American Comics: I Am Thor, And My Partner Is Phoenix!

Chapter 52: Destroying The Atmosphere

However, just after the conversation ended, a round of applause gradually came from the door, breaking the silence.

When the applause sounded, Bowery and John were both shocked, especially Bowery, who was the most shocked.

This is his territory! How dare someone be so arrogant? He muttered to himself in disbelief.

It was not until they saw the Judge and the burly Asian-faced man next to her that the two really widened their eyes.

Just now he was still saying that he was furious and agreed to fight another day, and the next moment the other party clapped and stepped into your territory, ready to deal with you. Anyone would be confused!

They exchanged glances, and Bowery quietly moved his body, ready to take out the 911 pistol that had been hidden for a long time from under the throne. As long as the pistol was in John's hand, all problems would be solved!

The two were already planning to deal with Liu Hao and the Judge. Fortunately, Liu Hao did not want to be their enemy. Otherwise, Bowery's actions just now would have been noticed and eliminated by Liu Hao.

So Liu Hao said: "Gentlemen, don't get excited. I'm not here to take your lives, and I'm not a member of the assassin's union."

"It's best not to try to pull out a gun. You don't know what kind of ability I have, but I don't plan to do it for the time being."

After hearing this, Bowery silently retracted his hand that was touching the gun.

Liu Hao walked and said: "I'm from the New York Police Department. Maybe you have heard of my name. My name is Liu Qin."

John, who had retired long ago, was still confused, but Bowery, who knew everything, showed a surprised expression:

"You are the one known as the light of New York, Liu Hao?"

John was still confused. Could this guy be another version of the police, similar to himself?

Seeing John's confusion, Bowery reminded: "A few months ago, the assassin's union offered a reward for him, but in less than three days, the reward was cancelled without any reason, and they even had to apologize to him.

"Oh, it's you. " John remembered.

At that time, John was enjoying his retirement life with his girlfriend. He noticed that Liu Hao was rewarded, but the reward disappeared later. He thought he had been assassinated.

The truth turned out to be that the golf table cancelled the reward and paid compensation?!

This was the first time John had encountered such a situation in his life. He looked at the man who also had Chinese ancestry in surprise.

Top killers like John have never failed, not to mention the strange thing of apologizing after the reward was cancelled.

Bo Weirui stared at Liu Hao and the judge, and speculated: "It seems that the New York Police Department has also been bought by the golf table."

"For someone like you, I really want to know how much money the golf table paid to let you go along with them.

"Bribe me? Golf Table is not qualified yet." Liu Hao's slightly raised mouth corners revealed confidence: "If you think that I am in the same group with Golf Table because I stand with the Judge, then you are wrong." Liu Hao said, hugged the Judge's waist, and said: "The one standing here is just my lover, and we have no working relationship." Hearing this, both of them were stunned, and Bowery exclaimed: "The cold-faced woman who slashed me seven times is your lover?!" Bowery's eyes were full of shock, as if saying: You can handle such a woman, big brother, you are really amazing! John asked the key question: "You are not from Golf Table, nor a killer, so what are you doing here?" "To make someone's py unlucky." When Liu Hao said this, the Judge beside him trembled slightly. Liu Hao felt the Judge's reaction, raised his mouth corners, and then said: "By the way, solve your two problems." "You mean, you just kill us for justice?" John Wick asked. "John, can you please stop thinking about killing people? Civilized society is civilized."

Talking about civilization with the killer, the two were stunned. Liu Hao continued:

"I plan to take you two in."

"You will buy a house near the New York Police Department in the future."

"In my territory, the people from the golf table and the killer organization dare not touch you."

"What about the golf table?" The judge asked hurriedly.

"What should I do? Just like you said just now, the mission is completed, John Wick is dead." Liu Hao replied.

The judge looked nervous and responded: "If the golf table finds out about this later, I will definitely be worse off than dead!"

"Your back will be worse off than dead tonight."

Liu Hao patted the judge's face and continued: "Follow me, the people from the golf table will not dare to touch you, do you understand?"

The judge heard this and could only click to buy.

Then, Liu Hao looked at John and Beggar Gang leader Bowery and asked: "How is it? Have you thought about it?"

The two looked at each other and then agreed. After all, John just wanted to retire and it would be nice to have a place to live.

And Bowery thought that Liu Hao's ability was strong and he might be able to compete with the golf table, so he planned to find an opportunity to wait.

In this way, the matter of the killer union came to an end.

Except for the judge, others were not so painful.

Definitely, pain will turn into excitement and pleasure after a long time.

Osborn Industrial Laboratory, New York, USA

"There are more than 32,000 kinds of spiders in the world, and the order Arachnid is divided into three major categories............

Peter Parker and his fat friend Ned followed their classmates to visit Osborn Company.

Watching the strange inventions along the way, Ned and Peter were amazed:

"Oh my God, that's the most famous electron microscope on the West Coast! I can't believe I can see it here. ”

“Look, look, there’s that! An intelligent AI bionic arm that can perform various quick operations with just programming!”

