On the battlefield, the resurrected Lord was beaten by Wolverine's fists, and he ran away with his head in his hands. His soul was almost distorted. To some extent, it was really like the whack-a-mole activity that Xiaoyu said.

Seeing this scene, the knowledgeable father couldn't hold it anymore.

"Fake, fake, right?"

The Holy Lord who possesses the power of a bull was actually beaten by someone in terms of power?

The Bull Talisman represents the ultimate power!

You know, as the original owner of the talisman, the Holy Lord can definitely exert the talisman's 100% effect.

Who exactly is Wolverine?

I've never seen him have this kind of ability before!


"Is the danger over?""He looks very strong, he can definitely kill this big lizard~"

Xiaoyu looked at the battlefield excitedly.

She danced with joy, cheered for Wolverine, and wanted to rush forward to fight.

But... she was soon poured a bucket of cold water

"No." Dad shook his head and recovered from the shock."It's useless! If you want to deal with the Holy Lord, you can only rely on the sealing ceremony to put him in hell again... After collecting the talismans... his power is invincible!"

Dad pursed his lips into a straight line.

Wolverine's power is very strong, beyond imagination, and even easily suppressed the power of the bull talisman, breaking the myth of the talisman's effect. However, the ability of the Holy Lord is not just the bull talisman representing power.……

"Strength alone cannot defeat evil!"

"Only magic can defeat magic."

My father's expression was grim, like a stone in a toilet, smelly and hard. He insisted on his original statement and refused to waver.、

"Pure power can't defeat evil?"

Thor pulled the corner of his mouth, and a proud smile appeared on his face. He selectively ignored the second half of his father's words.

Pure power can't defeat... then you can't defeat... them!

It's not that power is the only option!!

In the system store, there are a wide variety of abilities. You can't think of them, but there is nothing the system can't do.

"Dominate the world?"

"The emperor who rules the world?"


"Well, you are talking big, come and try the hardness of my hammer first!"

The stubborn Thor rushed up first.

He is not the type to let his teammates fight to the death in the front while he sits in the back and watches.

Real fighting is his style. Thunder bloomed in the void, and the dazzling lightning was his figure.

Thor opened the system without hesitation and made a big exchange directly, but his goal this time was not the previous Infinity Stones, but a set of armor! The armor of the immortal god!

Compared with the unfamiliar Infinity Stones, Thor believed more in his thunder power and hammer.

What he lacked was resistance to all kinds of strange magic, and he was easily affected by witchcraft and magic rituals. This magical armor was the most helpful to him.

After countless battles, Thor's keenness in combat was absolutely unquestionable.

【Undead God Armor: The armor left behind by the eighth Undead God Lan Caihe has unimaginable abilities and can greatly enhance the user's abilities.……】


"Count me in!"

Cyclops followed closely behind and redeemed a [Mage's Feather of Immortality] to greatly increase his flexibility. Combined with his laser attack, he would definitely be even more powerful.

【The Mage is not dead in the feathers of standing still: greatly improves agility and gains the ability to fly at low altitude, reduces physical attacks by 90%, and increases the dodge of magic attacks by 90%.%……】

"Don't hold back on all your points, exchange them for treasures, abilities... to strengthen your own strength……"

Cyclops shuttled through the explosive breath of the dragon spell while turning his head back and saying,"Don't forget! The main quest says - losers eat dust! Only the winner can win the reward... Now we are hoarding points and not willing to use them. If we lose, they will all be just a pile of waste paper!!"

Tony and Captain America were nowhere to be seen.

As the captain of the X-Men, Cyclops could only bite the bullet and boost morale.


The last sentence hit the bull's eye, and the other wavering people finally made up their minds.

Losers eat dust!

Only the winner can win the reward!

What's the point of saving up points if you survive? Once the situation collapses and you become the loser, it will be completely ruined.

The saved points are all waste paper, worthless!

The only way is to rush in.

Do your best to win, and there is a possibility of making a fortune.

"Let's go for it!"

A fierce look flashed in Quicksilver's eyes.

He followed closely behind, opened the system store, spent all his points, and went all in.


Quicksilver did not choose to exchange for the Infinity Stones, but rationally chose something else.

His fragile body could not bear the power of the Infinity Stones, and even if he was given the stones, he would not be able to use them. Compared with these high-end things, the speed of the rabbit is more suitable for him.

The speed plus the rabbit spell has completely surpassed the visible speed of the naked eye, almost approaching the speed of light.

Don't choose the expensive one! Just choose the right one!

