American Comics: From Containment Anomalies To Great Old Ones

Chapter 76: The Terrible Ten Thousand Wings Angel, Are Humans And Aliens United?

The Wanyi Angel is a creature that feeds on sound waves.

The food just now, that is, Phil Coulson, has been completely killed by him.

The intense neuropathic pain venom directly destroyed every cell in Phil Coulson's body from the inside out.

In the end Phil Coulson died of severe pain and loss of strength.

It can be said to be one of the most miserable and painful ways to die, especially the pain that should have knocked him out in an instant, but because of the special substance injected into him by Wan Yi Angel, he remained awake, and Continue to constantly feel the severe pain enough to make a normal person die of pain, until the potential of the body is exhausted and the body completely collapses.

After losing food, Wanyi Angel naturally needs to find more food.

Now New York can be said to be the noisiest place in this area because of the war with Chitauri, so it naturally attracted Wanyi Angel.

The appearance of Wanyi Angel can be said to have ignited all the anger of Avengers immediately.

Whether it's Captain America or Tony, or even Thor, there is no one who is not angry with Wanyi Angel.

Because Wanyi Angel captured Phil Coulson in front of them.

And now only Wanyi Angel appears here, which also shows one thing.

Phil Coulson is dead!

Phil Coulson died at the hands of this monster!

Thinking of this, their hearts were filled with anger.

Especially Thor.

As the Nordic Thor and God of War, Thor has never seen such a creature as Angel.

Ignoring his attack, and killing one of his companions in front of him, but he was powerless against him.

As long as he thinks of these, the proud Thor will feel a cloud of anger burning in his heart.

"Damn monster, you've pissed me off!"

Thor raised his Mjolnir aloft, and let out a roar.

And following his roar, a thunderclap suddenly resounded in the sky.

The deafening thunder fell on Thor's Mjolnir along with thunderbolts, and countless arcs wrapped around Mjolnir, making a "crackling" sound.

At this moment, Thor standing in the air can be regarded as truly showing his power as a god.

The faint blue light of thunder flickered in his eyes, and the strong wind accompanied the thunder around him. At this time, Thor no longer had the simplicity and honesty before, and it could even be said that he was stupid.

Only his majesty and strength as a god, and his powerful divine power demonstrate the strength of Thor.

At this moment, even Loki, who dislikes Thor anyway and thinks that as long as Thor dies, he can justifiably become the king of Asgard, has to admit it.

Thor really deserves to be the son of Odin, he perfectly inherited the terrifying power of Odin, the terrifying thunder that can destroy everything is completely as docile as a cat in Thor's hands at this moment.

"Thor, a fool, only looks like a god when he is angry."

Looking at Thor at this moment, Loki still disdains Thor, but it is rare to recognize some Thor, but then Loki added: "And I will always be the most perfect god."

Wan Yi Angel also felt Thor's hostility at this moment, as well as that powerful force.

Wan Wings Angel knew that this was a very dangerous force, so he pointed his face at Thor, layer after layer of wings overlapped, protecting the inner core [that humanoid existence.

And feel the existence of the terrifying power of Thor, not only the Angel of Ten Thousand Wings, but also the army of Chitauri.

They don't know who Thor is trying to attack?

But they were sure that this blow would be terrifying, so they all gave up their goals at this time and rushed towards Thor together.

They want to defeat Thor before Thor unleashes this terrifying attack, and avoid being attacked by Thor.

A large number of Chitauri soldiers turned their guns, and a series of ultra-high temperature lasers shot at Thor, but none of them could get close to you.

Because when these light beams approach Thor, they will be blocked by the thunder in the air, and they will not be able to hit Thor at all.

But Chitauri was not discouraged, they drove the sky behemoth and continued to rush towards Thor.

Several giant sky beasts grew their own mouths, revealing sharp teeth that shone with a cold glow.

This kind of monster is even bigger than the aircraft carrier, and wants to swallow Thor, so as to prevent Thor from continuing to use such a powerful attack.

