American Comics: Invincible Starting With Lord Of The Shadow Kingdom!

Chapter Seventy-Four Never Killing: Ancient One Magician

Fang Quan's mind moved slightly, and he made a calculation.

Indeed, what Ancient One said was true.

Odin is in charge of the overall peace of the Nine Realms, and Sorcerer Supreme Ancient One is responsible for guarding her one-acre three-point land.

The two powerful men suppressed the Xiaoxiao disciples so that they would not dare to influence the overall situation with evil thoughts.

In the original world, it was precisely because Odin was old and dormant, and the soul of Ancient One was unwilling to endure the endless torture of time and passed away, the civil strife in Youjie kicked off the prelude.

Later, Odin died, and the civil strife in the Nine Realms reached its peak.

Blue Star was attacked by many alien civilizations because of Infinite Gems, and Thanos also came to join the war, and snapped his fingers to destroy half of the life in the universe on this planet that once had Sorcerer Supreme.

And Asgard, because of Odin's death, also fell into the end of Ragnarök.

Fang Quan clicked his tongue: "You finally said something human."

The absorber David stood aside respectfully, and poured tea for the two strong men.

Ancient One picked up the teacup silently: "By the way, I moved the battlefield to Blue Star for another reason, do you want to hear it?"

Fang Quan was curious: "Tell me about it."

Ancient One is forever young. If one didn't know her approximate age, everyone would think that she is a 24-year-old intellectual woman with long legs.

Ancient One said with some embarrassment: "In ancient times, ice giants invaded Blue Star, and then led by Odin to repel them, you know that.

Fang Quan nodded: "I know this. It's a big blue star event. Is there any secret behind this matter?"

Ancient One's eyes were a bit erratic: "There were originally more than 4 billion ice giants in Jotonheim's capital planet, but because of the war with Odin, 800 million strong men lost a lot of combat power, and Asgard God's Domain also lost miserably. But.....

Because of the war, Jotonheim established a space channel with Blue Star, and some ice giants were ruthless, thinking that they couldn't beat the Asgard God's Domain or the fragile Blue Star people.

As a result, some war factions in Jotonheim sent troops to attack Blue Star on a small scale.

Fang Quan was surprised: "Huh? I really don't know about this, what happened later, did you take action?"

Ancient One showed a look of shame: "At that time, I was young and energetic, and I tore through time and space to reach Jotonheim, and used all kinds of forbidden spells to help them control the population under 700 million."

The hall suddenly became silent.

The absorber David 427 couldn't help but look sideways at this Eastern Asgardian of the Blue Star Civilization.

Fang Quan couldn't help but put down his teacup, and looked carefully at this 24-year-old beauty with fair and tender skin, a delicate and intelligent face, a mature and plump figure: "Odin led the army to damage the 800 million ice giant's combat power , you directly slaughtered more than 3 billion people of the ice giants?"

This is no longer cruel and merciless, this is simply killing God alive.

Bai Qi is not as cruel as you.

The most embarrassing thing is that after the ice giant finally recovered some population, Ancient One is going to make another move.

Ancient One was a little ashamed: "I was not sensible at that time... Fortunately, because I shot faster, Jotonheim thought it was Asgard's revenge against them, and the Asgard's people celebrated with the whole country, so the ice giant's attack on Asgard Hate to the bone."

It is impossible for the people of Asgard to sympathize with the blood-vengeful ice giants. Even if there were some objective and sensible explanations from the Aesir protoss, they would still be overwhelmed by the massive celebrations of the crowd.

No way, the process of Ancient One's shot was very fast, and a direct forbidden spell helped Jotonheim to carry out a large biological screening [helping them free up enough living space and living resources that have not been used up until now.

Fang Quan looked at her speechlessly: "So you are afraid that the ice giants will find out about this and help them control the population again?"

Move the battlefield to within your own control, and what happens becomes controllable.

Ancient One said embarrassingly: "I'm going to screen the ice giants who know the secret this time. As long as I kill all the people who know the secret this time, this secret will become a secret forever, and the rest of the insiders will just be obedient." Shut up and never say it."

As long as I kill everyone who knows the secret[Secret will always be a secret.jpg

Fang Quan: "...I really admire you, why don't you be the Mephista king, I condescend, I will be a space-time Mephista king."

Compared with you old extermination, I am simply a saint.

Ancient One's eyes wandered, and he looked elsewhere: " were young and ignorant at that time...and your temper was relatively hot. At that time, you traveled around ten thousand worlds, basically relying on your fists."