【Rabbit Talisman: represents the ultimate speed. Under certain circumstances, it can even reverse time and space and go back to the past.】

"A decisive battle?……"

Scarlet Witch's eyes flickered. Her brother had already taken action, so she certainly wouldn't sit idle.

A yellow gem appeared in her hand.

What she exchanged was obviously the Mind Gem. Quicksilver was afraid that he would not be able to exert the power of the Infinity Gem and would be dragged down by the Gem. Wanda, who had the power of scarlet, didn't care about that.

On the contrary!

This was her best weapon, especially the infinite energy in the gem, which was like a mobile fountain for her.

【Mind Gem: It can enhance spiritual power and increase spiritual ability. It can easily enter the mind of all things and has the effect of changing the other party's mind... The gem itself also contains infinite energy.】


Cyclops' words of encouragement were like a warning bell for the end, which directly intensified the war.

All kinds of abilities that had been seen and not seen before emerged one after another.

Powerful forces appeared one after another.

It was dazzling.

【Soul of Neltharion: The residual soul of the dead dragon. After possessing it, it can gain the attention of Deathwing.……】

【Pyroblast: The most powerful spell in the fire department. Give me enough mana and I can blow up the sun.……】

【Gravity Control: Control gravity as you wish, and increase or decrease the target gravity.……】


Not only the superheroes of the righteous camp, but even the villains of the evil camp, opened the exchange module one after another, gritting their teeth to burn points, causing the intensity of the battle to rise dramatically.

The conflict escalated.

Especially after Wanda

, who held two infinite gems, appeared. The originally invincible Holy Lord was turned into a sandbag in the training ground, being beaten to the ground, relying on his thick skin to hold on.

On the field!

Various abilities emerged one after another.

It also made the onlookers outside open their eyes wide.

Especially... some self-important time guardians.

The headquarters of the Time Mutation Administration.

The female judge stared at the live broadcast, her heart was ups and downs, and her face finally couldn't hold it anymore.

"Unlimited... Gems……?!"

If the Power Stone in Wolverine's hand could still be considered an accident.


After the Mind Stone in Wanda's hand also appeared, it can be said to be a confirmed hammer.

The Infinity Stones can only be used in the universe dimension to which they belong. After leaving the original universe, they are just a piece of prettier stone. This is almost an iron rule recognized by the upper class.

But! At this moment, the iron law was broken in full view of everyone.

The mission world with completely different worldviews and rules cannot belong to the same universe as the earth. The stronger the boss, the clearer the perception of this.

These Infinity Stones should be ineffective if they are not in the same universe.

But the gems in their hands are all effective, and the effects are surprisingly powerful.

"If...the things they have are called Infinity Stones...then what are these called?……"

The female judge opened the drawer.

It was filled with Infinity Stones, which made her mouth twitch.

After leaving the original time and space... the Infinity Stones should have become waste... Otherwise, with so many stones, the Time Administration would have been invincible long ago...


Outside the sacred timeline


"Was it... He... who did all this?"

"Even the Infinity Stones, which represent the origin of the universe, are just a power he can play with at will?!"

Conqueror Kang widened his eyes.

The power of the system once again refreshed his imagination.

The appearance of the Infinity Stones.

There was no ripple on the sacred world line, as if even this long river of time that runs through it could not guess the power of the system, it was simply an existence beyond one dimension.

——(To read exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)


"Infinity Stones!!"

Among the crowd outside the venue, if there was anyone who was excited, then Thanos was definitely the most excited.

The Purple Potato Spirit stood up from his seat excitedly.

He stared at the live broadcast, wishing he could stick his eyeballs on it.[]

This is the Infinity Stone!

He had been planning for the ultimate goal for half his life, and was willing to pay any price for it, and was prepared to sacrifice everything.

But now!

The system took it out lightly, as if it were a toy worthless.

"Mine! Mine! All mine!"

Thanos stared at the screen, his heart burning.

The Recruiter... He, Thanos, must join this great group!

The appearance of the Infinity Stones stunned the big guys outside the field, and raised their evaluation of the system to countless levels.

The colorful abilities made the spectators open their eyes wide, double-clicking 666 to call the system awesome, and couldn't help but close their eyes and imagine if they could also obtain this kind of power.

Compared with the spectators outside the field, who are always separated by a layer, the people inside the field who have personally experienced this battle are more aware of the horror of these abilities.

Especially... the Holy Lord who has personally experienced it!


"Damn it!"

"What the hell are these?!"

"Get out of here, you dirty bugs! I am the king of this land!"

"I am invincible...it's me……"

The Holy Lord was gushing out dragon's breath crazily, and the explosive power of the dragon spell continued to erupt, almost turning the area below into a sea of fire.