However, looking at the giant sky beasts that had already rushed in front of him, and their huge mouths, Jin Er didn't move at all.

He just watched all this quietly, and concentrated all his energy on Wan Yi Angel.

He has only one goal at the moment, and that is to kill Wanyi Angel.

He must kill this monster, prove his strength, and wash away his shame!

"boom". .!"

Accompanied by a loud noise, Thor was swallowed by the mouth of the sky behemoth rushing to the front.

Even Loki looked puzzled as the sky monster's jaws closed.

Because he never thought that Thor would actually be swallowed.

Originally, he thought that Thor would throw the Mjolnir in his hand before being swallowed, and directly crush the sky behemoth to death.

As a brother who has been with Thor for many years, Loki knows that Thor also has this strength.

But Loki didn't expect that Twill was actually swallowed like this.

"That's how he..."

When Loki was about to say that Thor was killed like this, the sky monster that swallowed Thor suddenly showed a painful appearance, and was still struggling constantly.

It looked extremely painful, and at the same time, a large amount of lightning shrouded the whole body of the sky behemoth, and those Chitauri soldiers riding on the back of the sky behemoth exploded to death because they couldn't bear such a strong voltage.

Seeing this scene, several sky behemoths nearby and the Chitauri soldiers on their backs also immediately focused their attention here, ready to fire at any time.

The next moment, a strong thunderbolt directly blasted the sky giant into pieces.

And the huge amounts of Lei Guang also swallowed the Chitauri around them at the same time.

With a terrifying thunder, a hammer pierced the sky and rushed towards Wanyi Angel.

All the enemies blocking the way were wiped out in an instant, and only the Mjolnir was left to attack Wanyi Angel angrily.

Everyone knew that Thor must be very angry at this moment.

However, he never expected that he would be so angry and powerful. This attack directly blasted and killed the entire Chitauri fleet [master ten Song Tianchen beasts and the Qitaduan soldiers on them together.

And the powerful destructive power continued, Mjolnir roared and rushed towards the Ten Thousand Wings Angel, as if to tear the Ten Thousand Wings Angel to pieces, and rushed over with Thor's anger and strength.

Looking at the rushing Mjolnir, Wanyi Angel folded all her wings together, intertwined layer upon layer, to protect herself.

Each wing is a shield, and these shields overlap to form an indestructible protection that protects Wanyi Angel in it.

As soon as Mjolnir came into contact with these wings, the intense lightning burst out and directly penetrated hundreds of wings, but then Mjolnir's speed dropped somewhat, not as fast as before.

Although Mjolnir is still destroying the wings of Wanyi Angel, and is constantly close to the core of Wanyi Angel.

But at the same time, the wings of Wanyi Angel are also constantly reborn, becoming a new shield to guard in front of him.

One attack and one defense, both sides are doing their best.

As the wings were broken, Mjolnir seemed to be getting closer to the core of Wanyi Angel.

But also the force attached to Mjolnir is getting smaller and smaller.


When Mjolnir attacked a wing that was very close to the core of the Ten Thousand Wings Angel, he suddenly lost all his power, and then a ball of lightning burst out, swallowing the entire Ten Thousand Wings Angel and everything around it.

And looking at this scene, Thor finally couldn't hold on, and fell down without strength.

Fortunately, Tony was nearby, so he immediately flew over to catch Thor.

"Did you make it?"

Thor put a hand on Tony's shoulder and spoke out of breath.

Because the blow just now had completely drained his strength, even an ordinary Chitauri soldier could kill him now.

But even so, Thor still fixed his eyes firmly on the place where Wanyi Angel was.

This is the first time Thor has felt shame, so he must wash away this shame!

At this moment, Mjolnir suddenly flew out of the ball lightning and returned to Thor's hand.

The ball lightning also slowly disappeared in place, and a pungent burnt smell spread out, making everyone frowned.

