American Comics: From Containment Anomalies To Great Old Ones

Chapter 78: S.H.I.E.L.D's Hole Card, The Battle For The Blood Pool!

Although because of the appearance of Wanyi Angel, both humans and Chitauri had a little fear, so they cooperated with each other to launch an attack on Wanyi Angel.

But in fact, humans and Chitauri are still fighting. They will attack each other while attacking Wanyi Angel.

The whole New York is in a mess under their fighting style.

After a while, the Chitauri will destroy two human fighter planes, and after a while, the humans will kill all the Chitauri on the back of a certain sky behemoth.

However, the biggest threat to both sides at the moment is still Wanyi Angel, which makes them both very angry at the other party's blatant and secretive attack, but - they are helpless.

Because no one dared to relax the attack on Wanyi Angel.

Since the appearance of Wanyi Angel, the ammunition pouring out like a violent storm has never stopped.

With so many ammunition, it is impossible not to hit Wanyi Angel every time.

Sometimes "a careless" will fly into the opponent's camp, causing some small losses.

And the attack that penetrated the ground above the blood pool was caused by Chitauri's "careless" behavior.

These monsters created by the blood pool are looking around at the moment.

The smell of war and gunpowder strongly stimulated their fighting spirit and ferocity.

These terrifying monsters rushed out while letting out bloodthirsty roars, killing anyone they saw.

Jiang Bai, who was watching all this in the RV, immediately frowned, showing a little anger on his face.

"These guys ruined my good work!"

Originally, Jiang Bai wanted Red Right Hand to contain the blood pool first while humans and Chitauri were dealing with Wanyi Angel.

After the blood pool was contained, it would be much easier to deal with only one Wanyi Angel left.

As long as the surrounding area is muted, Wanyi Angel is actually a relatively easy existence to deal with.

In other words, the vast majority of abnormal objects are like this. Their trouble is the rule, but their weakness is also the rule.

For example, Wanyi Angel, as long as he is placed in an absolutely silent environment, he will not feel the existence of sound waves, and he will fall into a standby state.

Therefore, Shi Jiangri has already prepared the containment method for Wanyi Angel.

Use an absolutely soundproof metal box to trap Wanyi Angel, and then transport it to the strong containment room of the Blue Ocean Building.

So Jiang Bai planned to contain the blood pool first while Wanyi Angel was still restraining humans and Chitauri.

Because compared with Ten Thousand Wings Angel, the blood pool, which can keep flowing and contain monsters, is the biggest threat to human beings.

Originally, Jiang Bai planned this way, but now the blood pool is suddenly exposed to the outside world. The monsters created by the blood pool are already fierce and dangerous, but now they suddenly come into contact with the outside world, and they will only become more dangerous.

And the fact is just as Jiang Bai imagined.

As the ground above was blasted away, these monsters and pools of blood appeared in people's eyes.

And these people who are still in a hurry to escape at this moment have also seen these monsters.

There are echidnas bigger than bears, humanoid insect creatures four or five meters high, huge poisonous snakes more than ten meters long, centaurs holding spears, and even fierce goblins holding shields and swords.

These creatures that would only exist in fantasy novels all appeared in front of these people.

Looking at these magical creatures, there was a trace of surprise in everyone's eyes.

After all, they had never seen these creatures before, and they always believed that these were just creatures that existed in people's fantasy.

However, they can be stunned, but these monsters are not stunned.

When a goblin raises the dagger in his hand, jumps high and throws himself on a person's face, pushes the person down to the ground, then raises the dagger in his hand and stabs the person's face again and again When it was up, everyone immediately reacted.

The blood splattered and piercing screams immediately brought these people back to reality.

They all looked at these monsters in horror, their eyes full of despair and fear.

At this moment, an unknown feather ball monster and an army of aliens have appeared in New York, and now there are so many strange monsters.

What the hell is going on in New York?

Can we really survive this threat?

Human beings today, after all, have not experienced the experience of villains such as Purple Sweet Potato Essence and Galactus who are about to exterminate human beings and destroy the planet at every turn.

Psychological endurance Ability, somewhat fragile.

So in this situation where the wolf is in the front and the tiger is the back, there will soon be some desperate tendencies.

However, Jiang Bai believes that as long as the people in the beautiful country accept Ability after experiencing such situations several times, they will be tempered.

It's just that there are still some people who haven't reacted yet, don't worry too much about this.

but now..……


"There are monsters!!"

The crowd who fled here to avoid the battle collided with the crowd behind them who didn't know what happened in front of them, and no one would let the other.

For a while, a large number of people were all blocked together.

And this also gave these monsters an excellent venue for a massacre. After seeing the crowd blocked in the middle, these monsters all roared excitedly and rushed up.

An ordinary human body has no chance of winning against these monsters.

Even in a beautiful country that is full of freedom and can carry guns with you, it is the same.

Ordinary firearms have no effect on these monsters at all.

What's more, these people have already been scared out of their wits, how can they still have the courage to resist.

All their thoughts were on how to escape, so this caused countless people to lose all their strength in fear, and then burst into tears, and even watched these monsters involuntarily in front of them, and then killed them. Own.


Fury, who was watching Chitauri and humans jointly attack Wanyi Angel, suddenly received another call from the council.

"Fury, you bastard!"

As soon as the call came through, before Fury could even figure out what was going on, there was a barrage of cursing.

"Sir, can you first clarify what happened?"

Fury was scolded by the council with a dazed face, he didn't even know what happened?

It can only be heard from the tone on the other side that something very important should have happened.

"What's the matter? New York is the headquarters of your S.H.I.E.L.D. Now New York is not only invaded by aliens, but there are also a large number of monsters appearing and slaughtering people, but you don't know anything? What the hell are you, the director of S.H.I.E.L.D When?!"

