"Pig Charm……"

"Super large electric eye……"

The old man's pupils shrank when he heard this, and he was shocked by Tony's wild idea.

It seemed absurd.

But, it seemed, probably, as if... it was not impossible! ?

The effect of the pig spell was to turn the eyes into electric eyes.

Who said that the sky eye was not an eye?



Dad shook his head sadly, and the flame of expectation in his eyes quickly extinguished.

As a top white wizard, he has a deep understanding of talismans. He is one of the people in the world who has studied talismans most deeply, and he knows the effects and limits of talismans much better than others.

Tony's idea is very full, but the reality is very skinny!

The eye in the sky is also an eye?

Dad doesn't know the judgment process of others, at least for the pig talisman, this alternative method will not work.

Whether it is the vast classics or the mysterious... talismans that have been passed down since ancient times!

They can't do this!

In other words... the effect of the talisman has its limits, and giving the user the ability of electric eyes is the limit of the pig talisman.

This power cannot act on dead objects.

So Tony's idea is just an unrealistic fantasy, beautiful but impossible to achieve.

Dad's words were like a basin of cold water, extinguishing the flames in everyone's eyes.

"Damn! Is my idol's plan ruined just like that? Damn it! It was so perfect."

"Is it really too much of a stretch? I still need my dad to help me!"

"What a shame, what a pity! I thought I could see a miracle happen!"


Various comments whizzed by.

The Internet was filled with a low pressure, and everyone couldn't help but feel disappointed.

In the last second, they were still amazed at Tony's wild plan.

In the next moment, they were poured a bucket of cold water by their father, and they were chilled to the bone.


"Is there a limit?"Batman's deep voice sounded.

He did not doubt what his father said. The performance of the dog and horse spells on the Holy Lord had fully proved this point. As long as the power was strong enough, the effect of the spell could be defeated.

The spell was not an unlimited power.

It was normal for the electric eye enchantment of the pig spell to have such a limitation.

It was just... a pity for Tony's wild imagination.


He was looking forward to witnessing Tony's Jedi comeback, but it ended up in vain.

Sure enough... he still couldn't do it.

Only by following the route given by the characters in the plot can he complete the task.

Batman lowered his head, with some disappointment in his eyes.

Hell's Kitchen.

A single apartment somewhere

"Can't do it?"

Su Xiu's mouth curled slightly, and he smiled and shook his head,"In front of the system, there is no such word as can't do it!"

Su Xiu didn't know whether the power of the system had a limit.

But at least, in this world, it is far from its limit.

Whether it was his father or the onlookers outside the field, they all underestimated Tony's plan.

The bet he made was not just the surviving pig charm in Cyclops' hand.

It was more!

He was the only recruit who received an A-level rating and enhanced abilities.

On the surface, he was betting that the effect of the charm was strong enough, but in fact he was betting on the invincibility of the system.

It has to be said!

Tony's idea was very bold, and his plan was very unusual. He had forcibly walked out of the route prompted by the task and took a wild path.

"Can a mortal body be compared with a god?"

"Should I say, he is worthy of being Iron Man!"

Su Xiu was also a little surprised.

As expected of the Marvel world, he has the most exaggerated IQ and is known as the brain cursed by knowledge.


Tony can still think of such a way to break the deadlock.

Even he, at the beginning, thought that they could only follow the mission plot, assist Dad to collect materials, stop the Holy Lord to delay time, wait for the exorcism ceremony to start, re-seal, and complete the mission.

As a result!

Tony relied on a series of tricks to force the auxiliary role to the top and turned it into the final main C.

Once the main task is completed.

According to the participation contribution, Tony's share on the scoreboard will definitely be shocking.

The higher the score, the more awesome the reward, and the better the effect.

"Tsk tsk~"

"Tony is going to take off this time!"

Su Xiu smacked his lips.


It doesn't matter!

Tony's strengthening is not a bad thing for him.

After all, they are all leeks in the vegetable garden~

Who would dislike the good growth of their own leeks?

There is a hundredfold increase!

The more rewards Tony and his friends get, the more feedback he will get.

He is the biggest winner!

You may make a small profit, but I will never lose!

"Not bad, very good."

After relaxing, Su Xiu lay on the sofa, folded his hands and watched the live broadcast, enjoying the next sound and light blockbuster.

The battle performed by real people is much more exciting than the popcorn movie in the theater.

Especially... there are gifts and prizes after watching it!

