Jiraiya let himself ignore the disgusting pile of bugs so that he could quickly report the big event that was about to happen.

"Ah? What are you talking about? What's going to happen?"

Fukasaku asked in confusion.

"A pendant that can turn anything into a monster appears in Mt. Myoboku! Now Bunta and the others are about to be affected!"

Jiraiya quickly organized his thoughts and explained the specific situation concisely and concisely.


After hearing this, Fukasaku and Shima couldn't help but open their mouths wide, their little eyes full of confusion.

I have no idea what Jiraiya is talking about.

"Oops! I don't have time to explain to you! I'll go find it myself!"

Jiraiya couldn't explain it clearly for a while, so he quickly looked around, trying to find where Bunta and the others were gathering.

"Jiraiya, one thousand meters away from the southeast wind."

Just then an old voice came from Jiraiya's mind.

"Huh!? It's the Great Toad Immortal!"

Fukasaku and Shima also heard it and had to be stunned.

This is the voice of the leader of Miaomu Mountain, the Great Toad Sage.

"They are being illuminated by strange things. I feel very dangerous. Get over quickly!"

The Great Toad Immortal urged.

"I see!"

After Jiraiya got the position, he immediately flew up with a look of panic.

"Hey! Wait for us!"

Fukasaku and Shima also realized that something was wrong, and immediately jumped on Jiraiya's body, wanting to follow him to see what was going on.

At this time, in the toad gathering place, all the toads are enjoying the light of Lovecraft's pendant and feeling that their physical condition is getting better and better.

It's like taking drugs. Once you get into it and experience the benefits, you will always be immersed in it and can't stop.

"All you toads, get out of there right now!"

At this moment, the cry of the Great Toad Immortal came from the minds of all the toads.

"Huh? Is it the Great Toad Immortal?"

After hearing the sound, Gamabunta raised his head in confusion.

"That ball of light is dangerous, get out of there immediately."

After hearing the words of the Great Toad Immortal, many toads had to be stunned.

They were all healed by the light ball and didn't feel any danger.

But the Great Toad Immortal has the highest status in Miaomu Mountain and has amazing influence, so no toad dares not to listen to his words.

So I still chose to disperse.

"It's time to go, Toadji Toaddragon!"

After Gamabunta finished speaking, he grabbed the two sons who had not yet recovered with one hand, turned around and jumped back.

But at this time, Buntai discovered that Toad Guang and Toad Ken were still motionless, and some of the Toads were also motionless.

"Hey, what are you doing? Didn't you hear what the Great Toad Immortal said? Leave quickly."

Toadbunta shouted to the motionless toads in confusion.

"Is there anything delicious?"

Toad Dragon said innocently.

"How is that possible?"

Gamaji complained.

"Aken! Aguang! What are you two doing!"

It would be fine if the other toads didn't listen to Bunta, but Hiro and Takeru, as younger brothers, actually didn't listen to Bunta, as the eldest brother, which made him feel very annoyed.


At this moment, Tomahiro and Tomatake suddenly let out painful choking sounds, lowered their heads and kept twitching.

Not only the two of them, but also the group of motionless toads who were still in the same place were in the same situation.

Each one of them was trembling and choking in pain, making the toads that had dispersed around them look frightened.

"Other toads, stay back!"

Sensing the danger, Gamabunta immediately ordered the other toads to disperse as much as possible.

Then he looked at those strangely behaving toads with a look of vigilance and worry.

"What's wrong with you! What happened."

Gamabunta wanted to get closer to check, but in the next second, something strange happened.

"Ho ho ho ho ho!!!"

Gamahiro and Gamaji suddenly looked up to the sky and roared, making sounds that did not belong to them. It sounded like the sound of many wild beasts roaring at the same time!

Not only the two of them, but other toads were also roaring in the sky, their voices filled with incomparable pain and killing intent.

Then their bodies began to undergo strange changes.

The originally normal toad skin is constantly wriggling and breaking, and the flesh and blood under the skin is actually proliferating, forming lumps of rotten flesh to replace the original skin.

And some toads have many barbs growing on their backs.

Some have a pair of goat horns growing from their heads.

Some have many eyes growing under their abdomens.

Some hands turned into gorilla-like arms.

The only thing they have in common is that their faces no longer look like toads, but rather scary faces made of piles of rotten flesh.

"Ho ho ho ho!!!"

This group of mutated toads roared and looked around, exuding extremely strong killing intent.

"What's wrong with you! How could it become like this!"

Gamabunta never expected that one of his compatriots would turn into such a ghostly state, and he had to cry out in shock.


Just then Jiraiya's voice came from behind.

Jiraiya was seen flying quickly and arrived at Bunta's side.

"Jiraiya, why are you here?"

Bunta asked in surprise after seeing Jiraiya.

"I came here to deal with the problem in front of me, but I didn't expect it was too late."

Jiraiya said with a particularly ugly expression.

"What the hell is going on! Why did they turn into strange monsters!"

Gamabunta shouted anxiously.

"It's the ball of light."

Jiraiya said, pointing to the ball of light still floating in the air.

"Once you are exposed to that light ball for a long time, you will turn into an irrational monster."

Jiraiya said with a heavy expression.


Gamabunta was extremely shocked after hearing this. He never expected that the light ball that could heal injuries would have such side effects.


At this moment, the group of toads roared and attacked the fleeing toads around them.

Just for a moment, there were potholes and corpses everywhere!

"Stop it!"

Seeing this, Gamabunta, Jiraiya, Fukasaku and Shima immediately shouted and acted quickly.

Gamabunta first threw the two children in his hands far away, and then quickly jumped on top of several toads that had turned into flesh and blood beasts. He trampled them, trampling them through the surface of the earth and burying them underground!

Jiraiya quickly threw a kunai with a detonating talisman, which landed on the legs of some toads.

Their legs were injured and they fell down one after another, unable to pursue the escaping toads.

"Immortal magic·croaking frog!"

Fukasaku and Shima jumped into the sky at the same time and erupted into an astonishing roar of frogs. All the flesh-and-blood beasts who heard their voices stopped and covered their ears in discomfort.

With the efforts of the four of them, all the toads that turned into monsters were temporarily controlled!

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