When I saw this, the chat area on the screen had exploded.

Zhuhoshidan: What! The limbs alone cover 660,000 square kilometers! Do you know what this concept is? It’s at least as big as two island countries!

Tsunade: There are such big monsters. I thought the earth dragon and sea snake were already big, but compared to the monsters under the vampire factory, they are still pitifully small.

Dagu: Oh my god! If such a big monster appeared completely, how tall it would be and how much damage it would cause!

Nobita: Ahhhhh. . . I no longer dare to think about it.

Usopp: My head is going to explode just thinking about it!

Tong Hu: You must know that it is only the area of ​​the root-like limbs. Who knows how big the body is? It may be more than one million square meters!

Radamandis: This is bigger than the legendary giants!

Tony Stark: This is simply unscientific. How many people would it need to eat to replenish energy for such a big monster? Tens of thousands of people are not enough!

Natasha: Maybe it has been inactive, so it consumes less energy.

Bruce Wayne: Monsters like this are absolutely dangerous! Such a big body, whether underground or on the ground, will cause a devastating blow!

Bruce Wayne: Just imagine, such a monster running amok underground will definitely cause the structure of the earth to collapse. If it were on the ground, just turning over slightly would destroy everything in a small country!

Wang: Oh my God, why is such a big monster? You can't just attack it casually. Let's not talk about whether attacking casually will just tickle it. Otherwise, it will only anger it and cause even greater damage!

Whitebeard: Indeed, just because of the consequences, we have to consider whether we should take action against this kind of monster.

Regulus: We should be able to deal with such a big monster.

Sisyphus: If it's just huge in size, it would be easy to deal with. You can just destroy it with the speed of light, or you can use Defteros's extra-dimensional space to avoid affecting other places.

Defteros: . . . . . .

Ancient One: Indeed, as long as I open the mirror dimension, I am not afraid of how this monster will cause trouble.

Dagu: I don’t know if Diga has any way to deal with this kind of monster.

Zhuhoshidan: You have to believe in yourself and the power of Ultraman.

Clark: If my world really appears, I may be able to use my power to take it to space to solve it.

Bruce Wayne: If only it would go well.

Thor: I don't care about any big monsters! If it dares to appear, I will make it our Asgardian pet!

Loki: You should keep such a disgusting pet for yourself.

Thor: Hey, Loki, I think this thing is perfect for you.

Loki: Not appropriate at all!

While everyone was discussing, the screen was not over yet.

[In order to investigate the origin of the vampire factory, the shelter asked the villagers who were making sacrifices. They had different opinions, and I didn’t know which one was credible. 】

[After visiting an unknown number of people, I finally learned the origin of the vampire factory from the oldest old man in the village. 】

[She is the elder of the village and once worked as a midwife. According to her, her ancestors once participated in the struggle against the vampire factory, so she knows many legends and customs. The following is the content of the interview. 】

[Dr. J: What can you tell me about this temple? 】

[Old man: That’s my mother’s residence. She is like a queen, sending out her loyal bees to collect nectar; we are beekeepers, helping to keep the hive thriving. As you know, it is better for the greater good to keep us in the priesthood. 】

[Dr. J: Who is the mother? 】

[Old man: My mother was once a princess; she was the most beautiful daughter of the Blood Queen. The Grand Warlock, the Sorcerer-King of the Inner Temple, wants to conquer the Blood Queen as he conquered her realm.

So the great warlock took possession of her with his own power and made her his favorite concubine.

Afterwards, she came to revere the Grand Warlock, as do those of us who adhere to the ancient ways. She begged to have children for the Grand Warlock, and the Warlock gave her his sacred seed.

The mother swelled with joy and life. She took root here and grew up here. We, like the pale ones, must keep her full and satisfied. The Pale One spits countless nectar into her mouth, and her offspring suck the nourishment and grow strong.

Now the mother has become one with the earth. Her clay incubator was swelling and soon she would burst. You are surrounded by the fire of the gods. 】

[The Conception Society has conducted many heated discussions regarding the containment of the Vampire Factory. They have all thought of wiping it out completely. They believe that they should not compromise for the sake of the containment and perform sacrifices, which is a practice of stabbing humans in the back. 】

[But no matter how you study it, the casualties caused by any attack method are unbearable for the containment association, and the cost is much higher than sacrifice. 】

[So no matter how reluctant everyone is, the shelter can only continue to perform sacrifices. 】

[The containment team knows very well that if they continue to sacrifice and feed individual 3, it and its offspring will become stronger, which will cause huge trouble in the unknown future. 】

[But until there is no absolute solution, the shelter can only do this. 】

[Perhaps one day the shelter will be able to eliminate all the monsters in the vampire factory, but not now, and it cannot be done at the expense of the entire island. 】

The screen ends here, letting everyone know a little bit about the origin of the vampire factory.

Mordo: The princess got the seed of the great warlock and turned into a monster covering 660,000 square kilometers, and can also produce many monsters by herself! ? This is transformed by black magic!

Strange: Is there such magic? Can people be turned into such terrible monsters?

Wang: I have read many magic books, and some of them do mention how to transform people into monsters, but I have never seen such an outrageous one.

Ancient One: Evil God, only the power of the evil god can do it. It seems that the great warlock is very ambitious, or deliberately targeting humans.

Nami: God, then the princess is too miserable.

Orochimaru: Humph, miserable, didn’t you say that the princess accepted it voluntarily?

Nami: Are you stupid? Who would voluntarily accept to become a monster? I think she must have been forced!

Robin: The history is so long, there must be many details that don’t match, or the history has been changed.

Long: But even if the containment society with extraordinary strength and technology can only use primitive means to control such a terrible monster in the end, I really don’t know what to say.

Warring States: There is nothing we can do about it. After all, this monster is too terrifying and too huge. With such a huge size, it does not need to launch any special attacks. Just rolling around is enough to destroy several countries.

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