Later, Ancient One relied on wisdom and fame to travel around the world—probably because Ancient One helped everyone screen out all life forms without eyesight, and most of the rest (cbed) are eyesight.

Fang Quan never expected that Ancient One would have such an arrogant side.

This is even more arrogant than the immature Thor Thor.

Thor Thor only had time to talk about it, but Ancient One was actually carrying out the massacre plan.

No wonder Thanos and Odin want to talk about seven-point thin noodles to Ancient One... Ah no, seven-point "original noodles".

Whoever encounters such a powerful female ruthless person who likes to beat people to the brink of destruction will have to back away and take a detour.

Well, this guy is still very narrow-minded. The ice giant has just recovered its combat power and is about to attack Asgard, but Ancient One actually wants to eliminate hidden dangers and get rid of the core figures of the year.

The ice giant who can live from that year to the present, and can still go to the battlefield, should be an important member of the ice giant system without accident.

Ancient One is really ruthless.

Fang Quan couldn't help complaining: "Why don't you call it Ancient One, you should call it Gu Aotian."

Ancient One had question marks all over his head, but he also sensed the sarcasm in it, and rolled his eyes: "Stop, stop, I don't believe you haven't done such a thing, could it be that you picked up your Shadow Empire?"

So far, she doesn't know what is going on in Fang Quan's Dark Universe, but the only thing she can be sure of is that, to be able to support such a huge indestructible army, the strength of this Dark Universe must be stronger than Dormammu's Dark Universe.

After all... Dormammu was only willing to give the gift of indestructible power to the generals, and he was not extravagant enough to give the gift of indestructible power to everyone in the legion.

Fang Quan smiled confidently: "I really picked this up."

Ancient One was impatient: "I don't believe it, don't move, I'll give you an identification technique!"

You are a dark Mephista, what do you pretend to be like with me? If you don’t destroy a few tribes and don’t kill a few civilizations, do you have the nerve to call yourself a dark Mephista?

Fang Quan rolled his eyes, allowing Ancient One to hit the identification technique on him.

Fang Quan's body exuded the radiance of the gods, and twelve mysterious cipher texts appeared behind his head to form a light wheel, slowly emitting the light of the truth of all things.

Even after the tea in his hand was illuminated by the light of the gods, it became the water of the gods that contained the truth of all things.


Fang Quan: "?"

Absorber David: "?"

Fang Quan was shocked: "Can my passive produce water of the gods?"

This thing works so well?

If I knew it earlier, I would directly mass-produce the water of the gods and take it out to play.

Ancient One was even more shocked: "You are a god king, why are you pretending to be Mephista!"

I never expected that this guy who called himself a dark Mephista was actually more upright than himself!

What's wrong with this world!

Also, what a surprise!

The absorber David was also dumbfounded: "Your Majesty, you are a god!?"

Fang Quan showed a hint of helplessness, there is no way, the probability of anyone letting him draw a spell is too high, causing his divine power to improve much faster than the power of darkness: "Okay, okay, this matter is finalized, you Move the battlefield to the Blue Star mirror world, and then I will personally participate in the battle."

Ancient One was full of complaints and didn't know where to start: "Are you a god-king or a Mephista? Your divine power contains the power of darkness to the point where you can't know it. You really don't think about being called a god-king." Pantheon?"

Once you cast the identification technique, you are more divine than a god, what kind of dark Mephista king do you still call yourself.

Fang Quan: "Climb, I still think the title of Dark Mephista King is cooler."

Ancient One was completely speechless, finalized a few details casually, opened the portal and left without a word.

The absorber, David, has been standing aside to take minutes of the meeting, holding a pen and paper in his hand, and recorded the key information: "My king, is there anything else you want to order?"

Fang Quan put down his teacup and said curiously: "You guys have been attacking the dark universe for a while [how is the effect? ​​I recently perceived that the control over the dark power of the main universe has improved.

At first Fang Quan didn't care about this, but after his strength improved, he was still interested to find out.

Absorber David's face was full of red light: "After receiving your will, the two shadow leaders not only expanded in the shadow universe, but also expanded their territory in the dark universe. They have already attacked two civilizations and are attacking the third civilization."

Fang Quan gasped slightly: "So fast?"

At the beginning, when they beat an indigenous civilization, Nei was beaten with a javelin in his forehead.