After the first round of invasion, the system gave him power beyond ordinary superheroes.

The second invasion.

What kind of changes will it bring after a hundredfold increase?


Can't wait!

"The power of the spell has a limit?"

Tony murmured softly, repeating his father's words.


Unlike the depressed mood of the others around him, Tony was not affected, and his face was still confident.

So what if the power of the spell has a limit?

His bet.

It's not all on the spell!

And... the system with the upper limit has not been found yet, this is what really made him determined to go all out!


Everything is in place!

Quicksilver's extreme speed in chasing light has sent Cyclops into low-Earth orbit, and the satellites that stayed in place, under the dispatch of Jarvis, are heading to meet them and take them to the"Super Large Machinery - Sky Eye" array.


Tony's eyes flashed fiercely.

The pig charm lit up white light, and the electric eye effect was activated. Naturally, it did not cause any ripples.


Cyclops was not depressed.

Tony had told him all the plans through the internal communication tool.

As long as it succeeded, it would cause a devastating blow to the Lord.

By then, he would definitely achieve a huge leap in the mission score and the scoreboard. With a generous reward hanging in front of him, he couldn't help but get excited.

"Next is... the power of lasers?!"

Cyclops tentatively released his power.

Golden ripples began to ripple on the calm satellite eye.

"It works?!"

Cyclops' eyes lit up and he became excited instantly.

Originally, he just wanted to give it a try, and was fooled by Tony, so he just wanted to give it a try.

Unexpectedly! It really works! The excited Cyclops instantly increased the power, regardless of the cost and consumption, desperately squeezed the power, poured it into the satellite eye in front, biting his back teeth and exerting his full strength.

The hope of passing the level is right in front of him. If he doesn't work now, when will he work?


Invisible waves rippled in outer space.

It was like hot oil was sprinkled with cold water, and the faint golden ripples boiled instantly.

Laser light waves continued to surge on the satellite eye.

The silver-white sphere was covered with dazzling electric light, dyed into a scorching glow, and the scorching high temperature seemed to distort the void, releasing light and heat in the vacuum layer, making people dare not look directly at it. The surging energy was like the sun.

Satellite eye - laser electric light form!

Enchanting success!

The next step is to put a perfect end to this operation!


Tony's deep voice sounded

"Yes, sir!"

"Plan B - the Rod of God, is ready!"

"Laser charging……"

"Receiving laser dimension energy……"

"Charging completed……"


The final countdown fell, like a declaration of death. (To read the exciting novels, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

The sky lit up with the aurora.

The dazzling glow exploded in outer space. Even at an infinite distance, it was still extremely clear. It was as if a second sun rose in the sky. The vast energy turned into infinite light and heat, making people dare not look up.


A dazzling beam of light smashed down from outer space.

It was like a divine arrow thrown by the gods.[]

Rod of God!


Boom! Boom!


There was no deafening roar, no earth-shattering changes.

There was only an unstoppable radiance.

Wherever the arrow reached, everything that stood in the way was instantly melted by the laser light. Even the steel and meteorite disappeared in a matter of minutes. Wherever the beam of light touched, everything disappeared like ice and snow.

The dazzling radiance made it impossible to open your eyes. The vision was filled with endless radiance.

When you open your eyes again.

The ruins that had originally turned into scorched earth were all wiped out and melted by the beam of light, as if they had never existed.

The city!


"Fool! Fool! Fool!"

"Too, too, too exaggerated.……"

"Oh my god! The city! The whole city disappeared?!"

Countless people pointed at the live broadcast, speechless with shock, trembling mouths, unable to utter a complete sentence for a long time.

The violent power was simply and violently displayed in front of everyone. It directly washed away their three views.

It was shocking and speechless.

With one blow, it was directly wiped out, and there was no trace of its existence. The surrounding hills and peaks were wiped out and turned into a vast plain, directly changing the terrain.

It can be called a map modifier.

"This, this is the power of technology?!"

Superman opened his mouth halfway.

He was shocked by the live broadcast. A groundbreaking technological weapon was so powerful?

The nuclear weapons that have maintained peace for a hundred years are nothing compared to this!


Batman pulled the corner of his mouth and said with a hint of self-mockery.


"You still say it's technology?"

Batman's self-mockery became stronger, and his eyes were extremely complicated.

A generation of scientific research madman, his three views are about to be reshaped.

The technology displayed by Tony.

Rather than saying it is technology, it is better to say that this is the power of the system!

