American Comics: From Containment Anomalies To Great Old Ones

Chapter 51: Each Has A Ghost, The Zombie Virus Breaks Out!

The Siren is the largest freighter used by the Jiang Bai family for smuggling at sea.

The total load can reach 130,000 tons. At this moment, the Siren is full of various goods. Even Jiang Bai himself did not expect that the Umbrella Company actually has so many goods to transport.

Moreover, Jiang Bai also observed when loading the goods before.

Almost every one of these containers is full, indicating that it is full of goods.

This made Jiang Bai even more puzzled. Once a biochemical crisis broke out in Raccoon City, would the Umbrella Corporation really need so many supplies?

"Jiang, you are really amazing!"

On the deck, Jiang Bai is facing the sea breeze and looking into the distance.

A few seagulls were not afraid of humans and ships, and were even near the ship, taking advantage of the fish being frightened by the ship, preying on the fish and having a feast.

At this moment, Monard came to Jiang Bai with two glasses of wine, and then handed one of them to Jiang Bai.

"Thank you, but sorry, I don't know how to drink."

Jiang Bai took the wine glass and placed it on the table beside him.

"Jiang, you are really special." Watching Jiang Bai put the wine glass aside, Monard's eyes flashed a faint look, and then he said with a chuckle: "A person with such a big business like you, how can you be so special?" It’s really rare to not drink alcohol and socialize with clients.”


If it wasn't for the containment of 008, I wouldn't have accepted your business.

I didn't intend to make money from your umbrella company this time, I definitely won't rush to please you.

Jiang Bai naturally wouldn't say these words directly, he just smiled slightly and said: "This business is important, but in my opinion, the more important thing is the body, drinking will hurt the body."

"Jiang, what you said doesn't sound like a young man, but rather like an old man in his fifties or sixties."

Only old people take care of themselves, as in any country, it seems.

Therefore, after hearing Jiang Bai's words, Monard said that Jiang Bai looked like an old man.

Jiang Bai didn't care about this, but set his sights on those containers.

"Your Umbrella Company has prepared too many supplies this time. I always feel like I'm on your boat."

"Jiang, you're joking." Monard couldn't help but froze slightly when he heard this, but 12 soon smiled and said: "It's just some medical supplies, and weapons and equipment. You also know that we Umbrella companies are experts at these things."

Umbrella Corporation is a super giant group that spans almost all aspects of biology, medicine, and arms.

So it seems plausible what is in these Umbrella containers.

Jiang Bai didn't seem to be able to get any information out of Monard's mouth, so he didn't continue to pursue these matters: "That's true, we will probably arrive in Raccoon City in the morning the day after tomorrow, and during this time, we can only feel wronged by Monard." Mr Nader is suffering a bit on board."

"No problem, after the raccoon market, the money will be transferred to your account immediately.

Monard also immediately made a promise, and then the two chatted on the deck.

At night, Jiang Bai had just returned to his room when he saw King Ada sitting on his bed.

"What do you mean?"

Jiang Bai looked at Ada Wang with a chuckle on his face, a big beauty in the middle of the night came to sit on your bed, what do you want to do?

It should have been obvious.

"I don't mind developing a wonderful experience with the young master, but before that, shouldn't the umbrella company be settled first?"

Ada Wang's winking eyes are like silk, and her breath is like blue. Coupled with her tall slit cheongsam, the allure is directly full.

But Jiang Bai didn't think about it at all at the moment, but noticed the umbrella company mentioned by King Ada.

"What? Do you know what Umbrella is trying to do?"

Jiang Bai knew that the business of Umbrella Company was definitely not easy, but Jiang Bai didn't know exactly what they were going to do. Hearing what Ada Wang said at this moment, he naturally became interested.

"Young master, you are really an incomprehensible wood."

As soon as he mentioned the business, Jiang Bai immediately ignored his own charm at the moment, which made King Ada somewhat discouraged.

"Stop talking nonsense, talk about business!"

Because he already knew that King Ada planned to turn his back on him, Jiang Bai's attitude towards King Ada naturally changed.

Although King Ada didn't understand why Jiang Bai's attitude towards him was more accommodating than before.

