American Comics: From Containment Anomalies To Great Old Ones

Chapter 70: The New And Old Superheroes Meet!

Hearing this, Jiang Bai, who was lying down in the Blue Ocean Building with a leisurely look, immediately regained his energy.

"Loki? In other words, it's time to fight in New York?"

In order to occupy the earth, Loki became Ziyam's younger brother. He wanted to catch Ziyue and his subordinate Chitauri's power to complete this goal.

But the purple sweet potato essence made Loki have to give him the Tesseract, so Loki took control of Hawkeye and stole the Tesseract.

After that, Fury, the braised egg head, looked for helpers everywhere, assembled the original lineup of the Avengers alliance, and New York and Loki fought with Chitauri, successfully guarding the peace of New York.

This is probably the case.

At the same time, it was also the beginning of the troubled American Comics world.

Because from then on, all kinds of monsters and monsters in the universe appeared one after another, and began to attack the earth, and the chaos was almost unseemly.

But Jiang Bai never imagined that all this would happen so quickly?

"At first I thought that Fury would start acting ahead of schedule just because he was stimulated by an abnormal object, but I didn't expect that the plot had already started?"

While talking, Jiang Bai turned sideways and asked Natasha Romanoff to press his neck.

"Natasha Romanoff, the left side of my neck is a little stiff, give me a little massage."


Natasha Romanoff and Ada Wang were a little dumbfounded.

Shouldn't the script be like this?

Didn't you just talk about Loki and the Battle of New York?

Why does it suddenly look like it doesn't matter now?

Although Natasha Romanoff and Ada Wang have been with Jiang Bai for so long, they found that they really don't know Jiang Bai at all.

Especially what Jiang Bai is doing now, they don't understand what Jiang Bai is thinking at all?

"What's wrong?"

Jiang Bai naturally also noticed the doubts of the two girls. Although he knew what they were wondering about, he still asked with great interest.


The second daughter hesitated for a moment, and Natasha Romanoff stopped massaging Jiang Bai.

Jiang Bai stretched out his hand and patted Natasha Romanoff's hand, Natasha Romanoff responded immediately, and asked Jiang Bai while massaging him.

"Master, I heard you talking about Loki, what about the New York War, it sounds like a very important thing, but why are you not worried at all?"

"Because it's not the time we should be worrying."

Jiang Bai said indifferently.

And what he said was true, if it was just the New York War, then Jiang Bai really didn't need to worry.

Anyway, it can be resolved in the end, Jiang Bai only needs to take action to contain Chitauri and the like when the matter is almost over.

As for saying more, he doesn't need to care at all.

However, considering that New York will experience many disasters in the future, Jiang Bai thought of one thing.

"System, place the strong containment room I got in the New York branch."

Strong containment is the reward Jiang Bai received after containing 049.

One with the same ability as Foundation headquarters can suppress the power of abnormal objects, making it difficult for these abnormal objects to resist containment.

Because Jiang Bai considered that there might be many battles with local containment in New York in the future, these guys are powerful, and if they don't use this powerful containment room, they might not be able to subdue them.

Because Jiang Bai is also planning to contain some local containment objects.

And since it is contained, Jiang Bai doesn't want these guys to escape from prison, so an unbreakable cell is a must.

Didn't the strong containment room we got before come in handy?

[Successfully placed. 】

These are all done in the mind, almost just a momentary thing.

After finishing these, Jiang Bai said directly to the second daughter: "I'll sleep for a while, what's the matter with you.

Since returning from Raccoon City, the second daughter has actually confessed her identity to Jiang Bai.

And the result is naturally no surprise, Jiang Bai already knew their situation like the back of his hand.

Therefore, there was not much criticism for the second daughter, not even a word of reprimand. Instead, they pointed out the identity of the second daughter, and then asked them to go through the entry procedures for them and formally joined the foundation.

Even though the second daughter had already guessed that she might be exposed, she never thought that she would be exposed so thoroughly.

