American Comics: From Containment Anomalies To Great Old Ones

Chapter 56: 682 Invades Raccoon City, T-Virus Launched Throughout The City!

Among the mountains on the south side of Raccoon City.

A huge, lizard-like reptile, At the moment, was looking in the direction of Raccoon City. There seemed to be a humanized joking and contempt in the eyes of this monster, as if mocking someone.

And those who are attacking around this giant lizard are a group of tyrants armed with Gatling machine guns, rockets and other heavy firepower.

These are biological weapons sent by Umbrella Corporation to attack 682.

As early as a few hours ago, the Umbrella Company had discovered 682 that appeared near Raccoon City, and immediately launched an attack on 682 after confirming the existence of 682

At the same time, the Umbrella Company also mobilized a large number of monitors to monitor 582's activities.

But now it seems that these surveillances have not played a role at all, but it feels a bit like lifting a rock to shoot yourself in the foot.

After solving the equipment for spying on him, 682 turned his attention to these tyrants.

There was constant machine gun fire and rocket bombing.

It landed on 682's body, but it was like scratching an itch. It didn't pose any threat at all, but made 682 full of impatience.

Immediately, 682 opened its big mouth, and directly bit down on the place where the tyrant was.

Immediately, the formation of the entire tyrant's army was torn open, and a large number of tyrants were torn into pieces by 682, and then swallowed.

Neither the T virus in the tyrant's body nor the other zombie viruses lurking in it could affect 682 at all, they were directly swallowed by 682, and then completely digested and became 682's nutrients.

And the wounds caused by the tyrant's attack before eating 682 are also being repaired at a speed visible to the naked eye.

If it was an ordinary army, perhaps their morale would have collapsed when they saw this scene.

After all, this is the Fire Lizard 682, an immortal, extremely dangerous existence.

But the 12 tyrants are different. They are just a group of biological weapons without brains and thoughts, and only follow the orders of the umbrella company.

So they are fearless in the face, even in the face of 682, they are constantly attacking.

Even if they were torn into pieces by 682 and then eaten, they would continue to attack 682 without completely losing their mobility.

Perhaps these attacks are nothing to 682, but they are definitely annoying enough.

So much so that 682 began to get a little impatient, especially since there was a large human city waiting for him not far away, which made 682 even less interested in wasting time with the tyrant here.

So 682 suddenly lowered his body, and then exerted force with his limbs, like a rampaging train, directly rampaging in the tyrant's formation.

As 682's huge amounts of body rushed through the formation of tyrants, every time many tyrants would be smashed to pieces, their bodies smashed to pieces.

Almost in the blink of an eye, 682 has passed the entire tyrant array.

It is like a huge steamroller, crushing all the tyrants here into pieces.

After solving these tyrants, 682 did not stop there, but instead set its sights on Raccoon City, which had "fallen into a deep sleep" under the night.

682 is an existence that harbors great malice towards all life forms, especially human beings.

Before coming to Raccoon City, it had already hunted many humans and creatures, relying on these nutrients 682 has grown into an extremely terrifying existence.

But now 682's target is Raccoon City, all life in this city, especially humans.

With aversion to life, the greatest malice towards human beings.

682 walked towards Raccoon City with huge amounts of body.

On the other hand, at the moment the umbrella companies are within the headquarters.

Spencer was tearing off the screen fragments from his face, and saw that the wounds caused by the fragments began to constantly grow granulation after the fragments were removed and eventually returned to normal, as if they had never been injured.

"Damn guy, what the hell is that lizard? Why can I see a human look in his eyes?"

Spencer didn't care about his injuries at all, anyway, his body was no longer a human body.

These injuries may be quite a fatal threat to humans, but to him they are nothing more than trivial problems.

Even compared to these injuries, what he cares more about is what kind of existence 682 is?

"Just by looking at me, I can directly destroy my monitor. Perhaps even the explosion of the monitor is within his expectation. This monster should be a creature with intelligence that surpasses human intelligence."

Spencer looked down at his hands as he spoke.

Dry and wrinkled, fully showing the hands of the old man.

That's why he created the umbrella company, he wanted to survive, to survive.

He wants to live forever, wants to be immortal!

For this he can sacrifice everything, including this world!

So he used the T virus, and in order to make progress in the experiment, he decided to destroy the entire Raccoon City. All of this is for the smooth progress of the research, and for the possibility of eternal life!

"There are more and more things that I don't know about gradually appearing in this world, the plan must be done as soon as possible, and my time is running out.

All these things that happened in Raccoon City now made Spencer more and more nervous.

These are things that he has never seen or heard of before, but they are all real threats to his interests, and even destroy his plans.

For this reason, Spencer must speed up his plan, and must not let these weird existences destroy his plan.

"A big wave sweeping the whole world is pushing this era forward, and those who can't keep up will be ruthlessly abandoned."

As Spencer spoke, he reached out to touch a red button on his desk.

When Raccoon City was being built, Spencer had already left a channel for the virus in Raccoon City. As long as this button was pressed, the entire Raccoon City would be enveloped by the T virus in an instant.

At that time, the entire Raccoon City will be turned into a huge amounts of virus laboratory.

Originally, Spencer didn't want to come to this step so quickly, but now the appearance of 682 forced him to do so, because he could conclude that the tyrant's army could not fight against 682.