But no one cares about these, everyone at the moment only cares about one thing.

Is that monster dead?

Under such a powerful attack, that monster should already be dead, right?

Most people hope so. After all, if even Thor's full blow can't kill the monster, then these people really don't know that they should fight against such a terrifying existence.

However, after the spherical lightning disappeared, revealing the angel with thousands of wings inside, everyone felt a trace of fear and disbelief.

Because Wanyi Angel is not dead, even though the wings on Wanyi Angel's body have been destroyed at this moment, only a dozen pieces are left, and even people can directly see the core of Wanyi Angel, which emits a little white light. Clear-looking humanoid creature.

Those wings grow from his back, just like the legendary Angel.

But people have never seen an Angel that can grow so many wings. Even those big Angels in myths and legends only have six wings, but this strange monster in front of them has so many wings. , it is unimaginable!

'. "What kind of monster is this guy?!"

Although Tony never believed in any gods, he couldn't help but let out a strange cry when he saw this scene.

Because that's a little too weird, right?

Why is this monster so similar to the legendary Angel?

And it has too many wings, right? Even the woman I've slept with doesn't have as many wings as him, right?

Wan Yi Angel didn't care about Thor's injuries to him, and didn't even look at Thor, but instead focused on Chitauri who was still yelling and attacking him constantly.

Although the current Wanyi Angel's wings are still constantly being regenerated, these all require energy.

But now Wanyi Angel doesn't have enough energy to supply himself. Just resisting Thor's attack, Wanyi Angel has almost exhausted his own energy, so he needs to eat now.

Soon Wanyi Angel appeared on the back of a giant sky beast, and the surrounding Chitauri soldiers immediately turned to Wanyi

Winged Angel launched the attack.

The ultra-high temperature laser fell on Wanyi Angel's wings, leaving a large area of ​​burnt marks, accompanied by a pungent burnt smell.

But Wanyi Angel was not there, so he directly withstood the attacks of these Chitauri, and pulled a Chitauri into his wings.

These seemingly soft feathers are actually extremely sharp at the tip. Even the battle armor on these Chitauri can't resist, and they were easily scratched, and then the feathers

Insert them into their bodies and inject them with venom that can cause severe pain.

Immediately, a creepy scream came out.

Just listening to this voice has already made many people feel fear from the bottom of their hearts. They always feel that they are not a normal creature in front of them, but a terrible creature.

Sin becomes normal.

Under this kind of screams (from the good king), the surrounding Chitauri also opened their mouths and roared and roared constantly, as if they wanted to frighten Wanyi Angel.

But whether it can deter Wanyi Angel is not clear, but it is certain to attract Wanyi Angel.

Wanyi Angel, who originally wanted to obtain energy through sound waves, rushed up immediately after hearing Chitauri's roar, and sent several Chitauri back to him in an instant.


And just like before, the venom was injected into their bodies.

Feeling the severe pain that has surpassed the limit of endurance, even these aliens all let out miserable cries.

It was precisely because of this cry that Wanyi Angel's lost strength was replenished, and the wings on his body were growing rapidly, almost in the blink of an eye, he was already

Hundreds of wings have grown, and they are still growing constantly.

The feather ball that took all Thor's strength to destroy appeared again, and it was still constantly expanding, preying on all objects that could make sound.

Seeing this scene, both sides of the war fell into deep fear.

Whether it is human beings or Chitauri, they are at least flesh and blood. They will also be injured and die, and they will also be afraid of powerful opponents.

But this monster full of wings seems to have no such emotions at all, he will only constantly attack the living creatures around him, and give them pain.

"This is simply a demon!"

Several fighter pilots watched this scene, and almost subconsciously pressed the launch button of the missile, and the small airborne missile attacked Wanyi Angel heavily with a string of flames.

And this time the attack was like some kind of signal.

Immediately, both humans and Chitauri set their targets on Wanyi Angel, and began to unreservedly pour firepower at Wanyi Angel. .

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