The light, along the remaining dust, wanders in the hazy gray mist. The walking posture of the black figure does not look like a god at this moment, but more like a hormonal machine full of masculine charm.

"Wow. This is so cool."

Natasha looked at Carrot El's new clothes crazily. Even the Black Widow, who had seen countless men, had to admit that he had never seen a person exuding such rich masculine charm.

The originally monotonous S pattern is spiraled into the logo in the form of a dragon. The silver gray is paired with a deep black background to create a dark aesthetic.

Black, white and gray are always the most mature colors for men. Coupled with Al's own temperament, it gives people an elegant and calm posture.

Tony Stark applauded in admiration and vowed from the bottom of his heart that one day he would get a suit like this:

"I have to admit that this set is much more tasteful than the one just now."

Natasha Romanoff said with an admiring smile:

"I think you should be a fashion designer, not a CEO."

Carrot El glanced at Natasha slightly. He didn't believe that the famous Black Widow could not control her words.

This sentence basically revealed that Natasha knew her identity.

It seems that this female agent no longer wants to continue acting.

Carrot walked to Jor Al's side and looked at his deceased father, as if passing on his inheritance as a son:

“Hope should not be trapped in a frame, so the inverted triangle that binds it must be removed.”

Looking at Carrot now, Jor Al was not only pleased, but also proud. He sighed and said:

"When you grow up, kid, your mother will be happy for you."

At this moment, although he was very calm, in front of Natasha and Tony, Jor Al did not elaborate on the yellow sun as the source of Krypton's power.

He believes that his son will make the best friends, but as a father, it is natural to keep some little secrets between father and son.

Such as Kara Zor-El, such as Zod.

However, at this moment, through the afterglow of light, Natasha Romanov vaguely saw the overwhelming army in the distance.

This made her face turn pale instantly.

not good!

Natasha's heart thumped. Before she knew it, a long time had passed. Nick Fury, who had not received a reply from her for a long time, was likely to take extreme measures.

The snowy glacier in front of him was covered by overwhelming troops and tanks. Seeing this scene, even the Black Widow agent who had been trained for a long time without any habitual movements pinched his fingers nervously.

She didn't know why she was worried, but having only seen the power of Carrot's heat ray, she subconsciously took his side.

Just like the name she just called Al was Carrot, not Mr. Al, which was obviously a name among friends.

"We have to go, Carrot."

The next second, Natasha Romanoff suddenly raised her head, and made a decision in her heart that even she didn't expect. She looked at Al with a solemn expression.

Black Widow is not an indecisive woman. She is even more ferocious than ordinary people when it comes to making choices.

Once a new decision is made, she can overturn her previous position in a second.

At this moment, Natasha Romanoff had decided to have a showdown with Carrot El, and she quickly turned her attention to Qiao El:

"Mr. Jor-El, can this ship be sailed?"

"We have to get out of here as soon as possible. There are a large number of troops and agents outside surrounding us."

"It's estimated that the shouting will start in less than five minutes. I'm going to delay them now, and you start the spacecraft and leave immediately."

Hearing this, Carrot and Tony looked at Natasha Romanoff at the same time.

At this moment, the aura of this woman was completely different from before.

Tony Stark suddenly remembered the military fighter planes he had seen above the snowy area before, and his expression suddenly became solemn. He also followed Natasha's gaze and looked out the window. Sure enough, they were surrounded:

"Damn, that's that military base we saw today!"

"There is such a big commotion here, it must have attracted their attention."

However, Natasha Romanoff shook her head, took a deep breath and said:

"No, that military base was not an accident, Carrot. This was originally a secret operation against you."

Natasha's words attracted the attention of Joel and Tony, but the situation was urgent, and she was not in a position to explain so much, so she quickly said to Carrot:

"Introduce yourself, Natasha Romanoff, affiliated with SHIELD, codename Black Widow."

"Responsible for investigating the Magnum Capsule Company and the fact that Carrot El may be an alien."


After hearing what Natasha said, not only Jor-El frowned deeply, but even Tony Stark took two steps back and looked at her in horror.

"Are you an agent??"

Although he and Al had already expected it, Natasha Romanoff's identity was by no means an ordinary photographer.

But Stark never expected that she would come directly to Carrot, and she had already known his identity before.

Natasha Romanov ignored the two people who were in shock. She kept her eyes on Carrot and warned nervously:

"Listen, I'm not sure what cards Nick has, but he never fights without confidence."

"You have to leave here immediately!!"

However, Carrot El on the opposite side just looked at her quietly, as if admiring this rose-like woman, curious and puzzled, charming and dangerous, with his hands slowly folded across his chest:

"I have to say thank you, Natasha."

"But I'm curious, what drove you to make this decision?"

"I As an Earthling, I understand that people who are not my kind must have different hearts, and I also understand that the fate of people like you is beyond your control. "

"Letting me go is not a wise choice for you, and it may even bring threats to yourself."

Carrot Al asked this question very seriously, but Natasha responded to him with a nonchalant tone, asking:

"What about you?"

"Why do you want us to come in again?"

"Enter this spaceship openly, witness, and listen to your story?"

Natasha knew very well what was waiting for Carrot outside.

She was not only worried about Carrot because of this friendship.

Also for the strategic goal, she also judged that Carrot would become a key person in the process of human beings entering the interstellar.

"That's right, Al, I can tell what is true and what is false."

"You don't deserve to be treated like this."

"You are innocent, Carrot."

"That's why."

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