Naruto: What did you say!

Akainu: Isn't it true? A guy as indecisive as you will only let evil run away and let it develop out of control! Only by making a decisive decision can we eliminate evil.

Rogers: What are you kidding? Are your subordinates evil? They are all people who work hard for justice. Why should they die?

Akainu: There are no immortals in war. If every soldier is afraid of death, how can we fight!

Rogers: That is also to die gloriously after destroying the enemy, rather than being killed by our own people!

Akainu: Humph, I know very well that what I did doesn't look good, but the effect is also very obvious. Because of their sacrifice, the monsters in the vampire factory will not make trouble for the time being. This shows that their sacrifice is valuable and we will remember their contribution!

Rod: People like you are actually leaders. To be honest, if my leader throws me to sacrifice without saying a word, I will definitely fight to the death.

Akainu: Since you have so many opinions, why don't you tell me what I should do? Should I continue to fight to the end and sacrifice more people? By then, I'm afraid that more than tens of thousands of people will die. Sacrifice a few to save the majority. Don't you understand this principle? It's really stupid.

Rogers: You actually regard tens of thousands of lives as a minority...

Nick Fury: Okay, Captain, let's not argue anymore. There is no point in saying too much. Things have already happened, not to mention that it is another universe.

Rogers: Nick Fury, tell me, if you encounter this situation, will you do the same thing?

Nick Fury: This... Ahem.

Loki: Humph, no need to ask, he will definitely do it.

Rogers: Fury!

Nick Fury: When I encounter a situation where there is really no other way, I can only do this.

Tony Stark: That situation will not happen. Don't forget my technology and the two-dimensional foil!

Thor: You are right. Even if a warrior dies, he should be honored, not sacrificed by his own people!

Akainu: That's a nice thing to say. We don't have as much power as you do, but from now on I have it!

Long: Humph, since you are so powerful, do you dare to go and cause trouble for that monster now?

Akainu: Haha, don't try to provoke me. When I become proficient in using the power of the crimson ruby, I will naturally do so. Then the next step is to destroy the pirates and the revolutionary army!

Long: If you have the ability, try it.

Whitebeard: Magma boy, don't think that you are amazing just because you have a new power!

Ace: I want to ask, to what extent can this crimson ruby ​​power be exerted?

Ancient One: I don't know the details, but you will get unlimited power from Cytorak, and destroying planets is just the basics of the basics.

Ace: What! Isn't that more powerful than Dad's strong and powerful bull-breaking fist!

Whitebeard: This is really bad.

Usopp: Oh no, then we are finished if we meet this guy.

Nami: Don't panic, don't forget, Luffy is now the strongest power in our world!

Luffy: Yes, but we'll see whether we can win or not.

Robin: By the way, can your Green Lantern Ring plus the power of Ion Shark solve the Vampire Factory?

Luffy: I don't know. Ion Shark said that I haven't been able to fully exert the power of the Green Lantern Ring and can't merge with me yet, so I'm not sure.

Akainu: Then you'd better master it one day, otherwise I'll kill you.

Garp: . . . . . .

Sengoku: Garp, don't let your imagination run wild.

Garp: I know!

Fengyuan: Captain, if it were you, would you do this?

Moroboshi Tuan: I definitely won't. With the power of the Kingdom of Light, there are ways to deal with it!

Deftros: It's a pity that it didn't appear in our world, otherwise I could use the alternate dimension to take the monster to another dimension to deal with it.

Dieter: I can also freeze it directly, alas...

Son Goku: I can also solve it easily. Even if someone dies, I can ask the Dragon Ball to revive it.

Daigu: So what are you going to do now? Will you continue to make sacrifices later?

Akainu: Of course, but it should be something that can be done by a few hundred people.

Daigu: A few hundred people? You actually said it so easily!

Akainu: Anyway, it's a sacrifice of pirates. If the pirates die, they die.

Clark: But, that's also human life. Shouldn't you have some respect for life?

Akainu: Pirates kill countless people. They don't respect life. Why should I respect their lives?

Bruce Wayne: What if the pirates are not enough, or you can't find pirates for a while, what are you going to do? Will you continue to take the lives of your subordinates, or the lives of civilians for sacrifice?

Akainu: Humph, there is no such thing.

Bruce Wayne: If you refuse to answer, I know what the answer is.

Diana: A leader like you is simply a misfortune for the warriors! I swear if you are in front of me, I will definitely chop off your head!

Akainu: Haha, I didn't expect there are so many naive idiots here. I really hope that one day when this kind of situation occurs in your world, you will have a way to solve it.

Akainu: I hope that by then, the sacrifices caused by your so-called struggle and resistance will be less than the sacrifices. If the number of sacrifices exceeds the sacrifices, I hope you won't regret it!

Rogers: I will never regret it. It is better to fight and die with all my strength than to please the monster like a sacrifice!

Orochimaru: Hehe, that only represents yourself. It's fine if you want to die, but you implicate those who don't want to die. How hypocritical.

Rogers: What did you say!

Orochimaru: Am I wrong? You are a soldier and you are not afraid of death, but ordinary people are afraid of death. Why should they be implicated? If you are the only one who survives in the end, I wonder if you will become the target of public criticism.

Rogers: Ah, this...

Orochimaru: If it were in our world, Kage-level figures would choose to sacrifice without hesitation. Just like the sea snake, if it can be solved by sacrifice, you will definitely not hesitate.

Naruto: Don't talk nonsense!

Tsunade: Naruto, you should be quiet for a while.

Jiraiya: Yes, it's useless to say more.

Naruto: Grandma Tsunade, you are a lecherous sage, are you!

Naruto was in the Hokage's office in the Hokage Building. He happened to see Tsunade and Jiraiya with gloomy expressions on their faces, and he could guess what they were thinking.

My heart sank.

Clark: If I have to die, I will only sacrifice myself. I will do my best to prevent others from getting hurt!

Bruce Wayne: Me too.

Minos: That sounds good, but who knows what will actually happen.

Tonghu: Shut up! Choosing the worst way without even trying, and trying to please the enemy, is nothing but a cowardly act!

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