When the ultimatum was announced to the world in the form of an email, the uproar caused suddenly plunged the world into endless panic.

Countless media outlets rushed to report on the denunciation of searching for aliens. Official press conferences and news conferences also replaced idol dramas on entertainment channels on this day.

The era that has opened in a hurry seems to be rushing forward impatiently, and it is difficult to cover up the ordinary and reality of the past.

Today, everything that is normal and harmonious is irreversibly collapsing in an unknown direction.

Since the Titans were exposed to the world, people with various super powers have also appeared on the world stage.

Nowadays, another cosmic being is suddenly revealed hiding among the crowd, and there are even threats from extraterrestrials glaring at them.

In the Batcave beneath Gotham City, with the sound of sparks flying, power was restored to the entire city.

"Is this the crisis you're talking about?"

At this moment, Kara El can only choose to believe the person in front of her:

"Yes, they are here to capture Carrot. I have to take him away. Zod is ruthless and he will not let Al go."

Batman pondered for a moment, his mind became clearer and clearer, as if there were countless bats flying in his mind, and he squinted his eyes:

"No, it's not that simple. Simply looking for someone doesn't require such a big fanfare."

"Zod is trying to push Carrot into a desperate situation."

"Or maybe Zod is forcing him to side with him."

Kara El was stunned for a moment: "What??"

Batman's voice was hoarse as he said: "This sudden global crowd movement appears to be threatening the world, but in fact it is blocking Carrot's retreat, leaving him absolutely no room for maneuver. "

"That will only lead to one result, which is to completely separate humans and Carrot."

"And Zod repeatedly emphasized to humans in his words: Carrot and humans are different, you are not the same kind, and he also gave Carrot "you are not the only survivor." This kind of hint of the wanderer returning home is Very simple application of psychology.”

"It seems that Zod does not simply want Carrot's life, but wants Carrot to choose to become his companion when there is no way to retreat."

As Batman spoke, he walked up to Kara El, looked at her up and down with a slightly scrutinizing gaze, and asked one word at a time:

"So, why do you think Zod will kill Carrot?"

"This is inconsistent with his current behavior."

"you are lying?"

Kara El suddenly stood up, her eyes instantly turned red, and she retorted loudly: "No! I didn't!!"

This time, facing the hot red light flashing in his sight, Batman stared into those eyes without retreating and said:

"Then tell me the truth and don't hide it."

Kara El lowered her head, a trace of struggle appeared on her face, hesitating and still unable to speak: "I"

When Batman saw this, he stood there expressionless, as if sighing:

"Okay, let me tell you a few doubts."

"One, how did you escape?"

"Two, why did Zod come over with his hind legs as soon as you arrived with your front legs?"

"Three, Zod gave Carrot 24 hours. During this time, he can completely escape, right?"


"do not talk!"

Kara El took two steps back and looked at Batman like a monster. She was obviously the more powerful of the two, but she was the one who was most afraid of him now.

In exchange for this, Batman looked at him with disapproval. He turned around and sat back at the computer desk, operating the keyboard:

"Concealing it any longer will mean nothing to you and will only cause greater danger."

"If Zod did everything on purpose, how should you deal with it?"

Batman knows that if you want to understand a person, it's not about what he says, but what he does.

No matter how ridiculous Zod said in front of the whole world, as long as we base on what he did and make inferences in reverse.

You can learn that his purpose is to divide Carrot and mankind.

Such a huge effort, even crossing the sea of ​​​​stars, is definitely not just to kill him!

But Kara El's words were not lies. Zod was indeed hostile and wary of him, otherwise there would be no need to force him to take sides.

Then there is only one possibility left.

Carrot El has what he wants.

Thinking of this, Bruce had a vague hunch that he might make a decision against the world.

Because almost all criminology around the world has recorded an ironclad fact.

When terrorists choose to show their true faces to the hostages, no matter what conditions they say to keep you safe and sound, in the end they are just farts!

And Zod's behavior now forcing them to hand over Carrot El is very similar to a similar kidnapping incident!

In the end, Kara Al could only put down her last guard: "Okay, I tell you that Al and I are both from Krypton."



Meanwhile, Magnum Capsules Inc.

Bulma leaned on Carrot's shoulder with a worried look on her face.

Hope, Breeze, Wanda, Quicksilver, Hank Pym, Bruce Banner, all gathered in the room.

Since the last meeting in the Arctic, Bruce Banner, who had nowhere to go, naturally stayed in the Universal Capsule Company.

Here, Banner was extremely happy. He could almost be said to have jumped back to the peak from the lowest point in his life. Not only did he completely return to civilized society, he also started new research projects on the emotional spectrum and the Red Lantern Corps.

To be honest, Carrot El helped him a lot, especially helping him beat up the Hulk.

"Well, no matter what choice you make, I support you, Al."

"But I have to say, I don't think this guy is a good person."

Bruce Banner rubbed his hands. Since wearing this ring, he has never taken a cold shower again: "Those words just now were a bit too cold, weren't they?"

"That doesn't look like you are a surviving companion."

Wanda, wearing a red leather jacket, echoed his words with her hands on her waist: "I agree, I also think these guys have bad intentions."

Blitzf patted Carrot's shoulder, and the black cat in his arms jumped onto Carrot's shoulder and gently rubbed his cheek.

As Bulma's father, Blitzf chose Carrot as the pillar of the family early on:

"Child, just tell me what you need. As long as we old men can still operate scientific instruments, there is nothing we can't make."

"Me too."

Dr. Pym also expressed his support for this. At worst, he would turn on the Pym particles to the maximum power and send them to the microscopic world to shrink infinitely.

The Wasp, who was leaning against the window frame, suddenly received a video call from the parliament, and asked: "Military and parliament, do you want to answer it?"

"Yes, we will have to face it sooner or later, but I didn't expect this day to come so soon."

Carrot El nodded, and the next second, the three-dimensional projection generated by the light curtain was slowly reflected in the room.

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