American Comics: I, the containment object is exposed at the beginning

Chapter 68 Leo breaks into the Red Sea world and uses Kaio Fist for the first time!

"Why don't I have a chance to accommodate these things? Then I can get good things."

Tony Stark is quite jealous now. There are a lot of high technologies across the screen that he can't get, which makes him feel particularly itchy.

In comparison, the new elements developed by his father were a bit shabby.

Wang: "I'm more concerned about dragon-slaying magic, magic specifically targeting dragons? That's interesting."

Thor: "Do you need special magic to deal with dragons? Just fight them directly."

Odin: "Thor! You can finally see the screen now!"

Thor: "Well, I just got rid of a group of ice giants, so I'm a little empty."

Odin: "You idiot! Who asked you to go there and cause trouble!"

Thor: "Father, if they send people to invade and attack, they must pay the price! I won't tell you anymore, I saw an enemy!"

Odin: "Thor! You fool!"

Odin looked at the screen with a livid face. No matter how he spoke, Thor just didn't reply, which made him feel very bad.

"Sir, we have sorted it out!"

Heimdall came over and said that there were already many Asgardian soldiers ready to fight at any time.

"Sir, if the army passes by like this, it may be misunderstood that a war is about to begin."

Frigga said worriedly.

"There's nothing we can do. As long as that thing doesn't come out, we won't do anything."

After Odin finished speaking, he waved his hand and led the Asgardian warriors to the Rainbow Bridge.

People in other worlds looked at the father-son dialogue between Odin and Thor, who had a bad relationship, and didn't know what to say. It would be better to stay less involved in other people's family affairs.

In Leo World, something extraordinary is happening in the sports center.

That's how all the mirrors in the club reflect the world of the Red Sea.

Oyama Shoji immediately took everyone out of the club to avoid getting into any trouble.

Then the MAC team's plane fell from the sky, and Zhu Xingtuan, Fengyuan and other team members dared to come.

"Captain Morohoshi, you have to solve this problem. Suddenly the mirror changed into something else, and you also saw a big monster passing by. How can we teach this?"

Oyama Shoji said anxiously.

"Don't worry, we will take care of it!"

Zhu Hoshidan immediately comforted him, and then led the team members into the sports club.

As soon as they entered, they saw the face of a huge monster looking at them through the mirror.


The team members were frightened and subconsciously escaped from the pistol.

"Wait! Don't shoot!"

Seeing this, the stars quickly stopped them.


However, even without shooting, the unclean ones noticed them and roared in anger.

I don’t know what this anger means, maybe it comes from the hatred for human beings in my heart!

The Unclean One raised his huge fist and stretched his fingers toward the world on the other side of the mirror.

Its thick fingers could just pass through the mirror, but it made the whole building tremble.

As a result, cracks kept appearing in the surrounding walls, and it looked like they might collapse at any time!

"Quickly retreat!"

Zhu Xingtuan immediately ordered all team members to leave here.

When Zhu Hoshidan was about to leave, his balance was not very good due to the use of a cane.

The violent shaking around him caused him to lose his balance and fall to the ground.

If he misses the best time to escape, the unclean one's huge fingers are about to touch him!

"team leader!"

When Fengyuan saw that the captain was about to be caught, he immediately went over and threw the stars out with all his strength. In the end, he missed the best opportunity to escape and was caught by the unclean person's fingers.

"Hoo ho ho!!"

After the Unclean One felt that he had grabbed something, he immediately stopped his hand and instantly pulled Fengyuan into the world of the Red Sea.


When other team members saw Fengyuan being caught in the mirror world, they all went to save people.


But at this time, the sports club could no longer stand the noise of the unclean people, and it began to collapse continuously, and it could no longer go inside.

"Leave here immediately!"

"Captain! It's Fengyuan!"

"He'll be fine!"

Zhu Xingtuan quickly pushed people away from here, praying in his heart that Fengyuan was safe.

At this time, Fengyuan has been pulled into the Red Sea world.

The unclean man flicked his arm hard, threw Feng Yuan into the air, then opened his mouth, preparing to catch Feng Yuan and eat it.


At this critical moment, Fengyuan immediately raised his right hand to reveal the lion pupil ring, transforming into Ultraman Leo.

"Ah ah!"

As soon as Leo appeared, he directly kicked the unclean person in the head with a flying kick, knocking the unclean person to the ground.

Although the Unclean One is much taller than Leo, it is still difficult to resist Leo's great strength.


After Leo landed, he took a fighting stance and looked at the unclean one lying on the ground. Then he jumped up again and used his strongest stunt, Leo Flying Kick!

Leo gathered all his power and emitted red light and kicked hard on the chest of the unclean one who had just stood up, directly blasting its body into countless pieces and flying around!


Leo immediately took up his stance when he saw an Unclean One was defeated.

"Whirring whirring!!"

Just then there was a violent roar all around.

I saw more than a dozen unclean figures approaching Leo at an extraordinary speed.

"So fast!"

Leo couldn't help but be shocked when he saw such an astonishing speed, and then immediately flew into the air to avoid the encirclement and suppression of this group of unclean people.

However, this group of unclean people were not energy-saving lamps. When they saw Leo flying into the air, they all jumped up with their arms and suddenly jumped very close to Leo, about to pursue them.


Seeing this, Leo quickly fired a powerful laser, knocking down the group of unclean ones.

A group of unclean ones about a hundred meters tall fell to the ground, causing a movement comparable to a major earthquake, causing the surrounding buildings to collapse.

This made Leo panic. If the entrance to the Red Sea world was destroyed because of this, he would be in big trouble!

Fortunately, even though the mirror was cracked, you could still see the world on the other side.

Just when Leo was about to fly over, the group of unclean ones stood up again.

The holes that were previously drilled by lasers are now rapidly recovering, and they don't seem to be consuming any more.

"Damn it, I have to crush them completely!"

Leo clenched his fists when he saw this. The glass was under these unclean people. If you don't kill them first, there is no way to leave here!

“Boom, boom!!”

At this time, there were many heavy footsteps, and I saw many afterimages rushing over from all around, and more and more unclean people were approaching here!

"Quick victory!"

Leo thought of this and immediately adjusted his condition.

"Kaiou Fist!"

The next second Leo roared loudly and used his new unique skill Kaio Fist.

Incomparably powerful power surged out of his body, causing the muscles throughout his body to swell.

"Let me try it on you, how powerful I am under the Kaio's fist!"

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