American Comics: From Containment Anomalies To Great Old Ones

Chapter Forty-Seven: Turn The Cards Up The Table!

"Your vault?"

Jiang Bai really didn't expect that 173 would be in Jin Bing's vault.

But having said that, what is Jin Bing doing with such a time bomb?

"I found this statue some time ago. After my research, anyone who sees this statue will be killed by this statue, so I plan to use this statue as a secret weapon to deal with some people who are not easy to do it themselves. guy."

Jiang Bai probably understood what Jin Bin meant.

Jiang Bai didn't pay too much attention to this, since he already knew where 173 was, the rest of the matter would be easy to handle.

173 is completely different from 076. If no one sees it, or is being watched all the time, 173 is just an ordinary statue.

So it is very easy to contain 173.

After instructing Jin Bing for a while, Jiang Bai returned to his body, and then ordered the Hammerfall team to contain it.

And in order to ensure success, Jiang Bai also let the Hammerdrop team take the 173's nemesis 131-Eye Pea.

Although there is nothing special about eye pods, they don't even have any fighting power at all.

But they are the nemesis of 173.

Almost all abnormal objects have their own rules of operation, for example, Abel will go into a frenzy after encountering humans, Cain will not suffer physical damage, and so on.

And 173 is just an ordinary statue as long as he is looked at, but once he looks away, even if he blinks a little, 173 will attack the person who looks away.

But 131 can perfectly avoid this, because 131 will never blink, and is keen to observe everything.

In the original Foundation files, 131 followed the cleaning staff into Room 173, and then kept watching 173 in order to protect the cleaning staff, causing 173 to be unable to move.

So for the sake of safety, Jiang Bai let Hammerfell Team 131 take it with him just to make sure nothing goes wrong.

[Successfully contain abnormal object-173, get reward abnormal object-738. 】

"738? Trade with the devil?!"

Although Jiang Bai remained calm, his tone was obviously two tone higher.

Because this thing is really the most dangerous and mysterious anomaly so far.

738 is composed of a set of gorgeous tables and chairs. It doesn't seem to have any special places, but it is actually a rather dangerous existence.

Because once you sit on this chair, a demon will appear in front of you.

He will seduce you, bewitch you, or wait for you to make a request yourself, and then this demon will give the corresponding price.

Once you agree to this price, you can get what you agreed with the devil.

This is a channel for dealing with the devil.

Where did the demons come from for this deal? Where does it exist? None of these foundations have investigated, but the only thing known is that this demon seems to be able to do most things.

For example, in the execution of 682, there was an attempt to execute 682 with Momou Yilai.

But the answer was that the Foundation could not pay the price.

It's not that it can't be done, but the foundation can't pay the price.

In other words, 682, which is considered an indestructible existence, is not impossible to be completely destroyed here in 738, just because the Foundation cannot bear the price.

Definitely, the price of this transaction can be bargained, but in general, the price cannot be lowered.

Because when dealing with 738, 738 seems to know how important your request is to you, and what you need to do with this request.

Therefore, the practice of obtaining something important to someone from 738 at a very low price and then earning the middle price difference will not succeed.

"Making a deal with the devil, I really didn't expect it to be this thing."

Jiang Bai shook his head slightly, but there was no dissatisfaction or other thoughts on his face.

738 is indeed a dangerous existence, but at the same time it is also one of the Foundation's foundations.

As long as the price is enough, using 738 Jiang Bai can completely turn the table.

At present, the Avengers alliance has not yet been established, and the purple sweet potato essence is still wandering in space. There are not many existences that can make Jiang Bai use 738.

But people like Odin and Ancient One are also difficult to deal with.

Therefore, the appearance of 738 is definitely a powerful hole card for Jiang Bai.

"Now that the three anomalies in New York have been dealt with, it's time to rest for a while."

All three anomalous objects have been contained, and New York has also been hit hard by this containment operation.

At the same time, the strength of the foundation has also been further developed, and all this seems to be developing in a good direction.

Jiang Bai is also quite satisfied with this, so he plans to take a break for a while, which can be regarded as a holiday for himself.

It's just that this is not a good thing for the two beautiful agents who have been lurking by his side.

"Rest? There are still so many abnormal objects that have not been contained, shouldn't you hurry up and contain them all?"

Natasha Romanoff spoke to Jiang Bai anxiously.

As an agent arranged by S.H.I.E.L.D next to Jiang Bai, Natasha Romanoff really didn't extract even a little useful information from Jiang Bai during this time.

As a result, S.H.I.E.L.D suffered a crushing defeat in this New York anomalous object containment competition.

Not only did not get a single abnormality, but the weight was lost.

Natasha Romanoff is also well aware of this, so she also wants Jiang Bai to take the next step as soon as possible, so that she can have a chance to make up for her mistakes.

As for King Ada at the side, he didn't seem to be very interested in this, but just looked at Jiang Bai quietly.

But Jiang Bai can still see a trace of eagerness in her eyes, obviously this is also a person who cannot stand loneliness.

At first, Jiang Bai didn't care too much about it, anyway, they were in a hurry and it wasn't him who was in a hurry.

However, a phone call suddenly opened by Simon immediately stunned Jiang Bai.

"Master, it seems that the umbrella company sent someone to discuss cooperation with us."

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