American Comics: From Containment Anomalies To Great Old Ones

Chapter 88: Got Two Infinite Gems, Contain Loki!

on the Stark Industries building.

Loki was gloomy at the moment, looking at the Avengers in front of him.

"Why?!" Before they could speak, Loki yelled at them excitedly: "Thor, why do you want to be my enemy?!"

"And you lowly mortals, I am a god! How dare you make enemies of gods?!"

It's nothing new that Loki looks down on humans.

In other words, in Loki's eyes, he is the only one, and everyone else is an ant, a lowly existence.

So he didn't look down on these people at all.

But despite looking down on them, Loki can't change the fact that he is now surrounded by Avengers.

Chitauri's army didn't listen to Loki's dispatch at all, and all ran to deal with the monsters created by the blood pool.

Now Loki can't do anything alone, surrounded by the Avengers, failure has become a foregone conclusion.

But even so, Lu Ji was still not reconciled.

I am not reconciled to failing like this, and I am not reconciled to having such an excellent plan, such a perfect start, to fail like this.

But now even if there is more unwillingness, it can't change this fact.

Loki, he still failed after all, and failed quite tragically.

"Loki, now that you have lost, you should honestly go back with me! Father will forgive you!"

Although Thor doesn't like Loki very much, he often even does things to the roadbed.

But that's mostly because Loki teased him first.

In fact, Thor still has a lot of affection for Loki. In the eyes of this big fool, Loki is still his younger brother after all, and a family whose blood is thicker than water.

And Thor actually doesn't have any idea about the position of King of Asgard, if Loki really wants it, he doesn't mind letting Loki take this position.

But unfortunately, he didn't know one thing.

That's who Loki really is, and Luki is not a son of Odin.

So this is doomed, Loki cannot become the king of Asgard.

Loki looked at Thor, who until now still had stupid ideas, knew nothing but had everything, and the fire of jealousy in his heart began to gnaw at his sanity.

"Thor, you idiot! You are a stupid idiot! But why can an idiot like you have the approval of your father?! But you can easily get everything that I can't get?!"

Loki is not reconciled to being shrouded in Thor's light, he also wants to be recognized by Odin.

In his opinion, Thor is a fool, just a stupid stupid big man.

But since childhood, Odin has been full of kindness and recognition for Thor, but there is always an inexplicable gap for himself.

Originally, Loki thought that this might be because he was not as strong as Thor, and he did not have as strong a combat power as Thor.

But Thor is just a fool! He has nothing but strength!

He doesn't have enough wisdom, and he doesn't have the potential to control this power.

And all of these are clearly available!

So Loki began to target everywhere, alienate Thor, trying to let Thor mess up all this, and let Odin know that only he is the real perfect candidate for the king of Asgard.

But in the end, all his plans fell through inexplicably, and instead, Thor pushed himself into a desperate situation step by step.

But now Loki suddenly has a new guess, will everything he does be in Odin's eyes?

Odin has actually seen through all this, but Odin has never said it clearly, but is helping Thor behind his back.

Because he is Giants of Jotunheim, he is not the son of Odin, and he does not have the blood of the Asgard royal family.

Thinking of this, Loki's hostility and hatred towards Thor deepened.

He can't wait to tear Thor into pieces now, but he also knows that he is not Thor's opponent.

If you want to defeat Thor, it is not enough to rely on yourself.

But now the allies I have found are unwilling to help me.

This made Loki even more impulsive, paranoid and crazy.

"Why? Why do you always get everything that others can't get easily? Why?!"

Loki was almost gnashing his teeth and questioning Thor.

He didn't understand that instead of relying on the power of Asgard, he found an ally with a force that had nothing to do with Asgard, nor with the Nine Realms.

And I have already planned everything, but why did I fail in the end? And failed so thoroughly!?

Looking at Loki's crazy look, listening to his questioning.

Thor was silent, he didn't know how to answer Loki?

Because at the end of the day, the reason they were able to defeat Loki so easily was entirely on the Foundation.

If it wasn't for the fact that the Foundation contained the two huge amounts of troubles, Blood Pool and Wanyi Angel, then they are still struggling with how to deal with these two dangerous existences.

There simply won't be time for Loki.

"Loki, you've already lost, and that's enough."

Seeing Loki's extreme and crazy appearance, Thor couldn't bear it for a while.

After all, this is his younger brother, the younger brother he grew up with.

Although a bit naughty, he is still his younger brother and his relatives after all!

So Thor still wants to let Loki be captured without any hands as much as possible.

But now Thor overestimated his mouth, and the first sentence directly annoyed Loki.

"Losing?" Loki looked at Thor with excitement and anger, and yelled: "No! I will never lose!!"

Saying that, Loki held up his heart scepter: "You all kneel down!"

The essence of the mind scepter is actually one of the Infinite Gems owned by Thanos, the Mind Gem.

This time Thanos didn't know what the wind was, and he actually lent Loki the scepter of his mind.

However, Loki will not use the power of the psychic scepter, it is only used as a means of forcing others to obey him.

At this moment, Loki wants to use the power of the psychic scepter to force Thor and the others to kneel down to him.

He wants to prove that he is stronger than Thor and the others, he is the real king!

Indeed, under the power of the psychic scepter, Thor and the others all felt a kind of dominating their bodies, even their souls, forcing them to act safely under Loki's orders.

But this power is not absolute, and it is not that they must obey and obey.

Fury was just an ordinary person, the moment he was controlled by the power of the psychic scepter, he knelt down directly.

Tony and Captain America were just struggling, looking like they might drop to their knees at any moment.

But after all, they haven't really kneeled down yet, and Thor and Banner didn't move at all. Although most of their strength was restrained by the power of the psychic scepter, they couldn't attack Loki. Nor did Loki really kneel down because of the power of the psychic scepter.