Anyone with eyes can see that the enchantment power of the satellite eye is entirely based on the special ability rewarded by the system.


Let alone logic! What the magic effect of the talisman cannot achieve, He can do it easily.

It is said to be the enchantment of the electric eye, even the enchantment of the electric eye, dead objects and machines can also achieve it for you to see.

It is simply... almost a rule.……

"This is?!"

"Conceptual power?!"

The observer's eyes widened, and the dwarf's eyes were filled with shock.

Others may not have noticed the horror.

However, he, who was well-informed, smelled something unusual.

Unreasonable, breaking through cognition...

Domineering and straightforward, not affected by other things, just electric eyes, simple words, contain unimaginable power, even dead things are no exception.

The reward given by the system is clearly the power of the conceptual level!


It is already close to the height of the five great creation gods!

Only this kind of closeness, even surpassing the universe itself, once breaking through the existence of the multiverse, can have this kind of power to add rules at will.

The curse of death given by the goddess of death to Deadpool to resist death is a similar conceptual power.


The goddess of death is the concept of death in the universe itself, so she can have this power.

But... system? His power, no matter how you look at it, will not be related to the concept of electric eyes or lasers?

Even means other than his own can achieve this level.

What if it is the category he is good at?


The observer couldn't help but gasp.

Could it be that this was an unknown god who was even more terrifying than the five great gods of creation?

Moreover, this great man was also the mysterious... master?!


The observer could n't help swallowing.

His eyes were wide open with fear.

The horrifying content made him dare not think about it any further.


It's so scary to imagine... exclamations and shocks rang out from countless people.

The sounds of various teacups and porcelains breaking resounded in every corner of the world.

The ordinary spectators were still shocked by the grand scene in the live broadcast, but the powerful bosses saw the hideousness under the prosperity, and were shocked by the power of the system.


Tony and Cyclops. They are so lucky that they can easily possess such a nearly conceptual ability.

Many people's eyes are red with jealousy.


After the completion of this mission.

According to the current progress of the mission, Tony and Cyclops' points ranking is far ahead, breaking through one after another, leaping over several positions, and directly ranking first and second.

It is foreseeable that!

After the final settlement, they are definitely the biggest winners. I don't know how many enviable rewards they will get.

"Depend on——"

"They are so lucky!"

"Damn, it would be great if it were me.……"

"I don’t ask for much, just a few Infinity Gems as a reward!"


Staring at the screen, he wished that the person in it was himself.

In the eyes of countless people, full of envy and jealousy

, the dust in the screen (Zhao Nuo's) gradually dissipated, and the laser light that penetrated the sky finally began to extinguish.


"It's over?!"

Quicksilver squinted his eyes and looked into the distance. Only after the laser light gradually went out did he dare to start checking.


"It looks like it's over... The power of the laser light is fading……"

Qin closed her eyes and sensed.

She used her telekinesis to carefully avoid the aftermath of the laser and approached the center of the annihilated city.

"The attack is over, but what about the Holy Lord? Is he dead? Did we win?……"

Quicksilver was halfway through his speech when he quickly shut up.

Because he realized that he seemed to have asked a stupid question.

The bombardment from outer space had wiped out the entire city by the laser light of the satellite sky eye, as if it had never existed. It was like a map modifier. Under this kind of super-time and space attack, it was really hard to imagine that the Holy Lord would have a chance to survive.


He is dead!

Quicksilver clenched his fists, as if to cheer himself up, and gritted his teeth and said affirmatively


"Well, it seems that we won."

Dad responded with a straight face.

It seems that there is not much change, but if you look closely, you can find that in addition to the original coldness, his face seems to have a bit of unnatural stiffness, and even numbness. His sharp eyes are a little absent-minded, as if he is overly shocked.

Actually, it was really solved?

Without relying on witchcraft rituals, they relied on their own strength to blow up the Holy Lord and solve this crisis?!

Dad's face was numb, and his worldview was refreshed.

Only magic can defeat magic?

Tony gave Dad a silent response with irrefutable facts.

In the ancient books... the originally unbreakable truth was forcibly broken by Tony.

No matter what.

The traces of the magic energy in the magic ritual have completely disappeared, which means that the Holy Lord has been solved.

It's not a sealed donkey!

It's not exiled!

Instead, it was attacked in a real way, without any tricks, directly confronted and forcibly blown up!


"What kind of power is this?!"

Dad stared with his eyes wide open. Although he was well-informed, he was also completely shocked.

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