But this is a good thing after all, King Ada naturally has no opinion on it.

"Master, don't you feel something is wrong?"

"What's wrong?"

"As far as I know, Monard is also one of the top executives in Umbrella Company. He is the director of the commercial department of Umbrella Company. But this time he came to cooperate with us, but he didn't bring many bodyguards. Don't you think it's strange, Fourth Master? ?”

As King Ada spoke, he gently stroked his plump lips with his fingertips, looking like a fairy who charms all living beings.

Apparently King Ada was still a bit brooding over the matter of Jiang Bai directly ignoring her just now, thinking that his charm shouldn't be so bad.

But this time Jiang Bai still directly ignored these small actions of King Ada.

In Jiang Bai's eyes at this moment, the most important thing is to figure out what the umbrella wants to do?

As for King Ada's little thought, there is really a long way to go in the future, so there is no need to rush for this moment.

"There are only two possibilities why Monard didn't bring enough bodyguards. One is that he trusts us enough and feels that we are here, so he doesn't care about security issues at all.

But as soon as this possibility appeared, it was immediately denied by the two of them.

If the people in Umbrella Company really believed others so easily, they wouldn't have caused so many troubles later.

So the biggest possibility is the latter.

"They actually prepared enough power, but we didn't find it?"

Sometimes things often need a direction.

As long as this direction is correct, people will soon be able to find the answer.

It's the same now, after Jiang Bai came up with this possibility, soon Jiang Bai realized that he had already guessed part of the umbrella company's plan.

"What's in those containers, maybe..."


Before Jiang Bai finished speaking, he heard a gunshot outside.

Then there were all kinds of noisy voices and screams.

"problem occurs!"

Jiang Bai rushed out without thinking too much.

Ada Wang also followed closely, and met Natasha Romanoff who also came out to check the situation on the road.

When Natasha Romanoff saw King Ada and Jiang Bai coming out of the same room, her complexion immediately turned ugly.

There is obviously some complexity and surprise on the face, and there seems to be some sourness?

But soon Natasha Romanoff didn't care about these, the most important thing now is to figure out what happened?

The three quickly left the upper living area and came to the cargo area where the turmoil was the greatest.

As soon as they arrived here, the faces of Ada Wang and Natasha Romanoff became quite ugly.

Because at this moment, the containers that were originally stored here have all been opened.

But there are no materials, medicines and weapons that the Umbrella Company and Jiang Bai mentioned before, and there are only refrigeration devices and a large number of "people"?

The second daughter looked at these humanoid creatures who were walking swayingly, covered in blood and stench, and were obviously not normal human beings, with a look of horror on their faces.

What is this, the second daughter actually knows.


Whether it's in the movies, or in similar related research institutions.

There are many reports on this, but the difference is that S.H.I.E.L.D is not sure whether someone has created a zombie virus so far.

King Ada is aware of the existence of zombie viruses and zombies.

But no one thought that the goods that the Umbrella Company entrusted them to smuggle and transport would turn out to be zombies!

And judging from the previous containers, there are at least 30,000 zombies here.

The armed smuggling gang affiliated to the Jiang Bai family is using firearms to attack these zombies at the moment, but it is already in jeopardy.

From time to time, people would be thrown down by these zombies, and then torn into pieces.

Even if some people are lucky enough not to be torn into pieces and retain a relatively complete body, they will complete the infection in a short period of time, then stand up and become a member of the zombies.

"Dear Jiang, thank you very much for your help. On behalf of Umbrella Company, I would like to extend my highest respect to you."

As soon as Jiang Bai and the others arrived here, they heard Monard Chao's voice full of banter.

Then Jiang Bai and the others saw Monard, who was standing on a high platform at the moment, looking at Jiang Bai and the others proudly.

Because the subordinates of the Jiang Bai family are still shooting at these zombies constantly at this moment, a lot of noise has already attracted the attention of these zombies.

So the zombies did not attack Monard.

"Monard, in this situation, don't you think you should give me an explanation?"

Jiang Bai looked at Monard with a calm face, as if he didn't care about the zombies that were full of danger in front of him and might pounce on him at any time.

"Jiang, I have to say that you are a very good person, even in this situation you can still keep calm, which is better than many people I have met.