The abilities of the talismans, such as cow, rabbit, chicken, snake, mouse, etc., were poured out as if they were free, attacking without regard for consumption, but it still could not change the reality that he was at a disadvantage.

0 Asking for flowers0

The deafening roar seemed a bit fierce at this time.

The Holy Lord, who had been beaten by reality, no longer dared to call others ants casually. These strange abilities made him exhausted, and he relied on the recovery power of the horse spell to maintain it.

"damn it……"

"What the hell are these!!"

The Holy Lord fell into a frenzy, he was almost stunned.

What the hell is this?!

First, in terms of strength, the Bull Talisman was inexplicably defeated and was beaten by Wolverine as a mole.


The defeated Cyclops turned into an elusive loach, and all kinds of attacks hit him, just like a forked urine, each time brushing past the edge. The Holy Lord was almost nervous and cross-eyed after failing to aim again and again. The remaining Hulk and the magic witch were more powerful than each other.

The power to easily distort reality... the ability to convert true and false at will... the ability to cross space... all of which he had never heard of or seen before.

The only familiar thing was the immortal god armor on Thor, but didn't this treasure belong to the immortal god Lan Caihe, and was it lost in the long river of time? How could it suddenly appear again?!

And the familiar yet unfamiliar power on Quicksilver was definitely the Rabbit Talisman, the power that had accompanied him for countless years. The Holy Lord firmly believed that he would never make a mistake.


"The rabbit charm... is obviously on me……"

The Lord's rough voice sounded.

Staring at him with his huge red lantern-like pupils, he began���I began to doubt my life.

Could it be that there were actually two rabbit charms?

Did his twelve charms not have unique powers?

""Could it be an immortal god?" Dad also frowned, his sharp eyes behind his glasses like a sword.

Except for the armor on Thor, the abilities of others were all quite unfamiliar.

Not only had he never seen them... even in the vast sea of classics, he had never seen a single record of them.

Having read countless ancient books and being knowledgeable, Dad had the confidence to say such a thing.

So... where did these powers come from?

"Could it be the legendary immortal gods?"

Daddy pursed his lips into a straight line.

Without any clue, he could only guess their origins.


In this case.

What about Bullseye and his group who are against Thor?

The power of those guys is also unheard of. If the eight demons of hell have such power, they would not be easily sealed by the eight immortal gods, and now they can't get out...

Dad stared at the battlefield in a daze.

The powerful force seemed to be beyond the world. Even if those people used only a little bit, the power revealed was enough to make people terrified.……

"Immortal God? Stop it! This is obviously the system boss!"

"Yes! Yes! How could these hellish demons possibly come up with so many powerful abilities? Only the system can release them like a big sale.……"

"Tsk~ What kind of immortal god, a guy who can't even be found by scum, dares to touch the boss of my system?"

"Natives are natives after all. No matter how strong they are, it is useless because their knowledge is too different.

Looking at the big guys who were shocked one after another, the keyboard warriors couldn't help but punch them hard and laughed.

Their faces were full of superiority.

No matter how strong these characters are, no matter how strong the father is, he is just a strong man in this world, and the strength of the system has long surpassed the greatness of the heavens and the worlds. The seemingly majestic world may not be as good as a marble in his hand.

Even as strong as the father is, he is just a frog in the well.

His knowledge is limited by the world.

And those who are chosen by the system have a future with infinite possibilities.

The future is bright~

The future is far-reaching~

However, before that, there is a small obstacle that needs to be solved urgently.

That is the stumbling block of the main task-the Holy Lord!

"The situation is not good……"

"Wolverine and the others are running out of points!"

Professor X's face darkened. He was the calmest one, possessing top psychic abilities.

Unlike the excitement of the others, his face was more filled with worry.

Don't forget... these invincible abilities are all exchanged from the system, and are temporary effects with many restrictions!

The key point is! Temporary!

Whether it is abilities or treasures, they are not permanent effects.

Instead, they are limited in time.

Points are needed to maintain them.

The more powerful the power, the more points the effect takes, and the easier it is to run out.

From the bad look on Wolverine's face, Professor X could see that his points were running out.

And the opponent... the Holy Lord... has combined the power of other spells, which is simply a monster.

An immortal dog... a horse that drives away harm... a rabbit that moves at supersonic speeds.……


The combination of various effects directly turned the Holy Lord into an unkillable monster.

After finally beating him to the point of death, the dog resisted death.

The horse recovered as before.

The combination of the two effects made him fully revived in a matter of minutes.

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