American Comics: From Containment Anomalies To Great Old Ones

Chapter 84: Scary Old Man, There Are Black Hands Behind The Scenes!

The power of a reality bender is also very simple to say, that is, it can distort reality.

Everything that exists becomes non-existent and non-existent becomes existence.

As long as you think in your heart, you can decide whether you can do it according to your strength.

And now they're all going to this one thing.

Transfer this blood pool to another place.

It was located in a place that Jiang Bai specially asked them to prepare, in a barrier that could seal off space made by a magician.

Even if Xuechi has the ability to jump in space nodes, as long as Jiang Bai blocks the space, Xuechi will not be able to leave this place.

This is what Jiang Bai had already planned.

It is also the only way to effectively contain the blood pool.

The only problem is that this kind of containment is actually very expensive, because the barrier needs to be maintained, which means that at least two thaumaturges need to guard the barrier at all times.

The Foundation originally had less thaumaturges.

In the Foundation universe, the GOC with the most thaumaturgists is the Global Occult Coalition.

A competitor belonging to the Foundation, similar to the current S.H.I.E.L.D.

So for the foundation, as long as it is not too important anomalies, they will not let thaumaturges be responsible for containment and follow-up management.

But Jiang Bai is different, because Jiang Bai has seen two things in the exchange interface.

Long Guoyi Society and International Comprehensive Thaumatology Center.

These two organizations are the management center for thaumaturges only for Dragon Kingdom, and the management center for all thaumaturges outside Dragon Kingdom.

As long as they can be exchanged, they will be able to train thaumaturges continuously.

In this way, the Foundation can have a large number of thaumaturges like the Global Occult Coalition.

Originally, Jiang Bai thought that he could only exchange the things that the Foundation had, but now it seems that not only the Foundation, but everything in the universe that belongs to the Foundation in general can be exchanged.

Then in this way, I can completely create a super foundation that is stronger than the original foundation, and all forces are gathered together, an unprecedented super foundation!

That's why Jiang Bai made such a containment plan that required thaumaturgy.

With the constant increase in the power of the red right hand's reality bender, the blood pool has also changed from just a little disappearing trend to a translucent state, and it seems that it will be transferred away soon.

But it was also at this time that Jiang Bai seemed to see something that was not quite right.

In the blood pool, there seems to be something else?

"Huh? There seems to be something in the blood pool?!"

This scene was quickly noticed by Natasha Romanoff and the others, and they were also talking to Jiang Bai in doubt.

King Ada looked at the things in the blood pool and frowned involuntarily.

"It appears to be the body of an elderly man, but it is highly decomposed."

Elderly? Highly decayed?

Jiang Bai was still wondering what this thing was?

Now that King Ada said this, he immediately reacted.

"I said how the blood pool has the ability to move in space, so it's because of him!"


King Ada and Natasha Romanoff both looked at Jiang Bai curiously, and they could see it now.

Jiang Bai obviously has a great understanding of this rotten old man, and even the sudden appearance of the blood pool has a lot to do with this old man.

"Unusual Object-106 Scary Old Man!"

Unusual Object-106, code-named Scary Old Man.

This is an elderly humanoid with a highly decomposed whole body. Usually, the degree of rot and the parts of rot observed by him vary from person to person.

And he is not very sensitive, he usually stays in one place all day, quietly waiting for the prey to appear, and he has a portable space like a nest, or a nest.

He will attack his prey until he completely loses the power to resist, such as tearing the prey's tendons, heart and other major organs. When the prey has completely lost the power to resist, he will drag the prey into his lair, a pocket dimension Among them, and then eat each other.

After eating once, the terrifying old man will go into hibernation, and will start hunting again when he feels hungry.

From the experimental point of view, the scary old man prefers humans in the age group of 10-25 as prey.

The reason that definitely makes the scary old man dangerous is because the scary old man can ignore all physical attacks.

All powerless attacks will pass through the body of the terrifying old man without causing any damage to him, and abilities such as concept erasure and reality distortion can only affect him

and cannot destroy him.

In other words, he is an existence similar to 682's indestructible nature.

Definitely what Jiang Bai really remembers is still the scary old man's lair, that dimensional space.

That space is full of the excrement of the scary old man, and the scary old man also has a kind of excrement-like mucus, and his predation method is to use this mucus to touch the prey.

Then the prey will undergo a chemical breakdown, somewhat similar to the rust, decay, and final breakdown of metal, and this method is harmful to all living organisms.

According to the Foundation's archives, this should be an act of digestion.

That is to say, this kind of mucus is something like gastric juice, but from the appearance point of view, it is more like human excrement.

Therefore, some people say that the scary old man is a thing covered in excrement, and his lair is also full of excrement.

Thinking of such an existence that is attacking and trying to pull itself into a disgusting space, it is estimated that any person will feel physical discomfort?

But because of the scary old man, he is a kind of existence with space nature after all.

So when the scary old man entered the blood pool due to some reasons, perhaps due to some unknown change, the blood pool can use the spatial properties of the scary old man to move among the space nodes in various places.

This is the only reasonable explanation that Jiang Bai can think of.

"Contain the blood pool with all my strength, the scary old man is making plans after the blood pool is contained!"

The scary old man, like 343, is an object that cannot be fully contained.

Because it is futile to use any means to contain the terrifying old man, he will directly pass through the barriers and leave the room where he is contained.

But because of his restless nature, the foundation can still limit his range of activities to a certain area.

