American Comics: I, the containment object is exposed at the beginning

Chapter 90 The statue shattered and the evil god resurrected!

Nick Fury: "What! How do you know? Can you predict the future!"

Ancient One: "It's true, but that's not important. Hurry up and ambush is what you should do."

Tony Stark: "Is this what you call magic? Predicting the future like a magician?"

Mordo: "Foolish man, watch your words!"

Ancient One: "You don't have to believe it, just wait for the results to appear."

Tony Stark: "Hmm."

Although Tony didn't want to believe this kind of thing, but the situation was serious now, and a dead horse was a living horse doctor, he still ordered Jarvis to fly towards Brooklyn at full speed.

At the speed of the Quinjet, this comes quickly.

Natasha also rushed over immediately.

One minute and thirty seconds later, two planes arrived over this area at the same time.

Tony didn't wait for landing and flew down directly against the armor.

Standing in front of the pizza place.

"I want to see if what this magician says is true or false."

Tony stared at the door of the pizza shop, waiting for the results to appear.

"Sir, it's been two minutes."

By this time Jarvis had finished timing.

At the same time, a customer came out of the store.

At this moment, the evil god statue appeared out of thin air and pressed him underneath.

This man died of myocardial infarction in an instant without even a chance to struggle.


Seeing the statue of the evil god really appear, Tony Stark had to widen his eyes in shock.

That Ancient One can actually predict the future!

Seeing that Gu Yi's prediction came true, a lot of information appeared on the screen.

Strange: "It's so amazing. Is this the magic of Master Ancient One!"

Modu: "Now you understand, Master Gu Yi's magic is unpredictable."

Luffy: "That's amazing! You can actually predict the future!"

Sun Wukong: "It's the same as the fortune teller's prediction of the future. It also uses a crystal ball to predict the future."

Ancient One: "The prediction of the future I use is not that low-level magic."

Jiraiya: "It's so powerful. If I had this trick, I could avoid a lot of things!"

Ancient One: "Some things are better not to be avoided. Knowing too much about the future and intervening will only create a different future. However, some of those futures may make things worse."

Akainu: "If nothing else, predicting that terrible pirates will appear in the future and eliminating them before they grow up is the best result!"

Fengyuan: "It does make sense. My world is full of monsters. It would be a good thing if we could know the appearance of monsters and disaster situations in advance."

Ancient One: "I won't comment on this."

Gu Yi didn't say anything but looked at the screen. At this time, she noticed that something was wrong with the statue of the evil god.


By this time Natasha had landed and came running anxiously.

"Hey, beauty, you forgot your stuff, I'll give it back to you, can you go on a date with me?"

Tony did not forget to tease Natasha in this situation.

"Don't do this, I hope nothing happened to you."

Natasha couldn't help but roll her eyes after hearing this.

"Don't worry, the dog is sleeping obediently."

Tony replied with a smile.

Then continue to stare at the statue of the evil god.

"How about I take over, so I can get a share of the reward."

"It's a beautiful thought."

Natasha immediately refused. She needed a powerful reward even more, so she immediately approached the statue of the evil god.

“Crack, click, click!!”

At this moment, cracks suddenly appeared on the surface of the evil god statue.

Moreover, this pile of cracks seems to have the ability to reproduce itself and continues to spread.

"what happened!"

Seeing this scene, Natasha stopped in shock. Why did the statue that looked so good cracked on its own!

"You didn't hit yourself, did you?"

Tony couldn't help but speculate.

Ancient One: "You two, leave quickly!"

At this moment, Gu Yi seemed to know something and immediately issued a barrage warning.

However, before they could see it, the statue of the evil god with cracks all over it suddenly exploded, and then a huge black mist spread like a storm.

Tony's expression changed drastically when he saw this, he quickly grabbed Natasha, sprayed energy from his chest, and flew backwards away from the range of the black mist.

The black mist spread over a large area, not only the pizza shop behind it was involved, but also nearby shops and streets.

After the black mist continued to spread for a while, it suddenly shrank to the middle!

The black mist shrinks crazily in the direction of the statue's crack.

Then look at the area previously covered by black mist.

People there died violently.

At a rough calculation, there were at least several thousand people.

Seeing so many corpses piled up there, both Natasha and Tony looked particularly ugly.


At this time, a strange sound came from the black mist. It sounded like talking, but it was not a sentence at all.

"I, finally. Well, is this, human language?"

Then a deep, thick and eerie sound came from the compressed black mist.

Then the black mist suddenly rose.

A huge creature with a dark body slowly walked out.

This creature is more than ten meters tall, its body is pitch black, it resembles a humanoid with two legs, its body is extremely thin, and its facial features are hideous and terrifying.

This looks particularly like the image of a demon in a religious painting.


Tony had to pronounce these two words when he saw such a terrifying monster.

His voice was obviously very soft, but it was heard by the other party.

"Devil? No, I am a god! The god who dominates you!"

The evil god made a violent sound, and his words were extremely powerful, causing Tony and Natasha to fall down in discomfort.

"After spending so many years, experiencing the destruction of the universe, killing countless people, and harvesting countless souls, I finally broke through the seal and escaped!"

"I will establish my kingdom on this land, restore my strength to its peak, and let my name spread throughout the universe!"

As the evil god spoke, he continued to emit extremely powerful power fluctuations.

The mere fluctuation caused the surrounding ground to shake continuously, and the buildings began to crack and collapse.

The people who saw it in the distance were so frightened that they ran away quickly without forgetting to take pictures.

This scene was seen by everyone through the screen. This sudden change shocked them.

Naruto: "No! What's going on! Why did the statue become like this!"

Star clusters: "Could this be the true body? The statue is just a container to trap this thing!"

Odin: "That's true. Gods are difficult to kill and can only be sealed. The statue is the container for sealing this evil god. It's just that it can't be completely sealed, which is why the flaw of killing people based on sight appears! It gives it a chance to harvest souls and accumulate them. The power to break the seal!"

As a god, Odin himself understands this kind of thing quite well, not to mention that he himself sealed his daughter.

Odin's eyes narrowed slightly, revealing a bit of murderous intent. Although he had left it alone for many years, the atrium was still Asgard's territory, and other gods could not be allowed to mess around, even from other universes!

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