American comics: God on earth, Saiyan hybrid Kryptonian

Chapter 177: Kirielod is annihilated, and Dagu returns to the Justice League!

All Namekians raised their hands. Compared with the sheltering of the dead star, contributing a little vitality is really insignificant.

Moreover, Namek, which is known for its kindness, cannot sit idly by and watch a planet destroyed by disaster.

A favor will be unforgettable for a lifetime.

In the original work, the new Namekians, led by Mu, never lacked the heart to respond to Sun Wukong and others.

No matter how long it has been, the main point is to give Dragon Balls to Dragon Balls, Dendy to Dendy, and vitality to vitality.

Then Yuan Daigu was full.

Tiga felt his hands sink slightly, and the next moment, the entire night of Tokyo was lit up by the huge vitality bomb.

"Jarvis, call up the picture of the Tokyo battlefield for me."

"Okay, sir."

The picture was projected immediately, and the figure of the three colors gathered stood on the ground, facing the ancient mystery in the void alone, with his hands raised high.

But everyone saw that the illusory figure, which was larger than the proportion of a giant, silently shrank when he saw the formation of the spirit bomb.

"What the hell is this? Tiga actually knows this trick?"

The originally angry God Kirielod was suddenly startled and felt a little scared.

No one can describe the power of the spirit bomb.

It is more like a thing that is set to kill all evil in the world.

No one knows why a mere North King can create such a trick to wipe out the evil in the world.

In addition to Frieza's fate based on the thousand-year legend, he must survive before Sun Wukong transforms into a super Saiyan, and only Vegeta's status as the second in command for thousands of years can barely hold on.

In the Tiga universe, the trick that really erases the source of evil in the setting is Shining Tiga's Zaperiod Ray.

In the official novel, Shining Tiga actually only released a ray of light, and that move directly eliminated Gatanjea, thousands of Zoga, and even the more fundamental evil of the Cthulhu pantheon behind them.

At this moment, Shining Tiga had not yet been born, but Yuan Da Gu had made a very similar move, which made the god Kirielod suddenly fall into confusion.

Because in their historical records, Tiga would never use such a move!

"Listen, God Kirielod, I have never considered myself a god, the protector of this planet, nor someone who has gained special powers."

"All of us are just ordinary lives that evolved naturally from the planet, and we are not as ancient and majestic as you who were born from the starry sky."

"We are brothers and sisters of the Justice League, and we are mortal bodies guarding the world."

"We are not hope, but we carry hope. We are not gods, but we carry protection."

"If there are gods in our world, they are gods of the world."

"For this, I crawled out of hell."

"For this, I returned to the world from the wild beasts."

"For this, I declare war on you and will defeat you here."

The resounding words and the groaning from the giant's mouth made everyone who was running and fleeing stop their dull steps.

They recalled their actions of shouting that Ultraman Tiga was a devil, and remembered their stupidity when they opened the forbidden door to hide the fear in their hearts.

Yuan Da Gu's response was, the world gives me pain, I repay the world with singing.

If someone abandons me, I just don't believe it.

If someone believes in me, I won't abandon it.

When the words that resounded through the sky echoed in people's hearts, Tiga, holding the energy bomb high, immediately smashed it towards the biggest keyboard warrior in the universe.

The huge energy bomb forced its way into the dark door standing in the air, but because the door was too small, it couldn't get in for a while!

However, at this moment, a certain old man who specialized in fighting demons silently drew a circle of light, and forcibly jumped the energy bomb over the gate of hell and hit the head of God Kirielod directly.


God Kirielod was stunned. Before he could react, the azure light emitted a white patch, almost completely burning the entire dimension!

Who can tell it how the energy bomb came in?

Why can it cross the distance of the dimension and hit him directly on the top of his head?

"No! No!!!!"


The Ancient One, who was far away in the Sanctum Sanctorum in New York, gently shook his fan, as if he had done something insignificant.

A little demon like Kirielod, who dared not invade rashly even when the dimensional gate was opened, was not worth her effort at all.

The main point was that he was a guy who deserved a beating. He came to the Earth to challenge, but he didn't know to come to Kamar-Taj to pay his respects and give some gifts!

Not only was he weak, but he also didn't know the rules!


The door in the air disappeared, and was swallowed up from the inside out. The light released from the spirit bomb did not produce any terrible destructive power, but after a moment of expansion, it gradually swallowed up everything around it.

"Thank you very much!"

Seeing that everything was finally settled, Yuan Dagu silently closed his eyes and thanked him in his heart with his mind.

Although he didn't know who did it, as long as he thanked him, it was over.

At this moment, all the Kirieloids were wiped out. Tiga turned his head silently and looked at the people on the ground. Finally, his eyes stopped at Iruma Hui and Lina, and nodded silently.

That look seemed to be a farewell, and also like saying see you next time.


In the blink of an eye, Da Gu turned into a ray of light and flew towards the distance of New York.

"Da Gu."

"Team Dagu."

Hui Jian and Lina looked up at this scene infatuatedly, with mixed feelings in their hearts. At this time, Yuan Dagu was no longer their Dagu team member.

And the place he is going to is exactly where the heroes of this era gather!

At the same time, Iron Man, who witnessed this scene, looked like he had discovered a new continent, his eyes lit up, and Jarvis recorded it:

"My judgment is correct, Qi is really a unique energy!"

Through Stark's projection, Bick also saw what was happening on the other side, turned around and asked Tony:

"Now can you tell me what happened to the earth?"


The prelude to darkness will never disappear after winning a certain war.

The gathering of justice is far from being a hero achieved through war, but rather something that has been done continuously.

At the same time, the area where the canyon and the desert meet is also the last base of the Red Ribbon Legion, which once annihilated the Ten Commandments Gang. Lex Luthor also led his mercenary group to Dr. Gero's research institute.

"BOSS, news came from New York that Dr. Gero and his androids were trapped in the Justice League headquarters."

"The current Tokyo battlefield has also come to an end."

"As I thought, that bat is not that easy to deal with."

"But I bet, this is far from the old man's trump card."

No longer needing to pretend to be a gentleman to flatter Gero, Lex Luthor also revealed his true character. The whole person looked and behaved like an extremely contradictory individual, a soul distorted by domestic violence from his father.

In this operation, what Lex wanted to kill was never the Justice League, but to use the power of the Justice League to kill the Red Ribbon Legion and Dr. Gero!

Villains all over the world understand the truth that death will come much faster if the black eats the black than if the black fights the white.

This is also the fundamental reason why most villains do not unite together like the protagonist group.

When he opened Dr. Gero's door, Lex saw an automatically running computer that was implanting various combat data and genes into General Zod's body, gradually giving birth to a huge embryo in the culture chamber.

"Disgusting, tasteless entomology."

Lex Luthor stepped forward and looked at General Zod, who was undergoing mutations due to the fusion of multiple genes. Some silkworm-like features had begun to appear everywhere on his body.

"Guys, please take everything here, all the equipment and information, as well as the artificial man on the ground coded No. 16."

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