After hearing Fury's question, the council was even more outraged, and the voice of questioning Fury became louder.

But at this moment, even if Fury smashed his corned egg head, he didn't want to understand, where did this group of monsters appear again?

Could it be the ghosts of those aliens?

"The video about this incident on the Internet has spread all over the Internet, and some war reporters have already filmed this incident and broadcast it live!"

As soon as Fury heard this, he immediately took out another mobile phone and searched online.

Right now, almost the entire Internet is full of news about the battle in New York.

Various criticisms of S.H.I.E.L.D's incompetence and parliamentary inaction are overwhelming.

Just looking at Fury can feel a burst of pressure, so he can understand why the council is so angry.

Because if this matter is not dealt with properly, both S.H.I.E.L.D and the Parliament will lose their credibility.

This is no joke!

Soon Fury found a video of a monster attack in New York amidst a pile of news videos.

However, just opening it and taking a look, Fury couldn't help but feel his heart tighten.

Because it can be clearly seen in the video that a large number of corpses are piled up together, and blood flows from every corpse and every piece of meat, and then slowly gathers together "flowing into a deep pit not far away.

And Fury also seemed to see that in this deep pit, there was a pool of water like a lake, filled with blood-red liquid.

If it's all blood... the thought just popped into Fury's mind for a moment, and he immediately put it behind him.

Because this is really something Fury can't imagine, with so much blood, how many people would die?

This is something Fury can't even imagine.

Just the scene in the video alone was enough to scare Fury.

There are dead bodies everywhere, and people are constantly killed by those riding strange monsters.

Just like cattle and sheep in a slaughterhouse, they were slaughtered one by one without any chance to resist, and turned into a pile of minced meat.

Seeing this video, Fury knew he had to act.

Otherwise, even if this incident is successfully resolved, S.H.I.E.L.D and the parliament will be flattened by these angry people.

Fury doesn't want to open his eyes every day in S.H.I.E.L.D, thinking about how to face the crowds who are marching and demonstrating outside.

…ask for flowers………

"I will immediately arrange manpower to deal with this matter."

Fury just said this, and then immediately called Captain America.

Now that Tony is busy dealing with the monster in the sky, Banner has probably turned into the Hulk, and he can't control his anger at all.

Now the entire Avengers, Fury can contact and command, and only Captain America is left.

"Captain America, a group of dangerous monsters are massacring the people in New York City right now, I need you to go there immediately."

After Fury explained the address and the situation, Captain America: The Winter Soldier immediately started to act without saying a word.

No matter what happens, Captain America will always be the one who protects justice. Only this will never change.

So when Captain America heard that the people were threatened, they immediately acted.

Looking at the phone that had been hung up, Fury frowned and muttered to himself with some doubts: "Why do I always feel that something is missing? Is there something wrong with these things that have happened recently? "

Fury reached out and scratched his shiny head, with deep doubt and incomprehension in his eyes.

But it didn't take long for Fury to figure out what was missing.

"Foundation! Why is there so much trouble this time, but there is no movement from the Foundation? This is unreasonable!"

The foundation should be the most active when these things happen.


At this point, even Fury couldn't figure out, where did the Foundation get their information from?

Obviously, even their S.H.I.E.L.D don't know many things, but the foundation seems to be able to predict the future, making preparations in advance when the event happens.

The most obvious is the zombie virus outbreak in Raccoon City.

I don't know how many S.H.I.E.L.D agents went to the umbrella company to find out what they wanted

what to do

But until the end, even a little clue was not found.

But the Foundation was able to make all the preparations before the Umbrella Corporation took action, and then went to Raccoon City to directly destroy the Umbrella Corporation's plan.

In the end, although it was said that General Ross saved Raccoon City, in fact, Fury always felt that there should be Foundation designs in it.

It's just that Fury couldn't find evidence, so he didn't say much.

Thinking that the Foundation might be doing something secretly at this moment, Fury immediately took out his phone and called Natasha Romanoff.

Inside the RV.

Jiang Bai is instructing Red Right Hand to contain the blood pool as soon as possible to avoid more monsters from appearing.

Suddenly Natasha Romanoff's cell phone turned cold, and Natasha Romanoff looked up at Jiang Bai at the same time.

Although she didn't say anything, Jiang Bai knew what was going on.

"Fury's phone call? He can't sit still."

Braised egg head?

Hearing Jiang Bai call Fury that, Natasha Romanoff thought about it again, it seemed quite appropriate.

Immediately, he couldn't help laughing out loud.

"Come on, it's too early for you to reveal your identity, I don't need your identity at S.H.I.E.L.D.

Now that she got Jiang Bai's consent, Natasha Romanoff answered Fury's call without any burden.

"Black widow, the Foundation hasn't made any moves recently, has it?"

Natasha Romanoff looked up at Jiang Bai upon hearing Fury's question.

Jiang Bai just smiled, and then lip-synced to Natasha Romanoff, tell the truth.

"Jiang Bai is now containing the blood pool number 354, and the monsters that appear in the New York City area are all created by this blood pool.


When Fury heard this, he immediately became excited.

At the same time, I also remembered that in the video, I seemed to see that there was indeed a huge amount of scarlet water pool in the big pit behind those monsters.

Those monsters are actually made by that thing? No, such a powerful and dangerous thing must be in the hands of our S.H.I.E.L.D to ensure the world


As soon as he thought of these things, Fury immediately hung up the phone, and then took out something like a remote control crystal button from his body.

But he didn't press it, but after a moment of hesitation, he took the button back, and immediately notified all Avengers members to give up on Chitauri and

Ten Thousand Wings Angel's attack, immediately went to fight for the blood pool.

"If even they can't seize the blood pool, maybe I can only use this hole card."

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