Next, that monster will definitely attack Raccoon City. Instead of letting Raccoon City be destroyed by that monster, it is better to let these people use waste and contribute a negligible amount of power to their eternal life.

With that in mind, "Spencer hit the button without hesitation.

At the same time Spencer also connected to Marcus's phone.

"Hello? Spencer, I'm dissecting an experimental individual that has just been infected with the virus. If there is nothing else, I hope you don't bother me."

Spencer could hear some children crying over the phone, but Spencer didn't care about it, and just said a word to Marcus quietly.

"The experiment has already started, hurry up and get someone to drive that monster away from the laboratory gate!"

After speaking, Spencer hung up the phone directly, then got up and went to the French windows to look into the distance.

"What a beautiful city? It's a pity that it is ruined like this now."

Spencer shook his head slowly, then turned and left.

He is going to the underground shelter and continues to direct the next move of the umbrella company.

In front of the gate of the umbrella company's laboratory, 049 is constantly wandering around in front of the gate at the moment, and he seems to be trying to find a way to enter it.

"I can feel that there are huge amounts of plague inside, cure! I must cure these plagues!!"

049 stood in front of the gate, constantly saying some strange words, and trying to enter it.

But after all, 049 is not the kind of abnormal object with powerful means of physical destruction, so he has no way to break through this door that is stricter than a bank vault.

So I can only wander around in place, but I can't find a way to enter it.

When 049 was full of anxiety about this, he suddenly stopped all movements and turned to look at Raccoon City behind him.

"The plague is spreading."

049 felt that a plague was spreading. This was not the kind of plague he had been looking for, but it was indeed a plague.

And this plague is the same plague as the plague behind this door that I felt, so 049 judged that this should be the outbreak of the plague.

"Hey! Get out of here quickly, this is not a place for monsters like you to come!"

When 049 was thinking about whether he should go to the urban area to treat the plague first, or stay here to find a way to enter it, several Umbrella Company mercenaries with live ammunition came suddenly from a distance.

They all pointed their guns at 049 and ordered 049 to leave here immediately.

And when they appeared in 049's eyes, 049 entered a berserk state almost instantly.

"Plague patients must be treated!"

As soon as 049 said that, he rushed straight to these mercenaries, followed by several gunshots.

049 had almost no power to fight back, so he was hit to the ground. These mercenaries were relieved to see that 049 was "shot" so easily.

"I thought it was some kind of dangerous monster? So that's all there is to it!"

"Maybe it's too much fuss. A guy like this is not so much a monster, I think it's more like a person in a strange costume."

A mercenary was about to step forward to uncover 049's beak mask as he said that, but just as he was in front of 049, the fallen 049 grabbed his wrist.

And the moment he was touched by 049, the mercenary fell down directly.

There was not even a scream, but all his bodily functions stopped completely in an instant, and he couldn't die anymore.

"Heim! Damn monster, shoot me and kill him!!"

Watching this scene, the other mercenaries were all taken aback and rushed towards 049 to continue shooting.

However, no matter how they shot, 049 was not affected in any way, but rushed towards them at a faster speed.

Just touched each of them, and they died directly.

After doing all this, 049 looked at the body on the ground but suddenly fell into deep self-blame and remorse.

923 "No, no, no! I just want to heal you, why? I just want to heal you from the plague!"

049 constantly said that he just wanted to cure the plague for them, and took out a black surgical bag from his body, and a few simple surgical tools from it, and then started the operation on the spot.

There is no disinfection of any kind, let alone a sterile operating room.

However, it was such a bloody and extremely rough operation that the corpses of the last few mercenaries were actually real.

have stood up.

Seeing this scene, 049 nodded in satisfaction.

"Very well, I finally cured you.

After speaking, 049 turned around and left here. He planned to go to the city to treat more patients first.

And at this moment, Marcus was watching this scene with disbelief.

"Unbelievable! Really incredible!"

Why can such a simple operation make them stand up again? And they don't seem to be infected by the T virus to become zombies, but a

A state similar to zombies but completely different. 11

Marcus has been studying 008 for a long time, but neither 008 nor the T virus extracted from 008 can do this

Stand up on the premise of becoming a monster.

"It's unbelievable!

Marcus looked at the few mercenaries he sent to die on the screen, his eyes were full of enthusiasm and excitement.

"Hurry up! Bring all these people back to me immediately, they are all precious experimental subjects!"


After receiving Marcus' order, several mercenaries immediately went to bring back the mercenaries who had been resurrected by 049.

And Marcus waited for their arrival with anticipation and excitement.

"Perhaps this will be a huge breakthrough in my research. Now that the entire Raccoon City has become a testing ground for the T virus, and with this mysterious monster, I will definitely be able to

It’s no wonder that you can find a perfect path to overcome the current situation!”

Marcus was talking to himself like a lunatic, although for these scholars engaged in research, this is already a common thing.

But for some reason, they always feel that the current Marcus is more terrifying and dangerous than before.

And at this time, suddenly there was a deafening roar outside, as if some prehistoric monster had been revived.

Just hearing this voice was enough to make all of them feel a burst of terror from the bottom of their hearts.

At the same time, the monitoring screen also showed that a huge amount of lizard monster suddenly rushed into the city, wreaking havoc. .

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