and Phil Coulson felt the trembling of the ground under their feet, and they couldn't help showing a wry smile.

"Isn't this really a war?"

In the current situation, it is said that he is intercepting a person, and no one will believe it.

Although Phil Coulson is also an avid fan of Captain America, he has to admit that even Captain America may only hate the Northwest in the face of such a powerful firepower.

However, when the Hammerfall team's attack finally stopped, the gunpowder smoke dispersed under the blowing of the night wind.

A figure that was already fragmented but still standing still appeared in front of all of them.


Phil Coulson and Jin looked at this scene with horror on their faces, Abel was still standing! ?

Even though his body was tattered and there were not a few intact pieces of flesh left, he was still standing.

There was a fiery flame of war in his eyes, and he looked fiercely at the captain of the Hammerfell team.

"Is it you? It really is you!"

"When I return, I will personally..."

Abel's face was rotten, and his bony face was grinning with a terrible smile, and he was talking about something.

But the captain of the Hammerfall team didn't care about it. He just pulled out his pistol, loaded it, and then came to Abel and pointed the gun at Abel's forehead.

"I'm waiting for you at the Foundation."


With a gunshot, Abel's body fell heavily to the ground, and then disappeared completely into a handful of dust.

The captain of the Hammerfell team, seeing this, turned his head and said to the entire Hammerfell team indifferently.

"Anomalous Object-076 has been contained successfully, and the Hammerfall team has withdrawn!"

At this moment, Jiang Bai, who was on the roof of the Lanhai Building, also received a notification from the system.

[Anomalous Object-076 has been contained successfully...]

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