American Comics: From Containment Anomalies To Great Old Ones

Chapter 65: The Destruction Of Umbrella Corporation!

Inside the Umbrella Corporation lab.

Marcus stood in front of the monitor screen, looking excitedly at the gate, where Jiang Bai and others were overwhelmed by countless zombies.

"The medieval doctor who can revive the human body, and the man with the giant lizard sample with tenacious vitality have all come here. As long as I get rid of them, I can get the key to control the ancestor virus!"

Like a lunatic in a frenzy, Marcus looked at Jiang Bai and the others excitedly.

At the moment, there was only one thought in his mind, and that was to capture Jiang Bai and the others, and then get the key to control the ancestor virus from them.

049 is able to resurrect others, and 682 is almost indestructible.

These are things that Marcus yearns for, even almost crazy.

As long as he has these things in hand, Marcus feels that he should be able to completely control the ancestor virus, and accomplish what he has been wanting to do for so many years but has not been able to do.

Completely control the ancestor virus and open the door to eternal life.

But Marcus overlooked one thing, can he really catch Jiang Bai and them?

Facing these zombies, Jiang Bai didn't even need to move, the physical reflection force field on his body could easily kill them.

And there was the Mad Hatter in front of him.

As an expert who specializes in this kind of biochemical containment, the Mad Hatter has shown extremely high professionalism.

Each shot of the radiation dissolving gun in his hand will completely melt a zombie. Even if some zombies rush to them, with the help of the exoskeleton, they will be smashed to pieces on the ground with a slap, and then they will be repaired. One shot to avoid secondary pollution.

Under the powerful combat power of the Mad Hatter, there were almost no difficulties, and all the zombies here had been eliminated.

Everyone continued to move deeper.

Along the way, Jiang Bai saw many petri dishes, culture chambers and other equipment.

Most of the things sealed inside are some strange-shaped zombies, as well as a large number of internal organs. 12

And it can be seen that these internal organs have also become distorted and disgusting under the erosion of the virus. Most people may not be able to help but want to vomit just seeing these internal organs.

Although Jiang Bai didn't care about it, he had to say that these viscera were indeed too disgusting.

"Sure enough, it is indeed a laboratory for madmen of science. This kind of place really makes people feel uncomfortable!"

Jiang Bai made no secret of his dislike, even full of dislike for all of these.

Umbrella Corporation's so-called pursuit of immortality, the so-called grand plan, Jiang Bai really didn't see it at all.

But their greed and madness are fully reflected in these things.

But this is also reasonable, the original umbrella company is not a good thing, it is reasonable for them to do this.

"You think so only because you don't understand the grandeur of my plans.

Just as Jiang Bai was talking about his aversion to these things, an impolite voice came over.

The head of the research department of Umbrella Corporation, Marcus appeared in front of Jiang Bai.

What surprised Jiang Bai was that Marcus obviously had some blood on his body at the moment, and he didn't bring any subordinates with him.

"Sing empty city tricks? Or did you turn yourself into a monster too?"

On the way here, Jiang Bai also saw the big black tree that appeared at the headquarters of the umbrella company. There is no doubt that it must be Spise who turned himself into a monster.

As for Marcus' current approach, Jiang Bai can basically conclude.

He also turned himself into a monster, injected with a higher level virus than the general black light virus, and can possess powerful power while maintaining his sanity.

But in fact, these viruses have side effects, such as becoming more and more extreme, crazy, and even gradually losing their minds. These are all things that may happen.


After hearing Jiang Bai's questioning, Marcus showed a strange and somewhat ferocious smile.

"This is evolution, a glorious evolution! Now I am better than ordinary people and more noble. I have completed the evolution in my life and become a more perfect existence!"

Marcus has been researching since he knew the existence of 008, and he wants to find immortality and a way to evolve human beings.

But now, in Marcus' view, the most promising keys are 049 and 682.

So after he confirmed that Jiang Bai and the others had entered the laboratory, he injected himself with the modified black light virus that was still under experimentation.

This makes him powerful, but also makes him irritable and bloodthirsty.

Although Marcus doesn't like this, if it is to get the key to evolution.

Then he will spare no expense!

"Now, do you volunteer to help me? Or wait for me to kill you, and then take what I want from you?"

While Marcus was talking, his body was also changing accordingly.

After a layer of black matter gushed out of his arm, it turned into a long knife.

The pitch-black blade is covered with red lines.

It doesn't look like a metal weapon, but more like a limb of some kind of creature.

"It really is a black light virus."

Jiang Bai knew that it was a black light virus when he saw Marcus like this.

It wasn't the first time he had seen this thing.

When playing Prototype, the protagonist A’s Abilities were all these.

It can turn its hands into long knives, hammers, claws and other weapons to attack.

It can easily smash a tank, a powerful terror.

Moreover, he can quickly recover his blood volume by hunting other people, even zombies, and absorbing their nutrients.

This kind of operation is even better than the hand sanitizer God of War, and it is reasonable.

Resident Evil cut off his hand, just wash his hands with hand sanitizer to stick it back, which is also a miraculous operation.

Jiang Bai just had a thought in his mind, and then looked at Marcus with great interest.

"Knife, claw, hammer, whip... I remember nine of them? How many do you have?"

After all, Marcus just injected himself with the virus, and Jiang Bai didn't think he could have all nine forms of Brother A.

However, Marcus did not answer Jiang Bai's question, but directly rushed to Jiang Bai's front: "I don't need to answer you, and "Go to hell!"

The long knife turned into Marcus's arm was about to hit Jiang Bai, but before his hand fell completely, a laser beam landed on Marcus' body.

The captain of the Mad Hatter had been on guard against Marcus the moment he appeared.