Monard looked at Jiang Bai and nodded slightly, then continued.

"But you're not smart enough, isn't it obvious enough?"

"The so-called experiment of our Umbrella Company is this, using these infected bodies you call zombies to set off a large-scale virus infection in Raccoon City, and then collecting enough data from this infection, once this plan is successful , then the whole world in the future will belong to our umbrella company!"

Monard said with excitement and expectation: "And you are one of the necessary victims under this grand plan.

Hearing Monard's words, Jiang Bai revealed a look of disdain.

"Monard, after all, your umbrella company is just trying to find a scapegoat. Once Raccoon City is really caught in a large-scale zombie virus infection, S.H.I.E.L.D and other countries will hold your umbrella company accountable. A company is a business giant, and it will be destroyed under the attack of various forces."

"So in order to avoid this kind of thing from happening, you decided to let my family transport this batch of containers full of zombies to Raccoon City, and release these zombies to kill us on the way, and then after the ship arrives in Raccoon City, these zombies Then you will attack the people in Raccoon City and infect the entire Raccoon City with the zombie virus, so that your experiment plan is achieved, and the crime is also on my family, because the ship belongs to our family, right?"


After hearing Jiang Bai's words, Monard immediately turned into Jiang Bai and applauded.

"Sure enough, he is indeed a person who can be recognized by me. He is indeed very smart.

"You are right, this is indeed our umbrella company's plan, you can guess our plan based on these cobweb traces, you are really outstanding, if it is not because you have to die, I want to You are invited to join our company.

Monard was condescending, looking at Jiang Bai with the face of a superior.

770 Although he said that he recognized Jiang Bai and praised Jiang Bai, but in the final analysis, he still underestimated Jiang Bai.

Perhaps in his opinion, the current Jiang Bai has no chance of a comeback.

Even if Jiang Bai had some private armed forces, it was only about a hundred people.

But there are more than 40,000 zombies on his side, Jiang Bai and the others are doomed in Monard's view.

"Master! These monsters can't be killed at all. The remaining brothers and I will cover you and go to the lower floor, where there is an escape boat!"

At this time, the few remaining private soldiers also came to Jiang Bai's side to protect Jiang Bai in the middle.

The leader is a strong man named Creco. It is said that he has served Jiang Bai's family for more than 30 years, and is the instructor and commander of the Jiang Bai family's private army.

He can be regarded as an old man who has watched Jiang Bai grow up.

"Now the leader has gone to see God. Young master, you are the only hope of the Jiang family. The leader is kind to me. Even if I try my best, I will protect you and leave safely, young master!"

As Creco spoke, he wanted to reach out and pull Jiang Bai up to break through.

But Jiang Bai avoided Kreco's hand directly.

"Master, you..."

Creco looked at Jiang Bai in confusion and confusion. He didn't understand why Jiang Bai refused his proposal?

Now this situation is really hopeless. It is not known whether so many monsters can safely escort Jiang Bai out of the encirclement, but Jiang Bai refuses to leave. Is there anything else he can do?

Under Creco's suspicious eyes, Jiang Bai looked at Monard with a playful face, and then walked towards Monard step by step, towards the zombies.

"Monard, do you know why I took your business?"


Not only did Monard not run away, but a trace of doubt and incomprehension flashed in the white eyes of him and the mourning army walking towards him.

"Master, be careful!"

At this moment, a zombie suddenly charged at Jiang Bai, and everyone was startled by this scene.

They have seen it before, as long as they are bitten by this monster, they will become one of these monsters.

So they all thought that the next moment, Jiang Bai would be bitten by this monster, and then assimilated into a monster.

But when the zombie pounced on Jiang Bai, and the wolf wolf bit Jiang Bai.

Jiang Bai was still unscathed, but the zombie's body was suddenly torn open with a big gash.

Everyone looked at this scene without being dumbfounded, and didn't understand what was going on?

Especially Ada Wang and Natasha Romanoff, because they have seen a similar scene in another existence.

That is the existence called the biblical twins, anomalous object-073, code name: Cain.

Jiang Bai looked up at Monard at this moment and said calmly.

"My target is also your umbrella company!".

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