American comics: God on earth, Saiyan hybrid Kryptonian

Chapter 227: Kill Bojack instantly! Meet Lex!


Carrot paused and appeared beside the crowd, staring at Bojack coldly, then raised his hand and waved it, a golden light penetrated the energy he emitted, and it disappeared in the blink of an eye.

"Disgusting and shameless thing."

There are countless villains in Dragon Ball, and the one that Carrot El hates the most is undoubtedly this guy who was sealed by the four kings. This is a bastard who can kill even his own people without any burden.

If they don't kill him, can they still be called the Justice League?

Due to the authority of the Anchor Universe, there is no king of the world, so Bojack has been wandering in the universe and won the title of the King of the Galaxy and the Four Generals of the Galaxy.

Until he set his sights on the earth and was defeated by Zod, he temporarily served under Lex Luthor. It was really thanks to Luthor that he could find this group of people.


Bojack's face showed a look of horror. He has been here for a while. Naturally, he knew that everything Zod and Luthor did was just to deal with Superman.

This naturally shows how powerful Superman is.

Carrot El had no intention of talking nonsense with him. Even a good boy like Gohan didn't talk nonsense with him. He took the route of killing instantly, so he had nothing to say.

The next second, Carrot El's fist landed on Bojack's face.


Bojack, the most powerful person in this battlefield, didn't see clearly how Carrot's actions were carried out.

Bojack didn't even see when he came to him and when he threw the punch.

He only had one feeling now, that is, his head was separated from his body.

In mid-air, a headless corpse slowly fell to the ground. In this doomsday-like scene, Carrot took Bojack's head and threw it on the ground like a god.

This scene also shocked everyone who was watching!

People have never seen such a bloody scene on Superman.

But some people think that this is a real man.

In the Lex Group in Metropolis, countless alien corpses lay quietly in front of Luther, some were magicians, some were brave warriors.

But now they have become corpses.

At this moment, Luther put down the wine glass in his hand, staring at the Superman holding a human head on the screen, with a brave sword beside him.

"Very good, show off your power to your heart's content."

As the initiator of this war, Lex used all his strength just for this last moment.

"The public doesn't want to see the truth. They will use layer after layer of filters to paint on the original truth, turning an ordinary thing into the result they want."

"No one thinks that you may have saved them. They will only remember forever that you can kill him at any time."

"If you can hear my voice, if you are listening to my voice."

"Then you must be able to hear something else, listen!"

"Your nightmare is coming."

"Cell fusion degree 76%, the experimental project has virtual characteristics, and the linear space presents an unstable form."

"Cell fusion degree 82%, the experimental project has obvious evolutionary characteristics and enters the molting state."

"Cell fusion degree 91%. The professional project has fallen silent and is completing the final molting. The estimated time is 5 minutes."

Lex closed his eyes intoxicatedly, as if he was an artist walking in hell. He took a deep breath and said: "Listen to the final countdown, Superman."

"You are powerless."

Carrot El heard Lex's words and stood in the sky for a long time without saying a word. When the blood of the Saiyan in his body began to boil, it meant that an unprecedented crisis had arrived.

His blood detected the taste of excitement, and the more dangerous it was, the more excited he was.

This terrible sense of danger far exceeded the horror brought by the battle on Namek. Even the feeling given to him by Gula and Frieza standing together was not as terrifying as the breath coming from the metropolis at this time.

"Is it the other party who arranged the attack?"

"Go with peace of mind, leave it to us!"

At the critical moment, Natasha, who was still trapped in the siege, gave Carrot El a family-like encouragement.

Facing the heavy package of the Shadow Warrior Alliance, coupled with the double attack of the Ninja Master and Casillas, Natasha tried her best and barely fought for a while.

Carrot El once said that Natasha's greatest role in the alliance was to connect everyone's heart.

"Do what you should do, Mr. Superman."

Natasha looked at Superman not far away in the sky and smiled back.

She knew that Carrot El could hear her words, and she also knew why he was standing there.

Broly, who was fighting Zod, also paid attention to the direction of Metropolis in his heart, with a serious expression:

"What's going on? What kind of weird aura is this? It's looming."

"It disappeared in the last second, but when it appeared in the next second, it was 10 times stronger than before, and then it disappeared without a trace."

"I've never seen such a weird aura."

"What are you waiting for? Kakarot!!"

Realizing that the situation was not good, Broly immediately roared at Kakarot:

"I told you just now that this guy is my opponent, go find your own opponent!"

"I really like this planet you brought me to."

Iron Man's voice and Yuan Da Gu's voice reached Carrot's ears at the same time:

"We have our own private affairs, we solve them ourselves."

"You should solve your private affairs, too. Isn't this what you have always wanted to accomplish?"

Carrot Al heard these voices, and his heart was warmed by something. This warmth even extinguished the burning blood just now, and injected unprecedented new strength into it:

"Okay, now that things have come to this, let's fight to our heart's content. If you die, I will kill you in hell. If I die, please raise your hands and surrender."


The sonic boom broke through the sky, and thousands of miles passed in an instant. Lex listened to the sound coming from behind, a smile appeared on his face, and at the same time he stretched out his hand to tidy up his clothes.

This was the first official meeting between the two sides, and of course the last meeting. He didn't want to lose his manners because of this.

The people of the Justice League cursed, and only ghosts would raise their hands and surrender!



A meteor fell to the ground, stirring up dust. Amid the loud noise, Lex slowly turned around and looked into Carrot’s eyes. At this moment, the two old enemies in the DC universe finally met face to face in the anchor world:

“Welcome, I’ve been waiting for you for a long time, Superman.”

Carrot El looked at the huge shadow emerging behind him and looked at Lex expressionlessly:

“Come on, Luthor, I’ve been waiting for you for a long time too. You only have this one chance to challenge me.”

“The price is your life. Regardless of the outcome, I will kill you this time.”

As expected, this should be the most difficult timeline in the Dragon Ball universe to cut out an anchor point!

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