Absorber David stretched out his hand, showing the dark imprint on his palm: "With your dark imprint, Banner and I have obtained a nearly unlimited energy supply, and those mortal civilizations can't compete with us at all. Occasionally encounter some indigenous gods, It can also be worn to death in a wheel war.

After such a long battle, the strength of myself, Banner, and Tony has been greatly improved. "

Fang Quan became curious: "Great improvement? Tell me."

Absorber David frowned for a long time, and said: "The subordinates have gained stronger energy tolerance and upper limit, and are more proficient in life-for-life play. Banner integrates more anger and masters a stronger form. Mr. Tuo Zhong We are already building a biological vehicle.”

Fang Quan had a perception. What he said was true. For them, it was indeed a great improvement.

For myself...

Sorry, the degree of strengthening is limited, if you don't tell me, I don't know.

Fang Quan: "Okay, I am very satisfied, you guys prepare for a war after a while.

The absorber David respectfully accepted the order, and obediently retreated to inform the others.

This is their first battle appearance, and they must fight beautifully.

I hope the Ice Giant is easy to manage, not as outrageous as Red Skull holding a cosmic artifact.

Two months passed quickly.

During this time, Ancient One summoned members of the magical Holy Place, held a large ceremony together, and prepared a super-giant mirror world for war.

Absorber David and the Hulk Banner follow the leader of the shadows to lead troops to fight, learning to lead and fight.

However, because of the Indestructible Legion, everyone fought more boldly. Generally, there were only two orders: charge and assemble.

In the main world, because of Fang Quan, Eagle Nation’s attitude towards Mutant has changed, and they quietly began to promote the Mutant legal bill. Attitude.

Professor X formed the X-Men team and took the opportunity to lead the Mutants to earn good reputation and rewards. Some official media seized the opportunity to report on the X-Men team, and the reputation of the Mutants has been greatly improved.

Magneto, who has always advocated peace by force, fell into a brief silence. Although he was unwilling to admit that this kind of peace was not won by Mutant himself, he was also very satisfied with the current environment where Mutant's situation has been greatly improved.


Several major incidents in Quan were also known to the top leaders of the Blue Star Civilization countries, and the effects of the incidents were fermented to a good stage.

In the concert event, he beat the alien Mephista that invaded Blue Star with his bare hands, and then threw it into the sun.

This incident made the high-level officials of various countries realize that this immortal and eternal life-span powerhouse cannot be provoked by mortals like them.

In the event of the hammer camp, the dark king can mobilize the power of the entire night of the blue star with a single thought, directly tearing the sky, and confronting the super laser weapon that can tear apart the five continents


This incident made everyone clearly realize that this is an invincible Mephista living in the world, and completely wiped out all their little ones.

Even on Blue Star, organizations that worship the King in Black have begun to prevail, and many officials dare not stop them too much. They can only deliberately control the degree so as not to affect the normal operation of society.

Just turn it around.

However, after this incident got to Fang Quan's ears, Fang Quan disliked these people for not doing business, and messed around every day, and directly sent black shadow soldiers to beat up these people.

rapidly decayed.

In short, Fang Quan's influence has spread to the world, and he has a very high status and influence.

No matter what this person claims to be, everyone knows that this person prevented an end of the world, and also defended the dignity and territory of the Blue Star civilization.

Everyone has tacitly regarded Fang Quan as the patron saint of civilization, and some simple people even enshrined Fang Zong's tablet at home to pray for Fang Quan.

Many alien civilizations who have left outposts and latent members on the blue star also know that there is a supreme powerhouse who is too powerful to be unreasonable on the blue star.

Powerhouses such as Mo Faithto, Satanish, Xiangtorak, etc., have also learned about the tragedy of Dormammu being hanged and beaten from the gossip of the multidimensional universe powerhouses.

In the dark universe, Dormammu, the leader of the dark empire, who can incarnate into a planet File size and command infinite darkness, was beaten unilaterally by this man with the power of time and space, and he could only endure the whole process.

If you beat him up, if you can't use your combat power, you can't use it.

A small plane was turned into a magma plane by the residual power of this man.

All the powerhouses felt that it would be better to keep a low profile in Blue Star in the future, so as not to provoke this supreme powerhouse.

Just when the well-informed powerhouses of the Nine Realms shocked the strength of Blue Star, the newly promoted Mephista King Fang Quan, a new big event shocked the well-informed powerhouses of the Nine Realms again.


The ice giant civilization of Jotonheim has declared war on the blue star civilization. .

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