American comics: God on earth, Saiyan hybrid Kryptonian

Chapter 54 Returning home, adoptive parents Mr. and Mrs. Kent

Chapter 54 Returning home, adoptive parents Mr. and Mrs. Kent!

Kent Farm, Smallville, Kansas

The wheat swaying in the wind creates a prosperous scene on the land. Farming will always be the unchanging theme of human civilization.

Since the old man surnamed Sun passed away, the Sun family farm next door was originally taken over by Zheng Shu.

But later Carrot was acquired by him again when he came of age and merged into the Kent Farm together.

This place is no different than the night in Gotham, filled with the mysterious blackness of sinful viruses.

It can't compare to the daytime in New York, which is dazzling and filled with the hustle and bustle of the bustling city.

This town is very plain, even very backward and poor, but this endless golden tassel is the only pure land in Carrot El's heart.

And here, he also has another name.

In the pure white farmyard, the barking of chickens and dogs could be heard. The little white native dog was sniffing something around him. Suddenly he raised his head and looked around:

"Woof! Woof!"

On the kitchen table, there is always a stick of sweet roasted corn next to two plates of croissants. They still remember that Clark's favorite food when he was a child was roasted corn.

After returning from farm work as usual, Jonathan parked the tractor in the barn, took off the straw hat on his head, and walked into the house.

As dusk came, Martha prepared today's sumptuous dinner for him. She looked at his movements of wiping sweat and said complainingly:

"You don't have to work so late every time. The money sent by my son is enough to support us in the next life."

However, as soon as these words came out, Martha's eyes dimmed. She wiped her hands on the table with a rag and suddenly paused.

"I know, but we're not old enough to spend our son's money yet."

Jonathan responded casually, picked up the tea on the table, and drank a cup casually:

"You know what it means when a Kent boy finally learns to make money."

"It means we're old and it's time for him to take over the farm from us."

Martha smiled. The hot weather made her turn on the air conditioner and smiled:

"Old Man Sun's farm belonged to him five years ago."

"Are you planning to leave your farm to others?"

Jonathan was stunned for a moment, with a strange expression on his face, and whispered:

"I don't want to die so early. I also want to watch Clark get married and have children, and even watch his grandchildren grow up."

The two sat at the dining table. Martha brought a plate of croissants to Jonathan's side, and then began to cut the ham. After hearing this, she rolled her eyes at him:

"What you think is quite beautiful. If it weren't for you, Clark wouldn't have left."

After hearing this, no matter how many times the two of them had quarreled about this matter, Jonathan Kent would always pause slightly when picking up the knife and fork, and sighed in a low voice:

"I'm sorry, Martha, but you have to understand that the world is not ready for him, for our child."

"You saw the reaction of those neighbors five years ago. They didn't feel grateful whether Clark saved them or not. They were just afraid, instinctive fear."

When he said this, Jonathan Kent's face was full of helplessness and heartache.

When Martha saw this, she also sighed slightly, walked to the kitchen and took out the fresh milk from the microwave oven, but her eyes always stayed on the skewers of roasted corn.

In the end, Martha leaned on the door frame and sighed tiredly and heartbroken:

"I know, and I understand you, Jonathan."

"Growing up, we have gone through many surveys, from schools, communities, and interest classes."

"Is there ever a time when I'm not on tenterhooks?"

"I don't blame you for saying this. I understand that our son deserves a better sky."

"I am"

Martha suddenly choked up, holding back her tears, and touched the photo frames everywhere in the house: "I just miss him a little bit."

"He was only that old when he left me."

"I don't know how much suffering I have to endure in a big city alone. It's all because we didn't protect him well."

Upon seeing this, Jonathan Kent immediately put down the food in his hand, hugged his wife Martha, and patted his back gently.

"Okay, okay, he has already learned to send money home, and nothing will happen to him."

"You also said that when he grows up, the money will be enough for us to spend for the rest of our lives."

And Martha was in his arms, sobbing:

"Come on, you dare say you never miss him?"

"Don't think I don't know, your smoking addiction has gotten worse since Clark left."

Jonathan Kent gently patted Martha on the shoulder and sighed:

"Yeah, how could I not want to?"

"He is the whole meaning of my life, but it's funny, I keep telling him to ignore those things, but I do."

Jonathan Kent paused. He deeply regretted his impulse to rush to save people that day:

“But I charged into the storm.”

"That also led to him having to leave."

"I believe that one day the world will see this, and at that time, if he makes any mistakes, it will be because I failed to protect him."

The two hugged each other in silence, like two empty nesters, expressing each other's longing for their son.

Until a sound that was too familiar to be heard came along with the barking of a dog at the door, and the sound of the key turning to open the door revealed a grown-up figure:

"But if something happens to you that day, it will be my unforgivable fault."

The soft words replaced the longing for the vicissitudes of life. The student who had been away from home for several years finally stood in front of his parents again after replacing the tenderness of his shoulders.

Jonathan and Martha were shocked by the person who opened their door with the key. After three seconds, tears gradually filled their eyes.

Carrot, who was wearing casual clothes, slowly put down the large and small bags in his hands, slowly opened his hands, and there was also a hint of ripples in his voice:

"I'm back, father, mother."


Martha widened her eyes in disbelief, and rushed forward excitedly to hug him.

What a familiar voice, what a familiar figure.

Even if he has grown up, even if his appearance has grown up, as a parent, even if he will be surprised at his growth, he will never forget who he is.

"Oh, my God, you've grown up so much, my child."

"Is it you? Am I not dreaming? You're back."

Carrot Al hugged Martha, stretched out his hand, gently helped her tidy up her hair, with a smile on his face:

"This is not a dream, Mom, I'm back."

Compared to Martha's undisguised excitement, Jonathan turned around quickly, wiped the tears from the corners of his eyes, and then turned around without changing his expression, walked to Carrot's side, and patted his shoulder:

"Have you eaten? Your mother prepared your favorite roasted corn."

Carrot Al scratched his head, and his throat tightened for a moment. Jonathan turned around and wiped his tears. Naturally, he saw the action of Jonathan turning around and wiping his tears:

"Of course, I can eat anytime, Dad, especially at home."

The most torturous thing every day is to open the comment area. If you want to vent your anger, come and slap me twice, it doesn't count as mutual fighting!

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