"The thread of fate finally intersects at this moment. Two children born on the same day and in the same baby cabin meet miraculously on another planet several years and decades later."

At the end of the lake, the green waves reflect the same green face, and the blood on the forehead flows down the cheek.

The earth-shaking in the distance is shocking, as if the whole sky is collapsing.

Just after climbing out of the water, Gamora heard Paragus's weak voice behind her and looked back vigilantly.


Under the broken walls and ruins on the side, Paragus, who was also scarred, covered half of his arm, gasping for breath half dead, and gasping for breath with complicated eyes.

No one knows what kind of mentality he had when he saw Carrot, shock, confusion, surprise, trance, but more of nostalgia.

Perhaps no matter how long it has been, for him, everything on Planet Vegeta seems to have happened yesterday.

Because of the undercurrent, Gamora's clothes were torn open, exposing the scratches and bruises all over her body, which was stinging.

She also pulled Nebula out of the water and looked down at the water in the mechanical eyes. The parts inside seemed to be broken, and she cursed that she couldn't see clearly.

Strictly speaking, this is not a safe area. They ran here and stopped only because they had no extra energy.

There is no safe zone here. Even if they run to the farthest distance on this planet, they may die in the next second.

Paragus sighed as he looked at the reflection on the lake. Broly's loss of control meant that he was probably not far from death.

It seemed that it was not until the moment when Broly and Kakarot collided that Paragus finally realized that he had become old.

Times have changed.

It no longer belongs to them.

It is unbelievable that even Kakarot has grown so big and has the terrifying strength to fight Broly.

"Has our era really passed?"

Paragas looked at the death land in the distance, which had become a forbidden zone, with a complicated expression, and his murmurs gradually became desperate in self-pity.

However, the next second, until the cold muzzle of the gun was pressed against his temple, he came back to his senses slightly.


Looking at the familiar green face in front of him, Paragas's expression flashed a trace of surprise, but then, as if he had figured it out, he showed a self-deprecating sneer, laughing at both Thanos and himself:

"So that's why Broly suddenly lost control."

Paragas never thought that he would not escape the fate of being abandoned by the superiors in the end.

I'm old and confused.

I'm really old and confused.

The overlords of the universe are all the same, King Vegeta is, Frieza is, and Thanos is, too, these people are never trustworthy.

No, to be precise, Broly's power will be rejected and feared wherever he goes.

"You know him, tell me, who is fighting Broly now?"

Regardless of the wounds on her body, Gamora can't see the current situation clearly, but she knows that she must figure it out.

The strange man in orange-red clothes who suddenly appeared just now seemed to know Broly, and fought with him inexplicably.

The devastating battle cracked the earth, and countless valleys and plains have been turned to ashes.

This also made it dare not release the control of the Mind Stone on Broly, because if the other party is an enemy rather than a friend, with that person's current combat power, Broly might be killed by him in the first place!

Terrible, no, their power has completely surpassed Gamora's understanding of power.

It's just that even a science fiction movie in a science fiction movie dare not be filmed like this! ! ! !

In this kind of battle, are they really still human beings? ? ?

No, are they really still cosmic life forms?

God, the scourge of all things, perhaps these names are more accurate!

Gamora could not imagine that their terrible power was not determined by the number of opponents.

Even if they were in the army of millions of universes, they would be destroyed in a blink of an eye.

"It doesn't matter if I tell you, the controller is destroyed anyway."

"If you can control Broly in another way, that would be exactly what I want, at least we can all survive."

At this moment, the three of them were injured. Gamora broke one hand, Nebula lost one eye, and Paragus lost one eye, a broken hand, and a gun was pointed at his head.

Paragas's eyes extended a trace of loneliness in his old age, and a longing for memories, as if the past was just what happened yesterday:

"Ever since Broly was still a toddler, he often unconsciously muttered a name."


"And when I first heard this name from him, I couldn't even believe it, because the first pronunciation he learned was not "Dad", but "Kakarot."

Speaking of this, Paragas's eyes even had a trace of jealousy, but after thinking about it, he put it behind his mind:

"That might be the name he heard in the baby cabin, Kakarot."

"I didn't know what that name meant to Broly before. After all, except for the two guys who were guarding the baby cabin, no one knew what happened inside."

"But now I seem to understand a little bit, that's fate."

"Just like the mission your father believed in."

"The only person who made him lose control, perhaps, is the only one who can save him."

"After all, there will never be another person like them in the world."

In the distance, when the howling wind and waves drove the eight directions of the world, starting from one place and never stopping, there was no end to the place where the wind blew, wandering across the entire earth, stretching for tens of millions of miles.

The volcano was ignited, the raging waves were shocked, and the words that responded from the sound of the wind exuded the forgotten innocence of childhood, echoing with the voice of Paragus:

"I'm so happy, Broly."

Standing up from the deep pit of the ruins, Carrot El, suspended in the air, silently raised a smile, his eyes fixed on Broly's white eyes without pupils.

From the deepest part of his eyes, a touch of gentleness permeated, as if to add a touch of humanity to his out-of-control eyes:

"There will never be another person like you and me in the world."

"Born on the same day, in the same incubator, and even born in the same family framed and expelled by King Vegeta, forced to leave the planet, as the last orphan exiled at the end of the universe.

"We are both so special. You are a legend born only once in a thousand years, a true elite, and I am a fusion of Krypton and Saiyans, only borrowing a little light from the sun in the talent of a lower-level warrior."

For some reason, when Broly, who was originally in an angry state, heard Kakarot's words, he unexpectedly became quiet.


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