Passing through the gate, Liu Hao came to the last cell.

In the cell, Black widow had not fully recovered.

But when he saw Liu Hao coming, a trace of fear flashed in his eyes.

"It seems that you can't bear it sometimes, Natasha Romanoff."

Black widow looked at Liu Hao.

"Are you here just to laugh at me?"

"I'm not that free."

Liu Hao said:

"I'm here to tell you a bad news."

"That's your most respected SHIELD Director Nick Fury——"


Hearing this, Black widow widened her eyes.

After a moment, she seemed to accept the reality and regained her calm.

It was just a mental recovery, and her physical condition did not change at all.

"You... are Superman, right?"

Liu Hao heard the words, and the corners of his mouth rose.

Unexpectedly, Ross Nick's IQ is not even as good as Black widow.

But he did not answer Black widow.

Instead, he opened the cell door and walked to Black widow's side.

Four hours later.

Liu Hao left the prison.

And Black widow's situation was almost the same as last time.


"This big brother's punishment method is really different."

"Yes, I wonder if that woman will become addicted to it." Another guard said.

As they were talking, a guard got excited and suggested:

"Why don't we punish her for the Light of New York?"

"Stop it." An older guard scolded:

"Even if she is a prisoner, we can't touch the things of the Light of New York!"

The excited guard nodded immediately and didn't mention it again.

In fact, he was just talking casually.

He knew that no one could touch the things of the Light of New York.

And the ground had to be cleaned by the cleaning lady in the prison.

After dealing with Black widow, Liu Hao returned to the police station to continue working.

Without the troubles of Ross and Nick, Liu Hao's life was much easier.

In addition, the crime rate in New York was so low that it could be ignored.

So Liu Hao only had to deal with some accounting and other matters every day.

Banner got started quickly. After all, with a doctorate in hand, his intelligence must be higher than that of ordinary people.

So Liu Hao gave him the task of updating the police station's equipment.

Banner was asked to be responsible for the inspection and maintenance of weapons, and he could teach the police how to use them in the spare time.

"I have never seen this kind of technology before..."

During the research, Banner was amazed by the new equipment.

Banner was originally a doctor, and he was considered half a scientist.

His love for technology was as strong as a man's love for women.

"You can study it for a few more days, and then promote it to the police station after you figure it out."

Liu Hao said, "I have a lot of weapons like this."

These were all obtained from S.H.I.E.L.D. in the past.

Because they were too advanced, no one successfully analyzed them, so Liu Hao has been shelving them until now.

"They were all obtained in the past, and they may have been stored for too long, and they are almost covered with dust." Liu Hao explained to Banner.

"It just so happens that you are here, and you can learn something, so I will give it to you for research, so that I don't have to find professionals."

After all, I can't ask the people from S.H.I.E.L.D, right?

Nick is gone, S.H.I.E.L.D must be in a mess.

Not to mention that Nick was like that because of me, and going there again would only bring unnecessary trouble.

Banner concentrated on studying these weapons, and the more he studied, the more he admired:

"It's incredible, it's simply a work of art!"

"Even if it's made by Stark Industries, it can't compare to this exquisiteness!"

In a few years, Stark Industries' weapons will not be so outstanding.

At that time, they will all become Tony's personal combat equipment.

Liu Hao thought so in his heart.

The following days were calm.

Banner completely mastered these weapons and popularized them in the police station. Now almost everyone is equipped with such equipment.

Liu Hao stayed at home peacefully these days.

After Wanda came back from a business trip, he didn't go to those old friends anymore.

He stayed at home with his wife and did housework. He was almost a full-time househusband, while Wanda was always watching movies on the sofa.

Wanda is a strong woman, but that doesn't mean she doesn't need the care of others.

On the contrary, because of the lack of father's love in her childhood, she longed for father's love and longed to find a reliable man.

After all, since Wanda could remember, her father Magneto had not spent much time with her, so it was normal for her to lack fatherly love.

Liu Hao attracted Wanda because of this and married her. After marriage, he also played the role of a father.

Liu Hao and his wife enjoyed their world of two.

Until one day, someone came to visit Liu Hao's house.

Liu Hao opened the door and saw that it was Betty.

He thought she was coming...

He quickly glanced at his wife in the kitchen, and then said:

"Not recently, my wife is at home, you have to bear with it for a while."

Who knew Betty was not coming at all...

She was in tears and stepped forward to hold Liu Hao's hand.