This made Loki even more angry.

"Why? Why don't you kneel down!?"

Loki roared at Thor like a Beast that wanted to eat people.

Aren't psychic scepters able to control others?

Why now, except for that useless mortal, no one else kneels down to himself? Why!?

At this moment, Loki is completely a red-eyed gambler. In his eyes, there is no reason anymore. He just wants to win, beat Thor, and prove to everyone that he is the best!

But no matter what he does, it seems that he can't really surpass Thor and become the most fishy.

"Loki, stop! Come back to Asgard with me. Father and queen are waiting for you to go back."

Thor still tried to persuade Loki, and at the same time a series of lightning flashed on his body, helping him break through the control of the psychic scepter.

With the power of Mind Gem, it is actually easy to control Thor.

But Loki doesn't understand the usage of the psychic scepter, he is just squandering the power of the psychic scepter roughly, that's all.

So naturally it is difficult to control Thor, who is stronger than himself, and the Hulk.

After breaking free from Loki's control, Thordan even wanted to step forward and grab Loki.

The most important thing now is to control Loki first, and then bring him back to Asgard and hand him over to his father.

Seeing Thor getting closer and closer to him, Loki's magical power became more and more violent.

Although Loki is not Thor's opponent in frontal combat, it does not mean that Loki is weak.

He just doesn't like to use this rough fighting method.

Even Thor would have to go to some lengths to defeat Loki outright if necessary.

Thor also felt the huge magical power emanating from Loki, and he knew that Loki wanted to fight back.

It will push Loki to this point, which actually means that Loki has no other way now.

So instead of worrying, Thor was relieved.

This shows that his scheming younger brother has no other choice now.

‥…seeking flowers 0

As long as Loki's scheme is solved and Loki's own combat power remains, no matter how difficult it is, it is still possible to solve it.

So immediately Thor covered his whole body with the power of thunder, intending to grab Loki directly to avoid complications.

However, just when Thor had made all the preparations, he grabbed the empty space.

Loki disappeared!?

"This..." Thor looked at his hands, and then at the empty Shi Stark industrial building in front of him: "Where are the Loki people?!"

Could it be that he was deceived by Loki again?

This possibility immediately flashed through Thor's mind, but thinking carefully about Loki's appearance just now, it should be really at the end of his rope, so someone must have taken Loki away, but who could it be? ?

"Is it the mysterious force behind Loki? Or..."

A very bad guess flashed through Thor's mind, if he could, he'd rather be tricked by Loki "than Loki falling into the hands of those people.

Anyway, it's not the first time I've been cheated by Loki, I've already gotten used to it.

But if Loki really falls into the hands of those people, what will happen in the future is really uncertain.

"Is this the psychic scepter?"

Inside Stark Industries, Jiang Bai is holding the psychic scepter up and down.

As one of the Infinite Gems, the psychic scepter does carry a power that can control people's hearts.

Just looking at the mind scepter, Jiang Bai will feel a strange magic power trying to control his heart.

"Unfortunately, you seem to be a bit unqualified to play with the Ke Department."

Jiang Bai smiled slightly, and the mark of the Old One flashed across the back of his hand.

Horror! Despair! There is an inexplicable horror in the evil

It emanates from Jiang Bai's body.

At this moment, Loki, who was controlled by the red right hand, seemed to see an evil god hiding in the endless abyss, staring at him.

The endless terror almost swallowed Loki almost instantly.

Fortunately, Loki is also a god, and he will not be swallowed up by the pollution of restraint in an instant like ordinary people, and Jiang Bai's target just now is not Loki, but the heart in his hand.

Spirit scepter.

After all, Loki is Odin's appearance, Jiang Bai can guarantee that Odin is still watching all this from above.

If he really turned Loki into his subordinate, Odin would definitely rush over to fight him desperately.

It may be difficult for the current foundation to fight against a heavenly father.

However, under the erosion of Jiang Bai's mark of the old master, the psychic scepter has become Jiang Bai's property, and Jiang Bai also roughly knows how to use the psychic cepter in this way.

Immediately, Jiang Bai raised the psychic scepter, and a ray of light flew out from the psychic scepter, directly punched a big hole in Stark Industry, and then shot into the portal.

The portal connecting the Earth with the Chitauri fleet began to slowly close.

Avengers, who was still at a loss because of Loki's disappearance and didn't know what to do, was shocked when he saw this scene.

They naturally don't think that the portal was closed because Loki's conscience found out, which must have been done by the person who took Loki away.

And the person who can take Loki away, and still do this kind of thing, can figure out who it is with his toes.


Thor sighed deeply, the last thing he wanted to see finally happened.

Loki has really fallen into the hands of the Foundation!

When Thor thought of this, he felt a burst of boredom in his heart.

The Foundation does not need other forces. From their appearance to the present, Thor doesn't know much about the Foundation.

But one thing Thor knows very well, that is, the Foundation is dangerous!

The thought of Loki falling into their hands filled Thor with a wave of worry.

God knows how the self-proclaimed Asgardian Foundation will treat Loki, an existence that threatens the safety of the earth?

At this time, the portal has been completely closed.

As soon as Tesseract appeared, just like Loki, it disappeared directly in front of their eyes.

At this moment, in the Stark industry, Jiang Bai looked at the Tesseract and the scepter handed to him by the red right hand and nodded in satisfaction.

"Two local containment objects, no, it should be three."

As Jiang Bai said, he set his eyes on Loki: "Loki, let's change to a better place.

As Jiang Bai spoke, he gave Captain Red Right Hand a look, and immediately the group of them disappeared inside Stark Industry. .

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