American comics: God on earth, Saiyan hybrid Kryptonian

Chapter 204: Creation of Tiamu, the future M78 Nebula!

After hearing what Carrot El said, Tiamu was a little confused. He took a rough look at the monster information sent to him by Noah. After finding Ye Fu, the whole god was instantly refreshed. Okay! This is necessary!

In every vast universe, there are some bugs in the settings that even the God of Creation cannot understand.

The reason why the Dragon Ball Universe and the Ultra Universe cannot be compared with DC and Marvel no matter how infinitely diverse their development is, is because they do not have the observable editorial department in DC and Marvel, and the ability to break the fourth wall!

In other words, they don’t even know the existence of those things!

It is precisely because they cannot observe the fourth wall that whenever something outside of their creation appears in the wall, even the "God of Creation" himself will be surprised.

At least in the Ultra Universe, even Noah and Regido, who are at the top, cannot understand the principle of creatures like Ye Fu.

Fortunately, there is a direct conclusion in their universe, idealism!

All unreasonable things are idealism, and even monsters like Ye Fu must respect the idealist conclusion!

"I understand, Superman."

Tiamu looked around silently and nodded solemnly to Superman. The two of them were old friends, and each of them had many things that could only be helped by the other.

Feeling that the time to leave was approaching, Tiamu said no more, stretched out his hands, and where his palms converged, a bright green nebula slowly emerged.

"Goodbye, I wish you a smooth business trip!"

Seeing this, Carrot hurriedly made a retreat gesture to Danvers, asking her to carry the spaceship and run away quickly.

Captain Marvel felt that the huge aura in front of her was rising unprecedentedly, and she picked up the spaceship and ran without saying a word! !

It is impossible to escape the creation range of the Celestials with the speed of the normal engine of the spaceship, so she must carry it and fly.

The next moment, a golden light flew towards the end of the universe, and Superman's dark cape also retreated.

Before leaving, Tiamu still needs to complete the final creation, creating a place suitable for the survival of the giant of light in the barren galaxy.

"Goodbye, old friend." Carrot El murmured, and then flew towards the distant starry sky at a high speed. "See you again, El." Just as Carrot left, Tiamu responded, and then threw the nebula in his hand into the boundless darkness. In an instant, a ray of light spread out, lighting up the lonely Ego Galaxy with an unstoppable momentum, the stars poured back, the gods created the world, and the galaxy restarted! Carrot El, looking from afar, only saw a piece of light that outsiders could not approach, covering everything, shining like ten suns in the sky, there was nothing there, only light. In another universe, the birth of the Kingdom of Light originated from the destruction of the sun. The advent of the Dark Age allowed the scientists of the Kingdom of Light to invent the most powerful artificial sun in the universe, the Plasma Spark Tower. Under the direct irradiation of the Plasma Spark Tower, the people of the Kingdom of Light, who originally had the same form as humans, evolved into a special race, Ultraman. Carrot is not sure whether they are carbon-based life, but the fact is that Ultraman is a creature that was born artificially on Ultra Star.

"From today on, there is no Ego Star in the universe anymore. This galaxy should be called M78 Nebula in the future!"

270,000 light years away from the earth, a huge flare opened up an absolute restricted area in the Milky Way starry sky. The new country of origin has already had the soil to breed it in the near future.

Although progress is still slow, a country that belongs entirely to light is rising in this universe.

"A new story begins here."

Standing in the starry sky, Superman stared at this scene silently, with a complicated mood. In this world with American comics as the theme, no matter how dazzling the light of another universe is, it is destined to be just an embellishment.

Whether in reality or film and television, they cannot cross that "beautiful" arc.

Two super powers and many strong ones, towards diversified anchor points to other worlds, is the basic tone of this universe.

No matter how powerful the Kingdom of Light is, it is just a drop in the bucket in the Marvel and DC worlds.

The basic base of this universe is still the American comic world. Even if Ultraman really comes to Earth to train, they will no longer be the protagonist.

Carrot glanced at the Superman suit on his body and silently thought that even if people from the Kingdom of Light really come to Earth one day, no matter how many copies they play, won’t they have to join the Earth team? ?

And now there is only one special team on Earth, called the Justice League!

So what will happen?

Some Ultraman disguised themselves as Earthlings and came to the Justice League to play copies. As a result, their identities were exposed on the first day. By the way, they received a set of Batman plan packages, plus a set of Iron Man research plan packages, and a super ancient ruins pilgrimage package.

There are even Kamar-Taj Demon packages, as well as countless other packages that may appear, and there is no upper limit. Carrot thinks that you should stay in the universe honestly.

I am afraid that the drama of Ultraman protecting humans will never be staged again in the future.

Light, the times have changed, and it is the turn of the Earth to protect you. Wow, now is the time for humans to protect Ultraman.

Maybe in the future the Justice League will send people to Ultra Star to play dungeons!

"Maybe this is why Noah and the others signed the contract with Tiamu?"

Carrot thought about it, and seemed to feel a resentment from the Ultra Universe for its long-term poverty alleviation, and his cheek twitched:

"I have a bad feeling, those innocent and kind little Ultramen will not be led astray by the guys from various universes?"

"If this result occurs, won't Tiamu be beaten over there?"

Thinking of this, Carrot felt a little sorry for the people of the Kingdom of Light. The chaotic situation in this universe is definitely enough for them to drink a pot. Without the mysterious four Ultramen to back them up, those dimensional demons alone are enough to destroy them.

In addition, the creatures here are all TM 800 minds, and it is really hard to say what the start of this group of innocent and conscientious old giant babies is.

"Welcome to the Anchor Universe, I wish you good luck."

After looking at the scenery for a while, Carrot shook his head and sighed. Not to mention that it is not easy for people from the Kingdom of Light to get along here, they themselves still have a lot of messes to solve.

Seeing that Tiamu's figure completely disappeared at the other end of the black hole after creating the light source restricted area, he finally left.

The hidden danger of the Celestials was finally solved, and they could go back to sleep well again!

After flying for a while along the perception of the breath, Carrot soon joined the Guardians of the Galaxy.

After a turmoil, Star-Lord immediately rejected Carrot's invitation to go to Earth. He planned to accompany his adoptive father Yondu back to stabilize the situation.

Now that they are reconciled, their feelings have deepened. In addition, there are many people in the Space Pirates who intend to overthrow Yondu, and Peter Quill is even less likely to sit idly by.

Carrot didn't care about the Guardians of the Galaxy. This group of people were representatives of restlessness. The most famous street urchins in the universe didn't care about them after giving them the coordinates of the earth.

In fact, Rocket Raccoon and Groot were also happy to stay away from people of Carrot's strength.

At the end of this trip, Superman also returned to Earth with Captain Marvel.

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