American Comics: From Containment Anomalies To Great Old Ones

Chapter 7 The Shock Of S.H.I.E.L.D Braised Egg Head!

American Comics

Chapter VII

Jiang Bai is leisurely waiting for Nine-Tailed Fox to complete the task.

Behind Natasha Romanoff and King Ada looked at each other secretly.

The two stepped back quietly, King Ada frowned and said in a low voice,

"Have you noticed, there is a problem with this unit!"

"Well, I also found out. When Jiang Bai said 'throw it back', the normal logic should be to throw it back casually, but they are meticulously implementing the operation that was salvaged before."

"And most importantly, I didn't see any actions of these soldiers watching the video, that is to say, these people completely remembered everything they did half an hour ago."

"What kind of troops have this kind of action ability, have you heard of it?"

The more the two communicated, the more frightened they became.

They are all agents sent by large organizations. It cannot be said that they have seen all the top troops in the world, but they have almost heard of them.

But when the two compared the information in their memories, they suddenly found out in horror that not only had they never heard of the "nine-tailed fox unit" in front of them, but even the organization behind them had never heard of this team.

It's as if it appeared out of nowhere!

Standing in front of the two, Jiang Bai suddenly discovered that eavesdropping is such an addictive thing.

Especially listening to the two beauties guessing his identity made Jiang Bai feel inexplicably ecstatic.

No, no, the great cause has not been accomplished, how can she act like a little girl!

Jiang Bai hurriedly shook his head vigorously, if he was not afraid of pain, he would have slapped himself twice to wake himself up.

Little did he know that this move further deepened the suspicion of the two women behind him.

After all, in the eyes of the two women, Jiang Bai stood alone for a long time, and suddenly shook his head, no matter how he looked, he didn't look like a normal person.

"Sir, the ice coffin has been 'thrown back' successfully, please instruct me on what to do next!"

Captain Nine-Tailed Fox walked up to Jiang Bai skillfully and saluted Jiang Bai.

"That's right, send this 444 into the containment room. Be careful, two people must take turns to keep an eye on her."

The coffin doll who has been silent beside him is Jiang Bai's favorite character.

But no.

This guy is exceptional.

One day, if one of them doesn't pay attention, they will die unexpectedly.

Definitely contain it!

After informing the captain of the information about the coffin dolls obtained from the system, Jiang Bai waved his hands, ready to leave the place.

"I'll give you two a night to think about whether to continue following me. You've also seen that my job is not as simple as you know."

Passing by Natasha Romanoff and Ada Wang, Jiang Bai deliberately stopped and stared at the two of them.

If he could just send the two dangerous elements back like this, Jiang Bai would probably wake up laughing from his dreams.

"Master Jiang, don't worry, these things are not enough to scare me."

Natasha Romanoff was the first to shake her head.

Just one night after I came here, I discovered the traces of Captain America through Jiang Bai, and even found a troop that had never been known to the world. How could I just leave in the face of such a big temptation.

"Cousin, don't be nervous. I've seen dangerous creatures before. That puppet is not worth mentioning."

On the surface, Ada Wang is Jiang Bai's distant cousin, and she speaks more casually.

These words made Jiang Bai very painful.

Not worth mentioning?

You try to put the tyrant in front of 444, as long as the condition is triggered, you will be given a second!

"Forget it, you two should think about it carefully."

Jiang Bai shook his head, turned and left directly.

Just as Jiang Bai left, Natasha Romanoff's expression flickered with confusion, and she slowly moved to the stern.

Looking at the sea, Natasha Romanoff gritted her teeth and jumped straight down.

As long as you don't hinder your own mission, Captain America, it's time to save it!

In the seabed, after finally finding Captain America's ice coffin, Natasha Romanoff decisively took out the hidden locator she was carrying, and violently inserted it into the ice.

With all this done, Natasha Romanoff quickly returned to the surface.

But unexpectedly, because of the lack of oxygen, Natasha Romanoff did not choose a suitable landing point, but subconsciously chose to swim vertically to the sea.

This choice happened to be the most dangerous place.

Aft vortex.

The powerful vortex engulfed Natasha Romanoff in an instant, driving her to spin continuously, and instantly made Natasha Romanoff dizzy.

Seeing that he was about to die, a wooden stick stretched out, and Natasha Romanoff subconsciously reached out to grab it.

"Shouldn't you just 'know'?"

King Ada crossed his arms and looked at Natasha Romanoff who was trembling in front of him with great interest.

"What do you want to do?"

Although the life was saved by King Ada, but now the position of the two is still undecided, Natasha Romanoff did not feel stupidly grateful, but replied coldly.

"I don't want to do anything. This is the camera you secretly installed in my bedroom before. I'll return it to you. The situation here is more complicated than we imagined, so I hope you don't disturb me and just do your own thing."

Throwing down a tiny camera, Ada Wang turned and left.

Natasha Romanoff, on the other hand, managed to hide her surprise while shivering from the cold.

She didn't expect such a hidden method to be discovered by her.

Sure enough, she is not an ordinary person!

But right now Natasha Romanoff isn't delving into Ida King's mood.

He hurriedly took out his communicator and uploaded the news from Captain America to S.H.I.E.L.D.

S.H.I.E.L.D headquarters here.

Phil Coulson is chatting with Braised Egghead about work information.

Ludantou's communicator rang, and after a casual glance, Ludantou stood up instantly.

"Head, what's the matter with you? Has something major happened?"

It was the first time for Phil Coulson to see the surprised expression of Braised Egghead, and he asked quite nervously.

"I didn't expect a smuggling group to give us a big gift. I'm just a little surprised!"

Braised Egghead chuckled, and casually threw the communicator into Phil Coulson's hand.

Found Captain America, coordinates...


Phil Coulson's expression was even more exaggerated than the previous braised egg head.

Captain America!

Did you find it?

"Phil Coulson, you understand the importance of this matter. You will lead the team yourself in a while, and you must bring Captain America back to me safely. Do you understand?"


Phil Coulson immediately led his men to set off quickly.

A Quin Jet speeds across the night sky.

Perceiving the locator placed by Natasha Romanoff, Flight landed on the sea directly above the ice coffin.

"Looking for a target."

"Successfully found."

"The salvage work is progressing smoothly."

"Successful salvage!"

S.H.I.E.L.D moved quickly, and within 5 minutes of flying over, it successfully loaded the ice coffin into the fighter plane.

It's just that the agents didn't notice that on the ice coffin, a blood-red mark flashed past as the ice coffin floated out of the sea.

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