In comparison, the scary old man is not as dangerous as the blood pool.

So Jiang Bai asked the authority to contain the blood pool first, and then he was thinking about the scary old man.


After receiving Jiang Bai's order, the members of the Red Right Hand, who were a little worried because they saw the scary old man inside the blood pool, immediately took action.

With their concerted efforts, Er Chi soon completely disappeared.

Just like the monsters created by those blood pools before, they are completely gone.

It's just that the difference is that those monsters were directly distorted by reality to deny their existence, while the blood pool was sent to the barrier.

After doing all this, the members of the Red Right Hand didn't care about themselves, and immediately became serious against the scary old man.

But the terrifying old man disappeared after the blood pool disappeared.


Seeing that the old man dinosaur had disappeared, the red right-handed team immediately got into serious battle.

They are carefully guarding against that the terrifying old man may suddenly appear from other places and attack them.

But nothing similar happened. The scary old man seemed to have completely disappeared, and he had no intention of attacking the red right-hand team at all.

Looking at them looking like they are facing a big enemy, Tony and the others don't understand what's going on?

They all thought that the disappearance of the scary old man was also done by the Red Right Hand Squad, just like they made those monsters and the blood pool disappear before.

But only Jiang Bai and the Red Right Hand team knew that the scary old man disappeared directly, and had nothing to do with them.

[Congratulations to the host for successfully containing Abnormal Object-354, and rewarded Abnormal Object-105]

When hearing this reward, Jiang Bai was obviously a little surprised.

Because he had been thinking about whether he should plan to create a mobile task force composed entirely of anomalous objects, and now he came again and rewarded ten of his members.

"Anomaly-105, I remember it should be called Iris Thompson?"

Information about Iris flashed through Jiang Bai's mind.

Iris Thompson is a beautiful girl with blond hair and blue eyes, who carries a Polaroid camera with her, and she can use the photos taken by this camera to adjust things at will.

For example, put the house upside down, put the car in the sky...

To put it simply, her Ability is somewhat similar to Quick PS, but the difference is that when she does this, the scene in the photo really changes accordingly.

And she is also a member of Pandora's Box. In the original universe of the Foundation, she also met 076 Abel and had a race.

In the end, when she used Ability, she outperformed Abel, which also made Abel worry about this matter.

As long as Iris is not allowed to touch the Polaroid camera, she is just an ordinary girl, nothing special.

But once she has that camera, she can do incredible things.

Therefore, the Foundation generally forbids her to touch that Polaroid.

But perhaps it was also because of this that she would often run away with that Polaroid, but because she was just a little girl, almost every run ended in failure.

Later, after the plan of Pandora's Box was abandoned, she also re-entered the captive asylum, and she was considered a poor little girl.

"Now that Iris already exists, it's time to start the Pandora's Box plan."

Originally, the Pandora's Box project was only under consideration, but now because of the arrival of 105 Iris, Jiang Bai finally decided to implement it.

"President, target 106's scary old man has disappeared, what should we do now?"

The captain of the red right hand also sent an inquiry to Jiang Bai at this time.

Jiang Bai could clearly hear a trace of apology from his tone.

After all, the scary old man disappeared in front of them. As members of the foundation whose responsibility is to contain these abnormal objects, they let an abnormal object disappear in front of them. This is definitely a huge amounts of mistake.

So they are not very emotional now, and they can even obviously feel a little bit of loss.

But Jiang Bai didn't pay much attention, or he thought of another possibility.

"I don't blame you for this matter. If I'm not wrong, I'm afraid there are other people behind this. It's too self-blaming for you to be out of sync."

"other people?!"

Hearing Jiang Bai's words, the captain of the red right hand immediately flashed many powerful organizations recorded by the foundation in his mind.

These organizations are not the small fights here in New York.

Behind these organizations, there is at least one figure of supreme divinity.

For example, the Church of the Broken God, the Sarkic sect, and the Serpent's Hand.

Standing behind them is the supreme divinity, a powerful existence capable of restarting the universe and opening Chaos in a single thought.

"Maybe it's the existence you imagined, or maybe it's just a coincidence created by some forces, but no matter what it is, it shows that our foundation has been targeted by 0.1."

Jiang Bai said with a serious face.

He thought about it for a long time just now, but he still couldn't figure it out, why would the terrifying old man be with the blood pool?

Generally speaking, there is no connection between abnormal objects.

Even if there is, it is basically a relationship of attacking and killing each other.

But the scary old man obviously reached a certain degree of symbiotic relationship with the blood pool, which is very confusing.

Especially when the scary old man disappeared, Jiang Bai had a feeling.

Perhaps someone has discovered the existence of anomalous objects and started to use them to do something.

After all, this world is not simple, there are many kinds of demons and gods.

It is normal for some of them to find abnormal objects, and Jiang Bai will not feel anything about it.

But what if those powerful and intelligent anomalies are doing things by themselves?

For example, the Broken God, such as Aldabos, and even Ian who controlled Aldabos, and poisonous snakes.

These supreme divinities, if they really want to do something.

Well, all of today's may be just the beginning, they just came to say hello to the old friend of the Foundation.

Thinking of these, Jiang Bai felt that his current situation might be more critical than he imagined.

"We must bring all aspects of the plan to the daily routine as soon as possible. Since someone is behind the scenes, we must be prepared to deal with it.

Jiang Bai took a deep breath to calm himself down, and then ordered the captain of the red right hand: "Do it now, contain Wanyi Angel, everything is going according to plan!".

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