Jiang Bai knew exactly what organization he belonged to and when he had been in contact with his organization.

In other words, everything I did before was actually in Jiang Bai's eyes.

It's just that Jiang Bai never exposed them.

In fact, when they first learned about this, the second daughter was quite scared.

After all, thinking about it this way, everything he and others did before was actually seen by Jiang Bai.

If Jiang Bai really wanted to do something to them at that time, he could have killed them at any time.

But after thinking about it, since Jiang Bai didn't kill them at that time.

It meant that Jiang Bai had acquiesced in all of this, which made them relax immediately, but what followed was their complete admiration for Jiang Bai.

Because of the time in Raccoon City, they were full of approval for Jiang Bai, but now they naturally admire Jiang Bai even more.

This has led to the fact that the relationship between Jiang Bai and them seems to be closer now.

As for how close?

Anyway, we played cards together last night.

Jiang Bai is pretty laid back, but Fury on the other side is in trouble now.

Looking for help all over the world.

Immediately after getting the approval of General Ross, or Jiang Bai, Dr. Banner, he went to Stark Industries.

Iron Man is definitely the most famous superhero at present.

Because most superheroes are choosing to hide their identities, worrying that revealing their identities will bring unnecessary trouble to themselves.

However, Iron Man is different, as a rich second generation Zhang Yang is used to.

After developing the Iron Man battle armor and becoming Iron Man, he did not hide his identity, but admitted his identity in front of people all over the world

Therefore, he has become the most famous and most conspicuous existence among all the current superheroes.

Since it is necessary to gather all the combat power that can be gathered, then this target Fury will naturally not be let go.

Dang even brought Dr. Banner and Captain America to Stark Industries, intending to find Iron Man.

In fact, because of the appearance of Jiang Bai, the plot of the entire Avengers alliance still has some changes.

For example, the Hulk, such as Captain America and so on.

That's why Jiang Bai didn't know that the plot of the Avengers alliance had started, because the laboratory building didn't collapse.

Originally, after Loki came and took away the Tesseract, the building of the laboratory would collapse, and then Fury would start looking for helpers to form the Avengers alliance.

Now that the laboratory building has not collapsed, Loki still took the Tesseract.

So the laboratory building didn't collapse, so Jiang Bai naturally didn't notice that the plot of the Avengers alliance had already started.

It's just that these are not important to Jiang Bai, anyway, they will be contained in the end.

Fury came to Stark Industry with Captain America and Dr. Banner, and met Tony soon after explaining his purpose.

It's just that Tony doesn't seem to be too welcoming to Captain America.

"You are Captain America? I really didn't expect that an old antique can still work?"

Tony was taunting Captain America as soon as he opened his mouth, but it made sense.

For the pushy Tony, Captain America's reputation is too big, even to the point where it makes Tony feel uncomfortable.

In Tony's opinion, being so eye-catching, he should be the one who gets everyone's attention, not this old antique from the last century!

"I don't hate young people who like to show off, but you are a little too arrogant."

Captain America glanced at Tony, then spoke in a flat tone.

In fact, from the moment he met Tony, Captain America could tell that Tony was the kind of young man who liked to show off and show off.

Just like the beautiful country here is completely different from the beautiful country in my memory, it is all fresh and different.

But it doesn't mean that there is nothing Captain America can't accept. This is still the country he decided to use everything to protect, and that's enough.

"Really?" Tony looked at Captain America with a smirk on his face: "But I actually don't like you."

"It's up to you, anyway, in my eyes, you are just an ignorant child, and you should be more tolerant.

Captain America said indifferently, not paying attention to Tony's provocation at all.

In fact, just like what he said himself, in his eyes, Tony is just a child who is not very sensible, who is used to the world of flamboyance and willful behavior.

So Captain America is naturally more tolerant towards Tony, but perhaps it can also be seen as contempt for Tony from another perspective.

At least Tony thought so.

"Oh! My God, this is the first time I've met such an infuriating antique like you, you really should wash your rusty brain with strong acid!"

