"Hello everyone!"

"I am special correspondent Eddie. It is reported that Stark Group has recently decided to stop its arms business, which has caused military turmoil in third world countries and caused an uproar in various places.……"

"We are trying to interview Iron Man, Mr. Stark, to bring you the latest information……"

The live news on TV was still going on. It was the hottest news recently, but Su Xiu didn't pay much attention to it. Instead, he stared blankly at the empty space in front of him.

It seemed like... there was some unknown secret.

【Invasion System】

【Unlock value: 99%]

The light blue charging bar is approaching the end, as if it will be completed in just a moment.


"Golden Finger!"

"Is it finally arriving?"

Su Xiu's eyes narrowed slightly, and he couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief as he looked at the progress bar that was about to reach the end.

God knows!

When he found out that he had traveled to the American comic world, he felt so uneasy.

Superheroes are everywhere, villains are worse than dogs, and people with special abilities are everywhere. This is a world where you can't say you are a villain unless you destroy the world.

Quantum God Dr. Manhattan, Supreme Sorcerer, God King Odin, Superman, Thanos...

Various big guys are emerging in an endless stream, not to mention those gods, main observers, OAA who exist as background boards...

They are not for humans at all.

Living in such an environment, ordinary people are no different from ants. All kinds of large and small battle aftermaths may make them die.

Since knowing that he had traveled to the American comic fusion world, Su Xiu has been staying at home and didn't dare to go out. Otherwise, if he went out for a meal and was involved in the aftermath of the superhero battle, who would he go to for justice if he died in it?

Downstairs is Hell's Kitchen, and there is no law and order in this place!


The God of Traveling did not give up on him.

While traveling, Su Xiu also had a golden finger!

"The heavens invade the system?"

"Those who can call the system should not be too weak, right?"

Su Xiu pursed his lips and looked at the screen with hope.

No matter what, this is his only chance. He is really tired of living in such a life where he has to worry about being killed when he goes out.

The most important thing is... he is wearing a random identity and has no inheritance from his unlucky predecessor.

After crossing over, he only has a random identity given by the system and a small stack of US dollars, which are almost all spent on takeout during this period.

If it weren't for the apartment given by the system as a place to stay, he would have almost been homeless.



【The Invasion System has been activated!

Just as Su Xiu was hesitating, a mechanical notification sound suddenly came to his ears.

The system! It's activated!!


"The heavens invade the system?"

"Are they asking me to invade the heavens? What a joke!!"

Su Xiu's pupils shrank.

He was in a bad mood. He was a rookie who couldn't even get out of Hell's Kitchen, so how could he invade the heavens? He was just asking for trouble!!

He was not a mutant with awakened superpowers.

However... this astonishment only lasted for a moment.

When he saw the instructions that popped up in the system, the tension on his face gradually relaxed.

Invade the heavens!

Among the natives of this world, randomly recruited candidates and sent them to the heavens and myriad worlds. The recruited people can get various rewards by completing tasks in the process of invading other worlds.

Including but not limited to magic, technology, fairy arts, magic weapons, bloodlines, immortality... and even various world treasures can be brought out from the world.

And for Su Xiu!

This! Is the biggest gain.

Because... he can get a hundredfold increase in the rewards obtained by all the recruited people.


"Isn't this just getting stronger while lying down?"

Su Xiu couldn't help but take a deep breath. His previous worries disappeared, and all turned into excitement that was beyond words. The smile on his face was about to overflow from the corners of his eyes.

Others were fighting hard in the front, and he only needed to sit back and enjoy the fruits of their labor.


The harvest was a hundredfold increase!

Is there anything more wonderful in the world than this?


"This is the world of American comics!"

"Big guys are everywhere, multiverses emerge in endlessly, various superheroes burst into the unreasonable American comic world……"

If he was in another world, it would be fine. Even if he had such a system, he wouldn't be able to make much of a fuss. After all, the strength of the natives in this world would limit the system's performance. Without a big boss leading the team, even if he invaded the heavens, he wouldn't be able to gain any advantage, and he would probably be beaten by the other side.


This is a world of American comics fusion!

The previous disadvantages instantly jumped 180 degrees and became the biggest advantage!

At least!

In the American comics world, there is no need to worry about the lack of strength of the natives in this world.

Looking at countless worlds, it is also a first-class existence.

"It should be said……"

"Fortunately, I traveled through time?"

Su Xiu couldn't help but twitch his mouth slightly, with a strange expression.


【The system is unlocked!】

【Do you want to search the planes and launch the first invasion of the heavens?】


The sudden reminder sound interrupted Su Xiu's wild thoughts.

A screen emitting a faint glow appeared in front of him.

It was like a choice of fate.

Waiting for his visit.



He had had enough of this life of fear and weakness.

The desire for power made the Soviet revisionists make a decisive choice.


Almost at the moment when Su Xiu chose"Yes",

Blue Planet!

Even the whole world!

All mobile phones, computers, televisions, outdoor advertisements... all technology-related electronic screens were replaced by black screens.

After the blackness, it suddenly lit up.

A few mysterious words suddenly appeared on it.

Regardless of race or language, all intelligent creatures could understand the content on it without any instruction.


"The invasion of the heavens?!"

"Which organization is this that does whatever it wants?!"

Nick Fury, who was browsing the files, turned pale, and the confidential files in front of him were replaced by new content.

But his gloomy expression was obviously not just a change on the screen.

It was also... the mastermind behind the creation of these contents.’


"Locate this hacker as soon as possible……"

"Notify Hawkeye! Quickly gather senior agents and be ready to capture this guy at any time!"

Nick Fury said in a deep voice.

He dialed the mobile communication at hand and responded very quickly.

The hacker's skills can be seen from the fact that he could hack into the internal network of SHIELD so easily.

"This kind of talent and technology must be controlled by S.H.I.E.L.D.!"

Nick Fury clenched his fist.

His one eye exuded a determined look.


A luxurious villa somewhere on the west coast.

Tony was holding a glass of red wine, sitting cross-legged in front of the French window, with two hot blonde beauties lying on the big bed behind him.


The French window that was supposed to show the scenery of the coast was replaced by unexpected content.

In the video, various light effects flashed by.

It seemed that there were countless worlds, touring like a revolving lantern.

There were doomsday crises, immortals flying through the sky, medieval wizards, and various gods flashing by...

The picture was so real that it made people feel like they were in it.


""An interesting popcorn movie!"

Tony shook the red wine in his hand and gave his own evaluation.

That's right!

It's a movie! It's just a movie special effect. Could anyone really take it as real?

Come on! This is the scientific age!

"Sir, after 5268 inspections, no traces of video editing were found.……"


"Real existence!"

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