Choking with sobs, he said: "Liu Hao, please, let my dad go!" Liu Hao frowned, walked out of the door and closed it, and then talked to Betty: "It seems that you know that your dad is in trouble." Betty knelt down directly: "Liu Hao, I beg you! Let my dad go!" "Although he is guilty of heinous crimes, he is still my dad!" "Just because I played well with you when I was a child and I accompanied you for so long before, let him go!" Liu Hao looked at Betty coldly. Finally, he let go of her hand and said: "No." Betty wanted to continue to beg, but saw Liu Hao's cold eyes. "Ross has offended me, and he must pay the price." "No one's plea is useless." In the hotel. Turning his head slightly, Betty on the pillow has fallen asleep. Liu Hao sighed and thought silently:

"I think my Superman bloodline is not afraid of nuclear bombs, but I can't resist the gentle offensive of women in the end."

"It seems that it is not women's fists that make the Eurasian continent shift by nine millimeters, but more deadly coquetry and pity."

Liu Hao said with emotion.

Then, he took out his mobile phone and called Arthur, the director of the police headquarters:

"Arthur, about Ross Lauren..."

"I was just about to talk to you about this, Feng."

Chief Arthur said:

"We just interrogated Ross's crimes and found that his crimes were enough to be sentenced to death."

"Didn't he anger you and our police? This time we can just execute him openly, don't you feel relieved?"

"As long as you give an order, I will help you solve it immediately. Ross Lauren can be sent within three days..."

Arthur was very excited. He thought Liu Hao would be equally excited when he heard the news.

Unexpectedly, Liu Hao interrupted him: "No need to execute him."

"What? Did I hear it right?" Arthur was confused.

Having known Liu Hao for so long, Arthur naturally understood his revengeful character - revenge is a must, double return.

He would never leave anyone alive if he could die, and would never go easy on people who could be disabled, but it was the first time that he said it was unnecessary like today.

"Leave him a chance to live during the trial, sentence him to life imprisonment, and let him spend the rest of his life in prison." Liu Hao said.

Arthur asked with a puzzled look on his face:

"But you didn't say that before, what changed your mind?"

"The other party's price was very high? Or did you save face for others?"

Arthur was very curious until Liu Hao answered:

"It was a sugar-coated bullet."

Arthur was slightly stunned, and then smiled after realizing it:

"It seems that this is what you Chinese people often say that heroes are hard to resist beautiful women."

Liu Hao smacked his lips, a little embarrassed, and didn't speak.

Who would have thought that the proverb he taught Arthur would be used on himself.

Arthur felt that this was the Liu Hao in his memory. He laughed enough and returned to the topic:

"In that case, I respect your choice. I will take care of Ross's affairs."

After handling the verdict on Ross, Liu Hao ended the call with Arthur.

Then he sent a message to Betty, who was still sleeping, telling her father that Ross would only go to jail and would not be in danger of life.

"Every time I wake up first, the person next to the pillow is not awake yet, and I can't tell who is who." Liu Hao complained privately.

Then Liu Hao put on his clothes and left the hotel.

Because he spent a night with Betty behind his wife's back last night.

So, he must go back to care about Wanda and enhance their relationship.

After that, Liu Hao changed into formal clothes and went to the New York Police Department.

There was nothing important today. Liu Hao stayed in the office and turned on the news when he was free.

Turning on the TV, what came into view was the figure that Liu Hao was most familiar with:

"Genius, dreamer, patriot from the Stark family! Tony Stark!"

On TV, Tony's image appeared in the form of a poster, explained by the host in the voiceover.

Since childhood, Tony Stark, the son of the legendary weapons inventor Howard Stark, has attracted widespread attention with his extraordinary wisdom.

He made circuit boards at the age of four, made his own engines at the age of six, and graduated from MIT early at the age of seventeen, winning the title of the best graduate.

After Howard's accidental death, Tony disappeared for a while, and Stark Industries was taken over by Howard's friend, Buddy Stan.

Buddy Stan is the villain in "Iron Man 1". In Liu Hao's era, this kind of plot is already a cliché in Hollywood movies and superhero comics.

The news continued to report Tony's deeds:

"Until the age of 21, Tony returned to Stark Industries and took over the position of new president. He used smart weapons, advanced robots and satellite positioning technology to push his father's legacy to the pinnacle of global attention!"

"This is Tony Stark, the controller of the world's top weapons industrial empire, the new president of Stark Industries, and a true hero who defends American freedom with weapons!"

"Why is there such intensive media coverage of Tony suddenly?" Liu Hao was a little puzzled.

Although Tony is a scientific genius and business tycoon, he has made great achievements at a young age, won numerous awards in various industries, and made the family business profitable at the age of 21. However, in the capitalist society of the United States, such achievements are not uncommon.

"Recently, due to the many cooperations between Stark Industries and the military, the military specially held a commendation meeting for Tony and Stark Industries."

"The awards were presented by Colonel James Rhodes, who served as the liaison between Stark Industries and the military, to discuss the wide application of new weapons in the military."

"I wonder if this kind of cooperation can continue in the military for a long time? Let's wait and see!"

The news ends here. After reading the second half, Liu Hao suddenly realized that this was a propaganda of Stark Industries.