“Wow, what is this?! A flight machine! Peter, look, this is a flight machine made by Osborn Industries!”

Peter and Ned, who were visiting, were so excited to see the exhibits that they danced with joy as if they had seen new toys.

The other students looked bored, and it was obvious that this was not a place they were happy to come to.

They couldn’t even understand why Peter and Ned were so excited. Maybe this is the unique romance of technology geeks.

The tour guide then introduced the characteristics of spiders:

“Each spider has a unique ability to find food.

“For example, this spider from Australia has an extraordinary jumping ability that helps it catch prey.”

Peter listened intently, looking at the spider in the display box jumping a distance that was far more than four or five times its body length. He pushed his glasses and couldn’t help but exclaimed: “Great.”

“What? Parker, you actually think such a small spider is better than you?” Hearing Peter’s exclamation, Flash immediately laughed loudly.

"You who think spiders are powerful! How useless you are! Haha!"

Flash's ridicule attracted laughter from the students around him, and Peter was at a loss.

He looked around like a primary school student who had done something wrong, hesitating to explain: "No, no, I mean, I think..."

"Since Flash thinks spiders are weak, do you dare to stretch your hand over and let the spider bite you?"

The fat boy Ned immediately stood up for Peter: "Or, in fact, you are not even as good as a spider?"

Flash was choked and speechless, and everyone's laughter turned to Flash, who embarrassed Peter at first.

Ned helped Peter resolve the embarrassment again.

Peter went forward and hugged Ned: "Thanks, buddy. If it weren't for you, I would have become a laughing stock again."

"It's okay, Peter, why should we be polite? Flash is a jerk, but he will only get worse."

Ned put his arm around Peter's shoulders and said: "And I also think spiders are cool. Flash, that idiot, doesn't know anything."

As the two were chatting, they saw a black girl walking by. It was Lizzie, whom Peter had a crush on.

Ned saw this and nudged Peter with his elbow: "Go up, talk to her, and ask her out."

"You're crazy! I... I'm not going, go by yourself." Peter immediately refused.

Ned had no choice but to pat Peter on the shoulder and let him handle it himself, and then went to see other exhibits.

Peter stared at Lizzie, wiped his glasses, took a deep breath, and walked over.

At this time, Peter didn't notice that a red spider was crawling on the spider web on the ceiling above his head.

Peter knew in his heart that it was a bit frivolous to chat up with girls directly.

So he took out the camera he had prepared long ago and asked:

"Hi, Liz, can I...can I take a picture of you?"

"Peter? Oh, definitely."

In order to avoid Liz's suspicion, Peter quickly found an excuse:

"Because my aunt wants to see my daily life, so I take pictures of her every time I go to a new place.

Liz understood, and the embarrassment and nervousness on her face eased.

Peter secretly rejoiced and began to take pictures of the goddess in his heart, focusing, and putting his finger on the shutter.

Just then, the red spider on the ceiling fell on the back of his neck.

Peter pressed the shutter, and at the same time, the spider on the back of his neck opened its mouth and bit down!

Peter slapped it subconsciously, and looking at the spider's corpse, he was stunned:

"Fuck...what is this?"

"Peter? What's wrong with you?" The black girl Liz asked with concern.

In order to take pictures of the beautiful woman, Peter did not mention this:

"Nothing, a mosquito, let's continue taking pictures. ”

After the visit, the classmates left one after another. Peter said goodbye to Ned and took the subway home.

On the subway, Peter felt something was wrong, his head was dizzy, and his hands and feet seemed to have lost control.

Indistinctly, he felt that his hands and feet were about to grow spikes, and everything around him became noisy and slow.

On the subway, Peter's high school classmate Flash found Peter sleeping and took a drink to play a prank.

When the drink was about to touch Peter, Peter closed his eyes and slapped it away.

Flash was splashed all over and cursed: "Are you pretending to sleep?"

When he was about to fight back, Peter suddenly grabbed Flash's hand, opened his eyes and punched him!

This scene stunned both of them.

At the awards ceremony in the White House in the United States.

Liu Hao sat in the audience in a formal suit, and his wife Wanda was next to him.

The audience was full, and Wanda was inexplicably nervous at first.

But sitting next to her was a man who gave her a full sense of security.

Gradually, she returned to normal and whispered to Liu Hao:

"I have never appeared in the same occasion with so many senior executives.

Definitely, Mutant's appearance here usually means there may be assassination or threats, Liu Hao thought to himself.

Liu Hao gently patted Wanda's hand and comforted her: "Don't worry, I am the protagonist tonight, and they are just the foil.

Under the spotlight, US President Trump announced the recipients of tonight's commendation:

"Next, please welcome the New York Police Department's Chief of Police Liu Hao, who is known as the hero of the 'Light of New York', and applaud and welcome him!"


Amidst the warm applause, Liu Hao slowly walked onto the stage, and Trump personally put on the medal for him and gave a speech.

