"Recruiting? Is there finally a fight?"

A man wearing heavy plate armor and a metal helmet, like a medieval knight, walked out of the teleportation beam and looked at the unfamiliar environment with some excitement in his eyes.

Thor, who had beaten Asgard's old enemy, the Frost Giants, invaded the Frost Giants' territory, angered the God King Odin, and was imprisoned in Asgard, came to a new world in the blink of an eye. He was imprisoned for so long.

The fresh breath of freedom made him feel quite good.

Moreover, although Thor looked down on biological transformation such as the T virus and thought it was an inferior force, he was still quite interested in war and invasion , and even enthusiastic about it.

Otherwise... he would not have angered Odin again and again and been beaten up by the old man.

"An unknown new world——"

"It's time for me to take action again. I hope there are strong enough opponents in this world!"

Thor rubbed his hands.

His eyes were filled with fighting spirit.

As for the camp?

Are you kidding!

He is the god of thunder of Asgard! Why would he need those things that hold him back!

"In the name of Thor! I will conquer this land!"

Thor carried Thor's hammer and spoke in a deep voice.

It was like a declaration to the world.

It was full of middle school and looked domineering.

But... the effect?



"I knew I shouldn't have expected anything from that idiot Thor.……"

Loki put his hands over his face, unable to help but twitch his lips.

Thor was still as unreliable as ever.

What did he think this was? A stage play? I don't know how many people were watching the live broadcast, but he still spoke like this. I always felt like I was going to be considered a psychopath. Asgard was going to lose face!!

Loki was a little glad that he didn't teleport in with Thor.

It was really... too embarrassing!!


""Thor?" Odin murmured in a low voice.

He was very calm on the throne. He had long been accustomed to Thor's personality, and Odin did not care about this little"uncomfortable" situation.

Compared with these... he was more concerned about

"Is it Thor who was summoned this time?"

Odin's eyes were shining with gold, and his deep gaze seemed to penetrate the void, stopping at the position before Thor disappeared.

His expression became slightly solemn, and fear appeared in his eyes.

As the king of gods, he actually didn't notice how Thor disappeared from Asgard.

"Invasion system?" What kind of power is that ? Odin stared with wide eyes, his heart filled with horror.


Asgard's incident.

The spectators on the blue planet knew nothing. They were just innocent and couldn't help laughing when watching the live broadcast.

The last time, the recruits were all elite.

But why do the recruits this time look like idiots?

"What the hell is Thor? He thinks he is the Norse god of thunder? This guy has a serious case of chuunibyou!"

"Could it be that he is a funny guy sent by the monkey?"

"No way, no way, a madman can be a recruiter? Is the reason why I was not selected because I am not stupid enough? Funny JPG, funny JPG"

"Disperse, disperse, it is obvious that he is a deep paranoid. He is Thor, the god of thunder, and I am Odin, the king of gods!! He is talking nonsense without thinking."

The Internet was boiling, and all kinds of comments were rampant.

As the barrage of comments whizzed by.


The Internet was filled with a happy atmosphere.


""Norse Thor?"

Nick Fury shook his head, obviously not believing it.

This is... too ridiculous!

Even if the invasion of the world appeared, he still didn't want to believe that there was such a super-sized existence as Thor on the blue planet.

Myths should stay in legends.

"Just like what people say online, it's probably some lunatic with delusional disorder." Nick Fury curled his lips.

As for the metal armor on Thor?

It's probably a prop made by a serious cosplay enthusiast.

It looks realistic.

But it's totally impractical. This exaggerated shape is not suitable for fighting at all, especially the bulky metal helmet.

The point is! Whose god fights in close combat with a hammer?

"Director! Something's happening!"

"A new guy has appeared, he looks like a tough guy! He may be a desperado!"

"The database is being screened——"

Just as Nick Fury was complaining, Coulson's nervous voice interrupted his thoughts.


Nick Fury turned his head quickly.

In the screen , another figure appeared.

He looked a little vicissitudes of life, a little older, and looked more like a middle-aged man. He had traces of weathering.

Bloody and murderous aura was coming!

Nick Fury could feel the aura of him through the screen.

And... this appearance?

"It's them——"

Nick Fury's pupils shrank, and a message appeared in his mind.


"Is this the hope that the professor is talking about?"

Jean Grey walked out with soft steps, half-closed her eyes, and released her mental power to detect the surrounding environment.

"Qin, be careful, this place is not normal……"

A deep voice sounded from behind.

Wolf Uncle followed closely and stood behind Jean, quietly placing her in the protective circle. Cyclops stood on the side, looking around vigilantly, putting down his glasses, ready to fire the laser at any time.


"In the west, a powerful life form was discovered!"

Qin's half-closed eyes, her eyelashes trembled slightly, as if she had discovered something.

"Then we will go to the west first!"

Uncle Wolf's eyes fixed, and he made a decision instantly.

Anyway, he has a super strong self-healing factor, which can instantly recover most injuries. In addition, the adamantium alloy, which is considered the hardest in the universe, is the"immortal meat shield". The word"fear" has never appeared in Uncle Wolf's dictionary.

Faced with the strange and unknown, he chose to rush forward.

"Qin, follow me, let's go check out the situation first, maybe we can get something.……"

After Uncle Wolf made the decision, the vigorous X-Men team quickly took action.

No matter the twelve spells or the unknown camp choice, they were not willing to sit still and wait for death.



"Director, the character model has been uploaded to the cloud. Through big data analysis, no trace of the person who claims to be Thor has been found yet."

"But on the other side, some traces have been found.……"

Coulson trotted over.

However, before he could speak, Nick Fury came over and said in a deep voice,"It's Wolverine Logan, right?"


"Director, do you know?"

Coulson scratched his head, a little embarrassed.

Nick Fury's expression moved slightly, but he suppressed his words. There are two major factions of mutants, the peace-loving X-Men, how could he not know about them!!

Wolverine, who has a strong healing factor, is also a top fighter among them!

He not only knows Logan, but also knows the direction they are going now.

"Captain America, we're in trouble."

Nick Fury's eyes darkened and his face became darker.


PS: I received a reward from a big boss, I'm so happy.jpg

I didn't expect that there are foreign readers reading it.

In compliance with the agreement, plus the urging tickets, I will upload a total of six chapters today!

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