American comics: God on earth, Saiyan hybrid Kryptonian

Chapter 37: Biological mother Alika, Bardock imprisoned!

"Using the data observed by you humans as an example, there are about 2 trillion to 200 trillion galaxies in the universe, and a large galaxy has about 100 billion stars."

"With such a huge total number of star clusters, let alone the universe, even the war in the Milky Way has almost never stopped."

"Just as the universe has never stopped the colonial era, countless habitable planets have also been sold and divided up as bargaining chips for many powerful forces at the negotiation table."

"Invasion, killing, genocide, and then sold at high prices."

One after another horrifying words came out of Jor-El's mouth, and Stark and Natasha were frightened.

It's like the most direct hatred of civilians who have been traumatized by the war for the arms dealers who provoked the war.

You don't even need to think about it to know how cruel and terrible the dark law is.

One of them has experienced the most chaotic era, and the other is a capitalist and arms dealer.

This process is really familiar, too familiar!

But it is precisely because they are familiar with this that the horror they can feel from it is more like seeping into the bone marrow. As long as they think about it, cold sweat will wet their backs.


Another new race emerged from Joe El's mouth, shocking the three people at the same time:

"A natural fighting nation, cruel and warlike, bloodthirsty and powerful."

"They invade and seize planets, kill all the residents on the planets, and sell the occupied planets at a high price to cosmic people looking for planets to live."

"Thus they gain their own civilization development."

Natasha Romanoff silently clenched her fists and widened her eyes, as if in disbelief:

"Kill all the residents?"

Although as an artificial intelligence, Joe El's program still recorded deep and complex emotions for this race:


At this time, Carrot El, who had been listening silently, suddenly spoke, looking at Joe El's eyes, and said word by word:

"And in me, Half of their blood, the son of hope and sin. "

Natasha Romanoff looked at him instantly: "???"

Tony Stark widened his eyes in astonishment: "Oh my god, you are still a mixed-race? ??? ???"

Joel looked at the child in front of him with great distress. If a hug could be given across time, it would be in the name of the father:

"No, Carrot, you are not sinful. On the contrary, you will always represent hope. Your mother and I believe this."

Revealing the cruel laws of the universe, Joe Al finally talked about Carrot's life experience:

"Under the survival crisis of civilization on the verge of extinction, even Krypton has to choose to become one of those who create demand for war profiteers."

Hearing this, Tony Stark's eyes dimmed at this moment, and he lowered his head silently.

"And this also led to the meeting where Bardock and Arika visited Krypton."

The projections reassembled and converged again, outlining a man with a sturdy body but a crab-like head shape, and a thin girl with short hair and fair skin.

"At that meeting, I was responsible for receiving them as a negotiation ambassador. That was also the first time I met your mother and the legendary notorious race."

"Sure enough, they are as powerful as the rumors say."

Carrot El showed an unprecedented obsession with the origin that was closely related to him but completely unfamiliar to him, and asked quickly:

"What happened later, did you buy a suitable planet?"

Joel laughed self-deprecatingly: "No"


"Because they died soon."


This news also made the two people other than Carrot El feel like they were struck by lightning, and they looked at each other with deep disbelief.

Joe El was silent for a moment, as if recalling everything that seemed sudden but was premeditated:

"The meeting did not last long, but Bardock, as the representative of the other party, showed a hint of concern when he saw the Life Code technology"

"And asked for it at the end of the meeting."

"General Zod objected on the spot. He believed that the Life Code technology was the core of the Kryptonians and even challenged Bardock."

"However, General Zod, who had always lived under the red sun, was still defeated by the battle-hardened Saiyan warrior."

"I watched the whole process and found in the battle that Bardock was a completely different existence from other brutal Saiyans."

"So I tried Try to suggest that the first generation of life code technology can be used to complete this transaction. "

Tony Stark raised his eyebrows in confusion: "First generation technology?"

Joel: "Yes, unlike the existing code technology, the first generation of code technology does not have a specific gene control system, and cannot create life matching the profession according to demand."

"But this makes Bardock and surprisingly satisfied."

Speaking of this, Joe Al sighed deeply:

"In fact, this transaction is almost complete here."

"Alicia stayed in Krypton as a docking person."

"Bardock returned to Planet Vegeta to screen and post-order the planet."

"But what none of us expected was that something unexpected happened. "

"Some time after reporting the Life Code technology to King Vegeta, Bardock was imprisoned."

"What? Bardock was imprisoned?"

Carrot El's pupils shrank immediately, and his clenched palms tightened subconsciously.

This sentence did make him feel a little surprised. The so-called known plot of the time traveler finally disappeared in such a world that connects everything.

Every living life is guiding the original direction of the world, and it has been multiplying since the beginning of the universe. When he was born, it has changed beyond recognition.

Fortunately, Carrot realized this early, and his inner premonition told him that what he would hear next might be even more shocking.

I have to admit that Joe El's words were indeed beyond his expectations, and beyond the expectations of everyone present.

Tony Stark touched his chin in thought: "But, why is this?"

Natasha Romanov narrowed her eyes and quickly analyzed:

"There is only one possibility, which is that the interests of the upper ruling class were touched."

"But he was not imprisoned directly, but after a period of time, so it may involve considerations and arrangements for interests."

Natasha's judgment was suddenly sharp. Sometimes in their line of work, they must come up with the most likely guess in the shortest time.

"But the premise is that his imprisonment was indeed due to the Life Code incident"

Tony Stark looked at Natasha Romanov blankly, and his stunned expression seemed like he had met her for the first time.

At this time, Natasha Romanov obviously didn't want to act anymore, and her whole momentum began to become sharp and calm.

After taking a look at the three people, Joe El's eyes extended a trace of emptiness in his reminiscence. He even thought of the seemingly quiet days at the beginning, which were all signs of impending storms:

"It was not until that time that Alika really told me the true situation of Planet Vegeta."

"I really realized that the one year squeezed out by this so-called transaction was like a year stolen from the hands of the god of death, a comfort before extinction."

"It is not our salvation, but the last calm before the destruction."

"Carrot, this is how you were born."


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