Through negotiations and promotion with the military, attract investment and large-scale orders from other military departments.

Liu Hao recalled, put his feet on the table, and thought to himself:

"Should I remind this guy?"

Although these things have nothing to do with Liu Hao, he is still Tony's cousin after all.

While he was struggling, Banner knocked on the door and came in with an invitation:

"Brother Feng, Stark Industries sent you a letter, inviting you to attend the honor party they held for Tony Stark tonight."

This guy actually invited me, which was quite thoughtful. Liu Hao secretly decided:

"Then I'll give you a little reminder."

"I know, you go ahead." Liu Hao said to Banner and prepared to go out.

Banner reminded at the door:

"Wait, Brother Feng, are you going to the party like this?"

Liu Hao did not blame Banner for being too talkative, but simply responded:

"You must dress formally for the party, but you can dress casually for the casino."

"Go to the casino? But didn't Mr. Stark invite you to the party?"

"You don't know Tony, his personality..."

Liu Hao put on his coat while saying:

"He won't show up at the awards ceremony."

Liu Hao went out and drove to the largest casino in the United States.

As soon as he entered the casino, he heard a proud voice from afar:

"Yeah! I won again! Didn't I say it? Ma'am, you are my lucky goddess tonight."

Playboy Tony was rolling the dice with two beauties in his arms. Liu Hao walked through the crowd and approached:

"It seems that you are lucky today, President."

Tony thought that the boss was complimenting him, so he instinctively retorted:

"Luck is part of strength, and only incompetent people will attribute it to chance."

However, when he saw that the person coming was Liu Hao, his originally serious expression immediately relaxed and a smile appeared on his face:

"Liu Hao? Why are you here? Look, this is the child of my dear aunt, my dear cousin, come, let's hug one!"

Liu Hao knew Tony's style and acted in a high-profile manner. He was used to it and hugged Tony.

Then, Tony pushed aside the blonde and red-haired beauties beside him and turned to chat with Liu Hao, definitely while gambling:

"Have you figured it out? Come to me to discuss business?"

"I've said before that the equipment of the New York Police Department is too backward."

"Why not trade with Stark Industries and exchange a batch of new police equipment."

Stark "talked business" with Liu Hao while gambling:

"You are an old friend, giving you a 10% discount, generous enough, right?"

"I have suitable ones here, place an order now, 6,000 to 7,000 sets is no problem."

"The price is rounded off to 800,000 US dollars, just ask my assistant to swipe the card, I'll ask her to come over now."

Liu Hao heard this and responded with a slight smile:

"Your words almost touched me."

"Unfortunately, the police department has recently updated its equipment."

"There is no need to cooperate with Stark Industries for the time being."

Tony was stunned:

"Not doing business? Then why did you come to me? Gambling? No, you don't look like a gambler."

Liu Hao got straight to the point.

"I came to you this time not to discuss business or to reminisce about the past, but I have something to remind you." Liu Hao said. "Remind me?" Tony showed a hint of confusion, then smiled, "Are you trying to tell me not to be too greedy and not to lose myself?"

"If that's the case, brother, I've exceeded the limit to an outrageous degree, both in terms of wealth and self." Liu Hao didn't care about Tony's joke, and continued: "Three days later, you will go to the test site under the guidance of the army."

"You are going to test the newly developed Jericho missile, right?" Tony was quick to respond and asked, "What are you reminding me of?"

Tony still asked in a teasing tone: "You are not worried that the army will cheat and take away the weapons without paying, right?"

Liu Hao responded calmly: "No, I mean, that day, you may face a life-and-death crisis."

Tony was stunned for a moment, then smiled: "Are you kidding, Liu Hao?"

Liu Hao took a sip of the whiskey in his hand and said: "In short, it's better not to go, otherwise you may die here."

Tony sneered: "How is it possible? Is the army here for vacation? They will ensure my safety."

"Do you know how close my relationship with Colonel James Rhodes is? He can mobilize enough troops to protect me at any time!" Tony was full of confidence and said to Liu Hao's warning fell on deaf ears.

"If you trust the army so much, then even if I didn't say anything, don't blame me for not reminding you when the time comes." Liu Hao finished speaking, stood up and prepared to leave, and before leaving, he did not forget to remind: "Also, keep an eye on your partner Badistan, we are all businessmen, you should know the situation."

After Liu Hao left, Tony stayed alone for three or four minutes, and then went back to gambling.

Three days later.

Military base.

"As long as you launch one of these things, I can guarantee that the enemy will never dare to come out again!"

"This is Stark Industries' 'Freedom' series, a brand new product!"

Tony stood in front of the army and signaled that they could start launching.

The missile took off, and Tony announced to everyone: "Ladies and gentlemen, please enjoy the Jericho missile!"

As soon as the voice fell, a missile landed in the valley behind Tony, instantly raising dust all over the sky, with amazing destructive power.

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