"Liu Hao, you are really the glory of New York. Since you took over, the crime rate in New York has been declining, and even the vicious cases have almost disappeared. New York has become the safest city in American history, and your contribution is obvious to all!"

"In addition to the Medal of Honor, the White House will also provide the New York Police Department with a $50 million reward fund. I look forward to your continued success. The future of New York depends on you!"

After Trump finished speaking, he shook hands with Liu Hao cordially, and then invited Liu Hao to share his acceptance speech. Liu Hao politely responded:

"Thank you for the president's affirmation, and thank you for everyone's recognition of me. In fact, I am not the light of New York. I am just an ordinary policeman who represents justice. Thank you.

After Liu Hao finished speaking, he walked off the stage. Then, Trump continued to deliver a speech that lasted more than two hours, and the ceremony ended successfully.

When he walked out of the White House, the police officers at the door lined up to welcome him. They envied and admired Liu Hao's commendation, and they also felt lucky to have such an excellent boss.

Seeing the smiles on everyone's faces, Liu Hao raised the corners of his mouth slightly and announced:

"Okay, since you are so happy today, let's all have a day off tonight and enjoy ourselves. I will pay for the expenses."

As soon as Liu Hao said this, the whole audience cheered. The police immediately immersed themselves in the joyful atmosphere and began to enjoy their nightlife.

Queens, New York, USA.

"What a surprise, what a surprise!" Peter exclaimed in front of the mirror in his room, unbelievable.

After being bitten by a spider, Peter has been confused, but now he finally understands his changes.

First of all, his senses are extremely sharp, his hearing is far better than that of ordinary people, and his vision has miraculously recovered, and he no longer needs glasses.


Peter, who has never exercised, has a strong body overnight. He looks thin when dressed and has muscles when undressed, and his fist strength has increased greatly!

The most important thing is that he can climb! Like a lizard or a spider, he can easily climb up any adsorbent surface by sticking to clothes.

Peter is very excited at this moment. He feels full of power. Last time, he punched Flash into the hospital on the subway with one punch, and Aunt May scolded him severely for this.

At this time, Peter accidentally found a flyer for an underground boxing match in his schoolbag.

"Underground boxing match... win one match and get $20,000, double it for three matches, the prize money is getting bigger and bigger, there is no upper limit!"

Peter looked at the flyer, then looked at his fist as big as a casserole, and resolutely decided: "Go and give it a try!"

Unlike other players, Peter does not need special training to participate in boxing matches. He only needs to do one thing - find a costume to cover up his true identity.

So he buried his head in design, and three days later, a set of classic red and blue tight cotton coats was born.

Peter came to the underground boxing match and found the registration point to register. The aunt saw him and smiled:

"I don't have a place for a lightweight wrestler like you here, you are not looking for him. 17

"No, no, no, I don't distinguish between levels, just let me participate, I'm not afraid of anyone!" Peter said firmly.

The aunt shrugged and said: "Well, anyway, we have signed a life and death agreement, and it has nothing to do with us if something happens. ”

On the boxing ring, the host introduced the wrestler who had won seven consecutive games to liven up the atmosphere:

"Bone Saw McGraw has eliminated another opponent. Who will be the next one? Can the next challenger defeat Bone Saw McGraw and win the $100,000 cumulative prize? Let's welcome the next contestant!"

The host stepped back in front of Peter who was about to appear and asked: "Young man, what is your nickname?"

Peter cleared his throat and replied: "I am, the human-shaped spider."

"What the hell? The human-shaped spider? Is this the bad name you came up with?" The host couldn't help complaining.

"Yeah, I think it's cool." Peter responded in a low voice.

"The human-shaped spider... this name...

The host directly sprayed: "It's so bad and so stupid!"

The host is a professional atmosphere maker, and mentioning such a bad name will ruin the atmosphere.

So the host ignored Peter's nickname, picked up the microphone again and said to the audience:

"The one who will fight against Bonesaw McGraw is New York's most famous war god, the dream partner of women and the lifelong idol of men! Friends...!"

The host successfully pushed the atmosphere to a climax:

"Let us welcome this agility, strength, and skills————Extraordinary Spider-man!"

The curtain opened, and Peter, wearing a red and blue tights, appeared in front of the audience.

"Extraordinary Spider-man?" Peter looked confused and whispered: "I clearly said it was a humanoid spider."

However, looking at the enthusiastic response of the audience, it was obvious that they liked this name, and Peter quickly accepted it:

"Forget it, it doesn't matter, Spider-man is Spider-man, the word "extraordinary" is too exaggerated, so just remove it."

Just like that, Peter accepted the name and walked slowly onto the ring.

When passing through the passage, the muscular women of the opposite camp, the so-called Bone Saw McGro, held microphones and kept taunting him from head to toe:

"Bone Saw McGro will tear you to pieces, you ignorant little piece of trash! You are nothing!"

"Bone Saw will tear out your thin legs one by one! What Spider-man? You are just a loser!".

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