Tony became a little annoyed immediately after hearing Captain America's seemingly tolerant but in fact confrontational words.

But before he could say anything more, Fury immediately stopped the two of them.

"Hey hey, we still have important things to do now, please calm down a little bit!"

Fury stood up with a headache and separated the two.

"Important thing? What do you want to do when you come to me?"

After Tony heard Fury's words, doubts flashed in his eyes.

In fact, the reason why he was willing to meet Fury and the others was because he detected a different energy fluctuation when debugging the new weapon system.

Tony guessed that something was wrong with New York, so he only met Ray when Fury came looking for him.

"One of our S.H.I.E.L.D treasures has been stolen."

"So you came here just to let me help you catch the thief?" Tony yelled immediately when he heard this.

Because in his opinion, it should be very important for Fury to find him.

But now when I open my mouth, I tell myself that their S.H.I.E.L.D treasure has been stolen?

What's the meaning?

Suspect that you have stolen the treasure? Or do you want to help catch the thief yourself?

But these two are obviously not what you want to do, right?

"If you want to find someone to catch a thief, please go out and turn left, go straight for two kilometers and you will see a police station. Definitely if you can't find the way, I can ask J.A.R.V.I.S to draw a map for you."

Tony said that he really planned to ask J.A.R.V.I.S to draw a map for Fury and the others.

"Tony, I said can you listen to me?"

At this moment, Fury's marinated egg head was already bulging with blue veins.

If it wasn't for the fact that he still needed Tony's help, he probably would have given Tony a direct shot by now.

"Then tell me quickly, I'm very busy right now.

Tony looked at Fury nonchalantly, and said displeasedly: "If Iron Man's time is precious, you are wasting his time fighting crime!"

Everyone has a dream of being a hero, especially in the purgatory world of American Comics.

Tony is no exception, he even yearns to be a hero more than the average person.

It's just the current hero life, or the so-called Iron Man identity.

For him, it is more of an honor, like something to brag about with others.

This half-baked behavior made Captain America frowned.

But considering the need to rely on the power of this person in front of him in the future, Captain America didn't say much at the moment.

"Alas..." Seeing Tony without a proper shape, Fury also let out a long sigh, and then said: "The person who stole the Tesseract is the god in Norse Mythology, one of the tricks

God Loki, and I presume aliens are about to attack Earth.


Although Tony had imagined many possibilities, it was the only one that he didn't expect Fury to use this kind of nonsense to deceive himself.

"Fury, do you see what idiot I am? Loki, the god of trickery? Aliens attacking Earth, do you know what the hell you're talking about?!"

Tony questioned Fury, but Fury didn't answer, just looked at Tony quietly.

Looking at Tony with those straight eyes, a trace of uneasiness and doubt gradually appeared.

"Hey, what you're not saying is true, are you? Are there really gods and aliens?"

Tony asked tentatively, but in fact he was already half convinced at the moment.

Fury wasn't one to crack jokes, especially not around this time.

"It's true." Fury nodded: "Tony, now we need your assistance, a war has begun, we must..."


Originally, Fury had prepared a lot of arguments, trying to convince Tony.

But he didn't expect that Tony clapped his hands suddenly at this moment, and said to Fury excitedly: "Isn't it just for this time that I became a hero? To save the world from aliens"

Saving the world is what a hero should do!"


Fury, Captain America, and even Dr. Banner all looked at Tony suspiciously.

Maybe this is the first time they have seen someone who can be so happy under such circumstances?

But this also let Fury breathe a sigh of relief, which shows that the other party is willing to help them.

"So Tony, what's your answer?"

"Happy to help, doctor."

Excited, Tony even made a royal salute to Fury.

Captain America, who was watching, couldn't help saying: "I really don't know, who is the old antique?"

"You old bastard"

Just when Tony was about to taunt Captain America, he suddenly felt a familiar wave of energy.

"That thief you speak of, Loki, the god of intrigue, I seem to have found him."

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