American comics: God on earth, Saiyan hybrid Kryptonian

Chapter 88 Vegeta's attack, massacre of the cultivated people!

30 minutes ago, while Carrot was confronting Zod and others, the Kent family's small farm received several uninvited guests.

After nearly 20 years, a spaceship falling like a meteor once again hit this peaceful town.


The huge plume of dust and smoke spread across the farmland where the wheat ears were golden, frightening the nearby farmers beside the haystacks and hurriedly asking their families to hide in their houses.

But he had the courage to pick up a shotgun and quietly reached over.

Walking into the wheat field, the farmer's face suddenly showed heart-breaking grief and indignation, and his eyes gradually turned red.

Their entire year's harvest was wiped out by the raging fire.

The wheat fields that were once cultivated by hard work are now only a deep black crater, indicating that the town is about to face a natural disaster that will destroy it.

The doors to the three cabins slowly opened.

Raditz, who was the first to go out to explore the road, noticed the farmer holding a shotgun at a glance. He immediately reached out and pressed the detector. When he saw the number 5 displayed on it, he rolled his eyes coldly:

"Tsk, garbage with a combat power of only 5."

After the words fell, Naba also walked out of the cabin, with an impatient look on his face.

It has to be said that for his huge body, huddled in a small single cabin is really an unimaginable torture.

While looking around, Naba stretched his muscles and murmured:

"What happened? There are still living things on this planet?"

"Didn't that kid Kakarot kill them all?"

Vegeta lowered his head coldly: "Hmph, it seems that bastard has forgotten the mission given to him by Planet Vegeta."

"It's really unpleasant."

Vegeta glanced at the surrounding rice fields: "A group of farming people. They are just lambs being slaughtered."

"I didn't expect Kakarot to live in harmony with Noh and the others. He has lost his Saiyan nature."

"Hey, you guys! Did you destroy my wheat field?!"

At this moment, the farmer with the shotgun in his hand had the courage to yell at the three Vegetas, but what he received in exchange was an understatement from Raditz.


The next second, the head exploded, and a ball of flesh and blood dyed the yellow soil red. This man who had been farming for a lifetime turned his own life into fertilizer.

Nappa's expression did not change at all. Seeing this, Vegeta grabbed a handful of soil from the ground and squeezed it, with an evil smile on his face:

"The soil is very good, just suitable for planting tailors."

"Although Kakarot is a guy who embarrasses the fighting nation, for the sake of our compatriots, let us finish his mission."

"Hehehe, that's right, Vegeta."

Hearing this, the corner of Naba's mouth turned up with a hint of gloominess. He took out the cultivator's beans and buried them in the soil.

Not long after, short green monsters broke out of the ground. Their terrifying laughter was like little devils in hell. In the blink of an eye, they scattered across the entire town.

"Eeeeeeeeeeeey hey hey hey!"

"Eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeey! Hahahaha!"

"By the way, why are we here, Vegeta?"

Looking at the cultivator's retreating figure, Raditz asked doubtfully.

Vegeta crossed his arms and replied coldly: "Hmph, that guy Zod actually goes to such great lengths for a low-level warrior."

"This means that Kakarot must have something he wants, and after he gets it, will he still cooperate with us?"

"But it doesn't matter, just have some fun, let's go meet Kakarot."

Not long after, the cry of killing dyed the entire sky blood red, and the three Saiyans slowly walked towards the Kent family's farm.

At the same time, the Kents were also watching the live broadcast of alien negotiations on the TV channel.

The two of them held each other tightly, their eyes a little complicated. They knew early on that such a day would come, but they didn't expect that this day would come so quickly.

No matter how deliberately they hide the truth, external forces will eventually break the peaceful time they have tried to make up for in an instant.

When they saw their son on the TV, the Kents couldn't help but feel their hearts tighten.

The horrific destructive power produced when the two sides went to war also made them involuntarily worry about their son.

"No, Jonathan, they're going to take Clark."

Martha's eyes became moist, and she held back the collapse deep in her heart and held on to the hem of her husband's clothes tightly.

Jonathan held her in his arms, his firm tone full of trust in Clark, comforting his wife:

"Don't cry, Martha, you forgot, my son said he would never leave, he is with us."

"It's all your fault. I have taught him to be a good boy since he was a child and not let him fight."

"What if they kill him?"

After hearing this, Jonathan looked at Martha's resentful eyes and sighed helplessly:

"You have wronged me. You have to know that I can't control Clark since he passed his rebellious phase, and he has been rebellious since he was adopted by us."

Jonathan teased, and then hugged his wife tightly into his arms. The longing of memories appeared in his pupils, and he smiled happily:

"Actually, this kid has been secretly practicing martial arts all this time."

"Although I have never let him fight, I have always known in my heart that my son is the best in the world!"

When he said this, Jonathan's eyes were filled with pride and pride like a radiance.

He always believed that his son was the strongest man in the world.



Just then, the flames that shot up into the sky, like the storm that swept here five years ago, spread across the entire town in an instant.

The deafening explosion rumbled like thunder.

"What's going on?"

Hearing the noise from outside, Martha and Jonathan ran out in a panic.

I saw a fighter plane shaped like a bat flying low over the town, firing several missiles and hitting a group of green figures that were wreaking havoc.

"Bang, bang, bang!"

"Ah! Hee hee hee!!"

A group of monsters that looked like children, with the purest evil, killed the residents of the town without hesitation.

Cruel, violent, laughing, playing, they were like natural killing weapons, brutally slaughtering the entire town.

In a blink of an eye, this remote town was turned into a doomsday ruin.

"What's going on?"

"Bang bang bang!"

"What happened?"


"Monster! It's a monster! Help! There's a monster! Children, run!!"

Screaming, wailing, despair, death.

This is not a fight and slaughter, but more like a teasing chase under the game.

All those who are still alive at this moment, who can still make those painful groans, are just because of the deliberate teasing and playing of those children.

"Bang bang bang!!"

At this moment, a human head with an exposed brain suddenly jumped out from the top of the beam in the Kent's yard, scaring Martha, and stretched out her claws at the Kent couple with a scarlet look:

"Eh hahahahaha!!"

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