As soon as Marcus took action at this moment, he immediately fired a shot at Marcus.

The powerful power of the radiation dissolving gun melted more than half of Marcus' abdomen in an instant, and even his spine was melted.

But even so, Marcus didn't fall to the ground on the spot, instead, he escaped from the Mad Hatter's gun line at a speed exceeding the speed of sound and began to wander around the laboratory constantly.

With his speed almost invisible to the naked eye, it is almost impossible for the Mad Hatter and the others to hit Marcus.

But they also don't need to hit Marcus at all.

"The president has two more, please use this."

The captain of the Mad Hatter, Dang even took out three gas masks for Jiang Bai and Ada Wang.

"This is?"

"Dr. Iceberg's radiation shielding mask, as long as you wear this mask, you can eradicate radiation erosion for three hours, during which time all radiation will not affect you."

Although Jiang Bai has a physical reflection force field, he doesn't need to care about these radiations and other things at all, but King Ada and the others are just ordinary people after all.

You still have to be careful, so the three of them didn't refuse, but put on this mask.

Just after Jiang Bai and the others put on their masks, members of the Mad Hatter took out something that looked like a capsule and threw it on the ground.

Suddenly a strange green smoke spread out from it.

Looking at the smoke, Jiang Bai immediately understood why he gave them this mask just now.

"Radiation Gas Grenade."


When King Ada heard the name, he almost ran away without turning around.

Radiation energy poison gas grenade, doesn't it mean that the poisonous gas released from this grenade is full of radiation energy radiation?

And from the looks of it, it should be the same as the radiation dissolving gun in the hands of the Mad Hatter.

They all belong to the kind of things that can directly melt the enemy.

This is scary!

Since zombies will be melted, they will also be melted.

And they are also different from the Mad Hatter. The Mad Hatter is covered in protective clothing from head to toe. Maybe they can't be afraid of these things.

But can they really be safe with just this little mask on their face?

Both Ida Wang and Natasha Romanoff were deeply skeptical.

But even if it is doubt, it seems that there is no other way now.

Because at this moment, the poisonous radiation gas has enveloped them all.

The entire laboratory was occupied by poisonous radiation gas.

King Ada watched with his own eyes that those metal instruments began to gradually melt and then be completely destroyed under the poisonous gas.

Even metal is like this, my flesh and blood really...

King Ada was worrying, but suddenly realized that he really didn't feel any discomfort at all.

There is really no problem with the whole body, just like the poisonous gas really has no effect on him.

"Dr. Iceberg's stuff, it's definitely not going to be easy."

Jiang Bai looked at King Ada and said in a very gentle tone.

He is very confident in Dr. Iceberg's stuff. After all, the ability Dr. Iceberg showed in front of Jiang Bai during this period is enough to make Jiang Bai feel at ease about him.

After hearing Jiang Bai's words, Ada Wang and Natasha Romanoff could only nod nervously. Now they seem to have no other choice but to believe in Dr. Iceberg's Ability.

After about ten minutes, the poisonous gas gradually dissipated.

And Marcus also appeared in front of their eyes.

At the moment's Marcus no longer had the arrogance he had when he appeared in front of them. Instead, he looked like a maggot lying on the ground, already dying.

His body was tattered and full of traces of dissolution and corrosion. Although the black light virus was repairing his body, it was because he stayed in the poisonous radiation for too long.

The black light virus has already exhausted the nutrients in Marcus's body, and now Marcus simply doesn't have enough nutrients to repair his body.

And because the black light virus is constantly making Marcus look for nutrients, so that Marcus has begun to become a little zombie at this moment.

After all, after Marcus injected the virus into his body, 050.

The owner of this body is no longer Marcus himself, but the black light virus!

Once Marcus can't satisfy the black light virus, then the black light virus will start to devour Marcus's own nutrients, and wait for the black light virus to consume all of Marcus's own nutrients.

After the points are devoured, Marcus will become a zombie.

"No! Impossible! I should have evolved, I should have become the most perfect creature, how could I..."

Marcus was constantly struggling, resisting, unwilling to admit the fact that he had turned into a zombie now.

However, before he finished speaking, the black light virus had already eaten his brain.

Marcus was completely reduced to a zombie, and it was still the lowest level of zombie.

Because his nutrients are insufficient to support the complete and higher-level evolution of the black light virus.

"Get rid of him and find 008 right away, we're running out of time.

"After this is over, I have to go to the military."

In Raccoon City, because of Jiang Bai's meddling, most of them are still alive now.

Zombies only accounted for about 30% of it.

If the military launches a nuclear bomb and destroys Raccoon City, millions of living people will all die.

Again, the Foundation is not some evil organization.

He is an organization that exists to protect humans.

The Foundation will never have any hesitation when it can save humanity.


After receiving Jiang Bai's order, Crazy Trader immediately started to act.

Searched around the entire laboratory, but there was no trace of 008.

#049 Can you find the source of 008...the plague?"

Jiang Bai looked at the Mad Hatter and after a blanket search, he still couldn't find 008, so he could only focus on 049.

049, who appeared as a fight against the plague, should find 008.

"no problem."

049 nodded, and then went straight to a wall beside him.

"Right here."

The Mad Hatter immediately stepped forward when he heard the words, and used a radioactive dissolving gun to cut a big hole in the wall. There was indeed a secret room inside.

The captain of the Mad Hatter entered immediately, and then two shots were fired, and then he came out with a bottle of reagent as bright as emerald.

"President, there is also a mutant zombie inside, it should be used to guard 008, this should be 008."

The captain of the Mad Hatter gave Jiang Bai 008, the ancestor virus that Marcus and the others said.

"Congratulations to the host for successfully containing 008 and getting a reward...".

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