Blue Star, California, Dark Palace.

Ancient One paid huge amounts of sacrifices for the preparations for this war, and did not leave the Dark Palace for a whole month.

By the time everyone saw the Ancient One magician again, it had been a month and a week.

Fang Quan was sitting on the throne with a red face, while Ancient One was showing a shy face, nodding his head and drooping eyebrows, sitting obediently next to the throne.

Everyone's eyes were full of envy and admiration.

Didn't go out for a whole month!

During this period of time, it is estimated that Mephista Wang Quan is struggling on the body of this 24-year-old intellectual long-legged lady.

I have to say that this beautiful long-legged beauty with eternal youth is really attractive.

Fang Quan said with satisfaction: "According to what Xiaogu said, Jotonheim has already prepared for transdimensional teleportation, and is about to project a teleportation gate to start the war in the early morning local time, and you have to make preparations tonight.

Although Xiaogu and I are in charge of the overall situation, the ice giants are powerful, and you can only compete with them with giant super tanks, so don't underestimate them. "

Nick Fury's face became serious: "Follow the order."

The rest took orders respectfully, with an extremely correct attitude.

After the matter was settled properly, Fang Quan couldn't wait to be dismissed from the crowd.

Everyone exited the palace obediently, and after walking out of the gate, they heard shy coquettish voices and some indescribable tearing sounds again.

Everyone watched their noses with their eyes, their mouths with their noses, and their hearts with their mouths, and left quickly.

The time soon came to the wee hours of the morning, and the early winter had passed for a few days. Although there was no snowflakes in California, the temperature was several degrees below zero.

Fang Quan arrived in the mirror world belatedly after "severely punishing" the 24-year-old Ancient One with his youthful appearance and youthful body.

This time, the mirror world has been perfected by "630", which only allows life forms in the dark field to observe, and other people cannot observe the scenes in the mirror world covered by this area.

Fang Quan was sitting on the dark throne, Ancient One was lying softly in his arms curled up with legs moaning slightly, and patted his chest in dissatisfaction.

If it weren't for the indestructible power, she would have been tortured to death by Fang Quan.

Fang Quan played with the figure of Ancient One, smiled and looked at the high altitude of the mirror world: "The interesting technology is to use frozen material nodes to nationalize the portal.

Snowflakes began to fall in the sky above the mirror world.

Ancient One lazily wrapped his arms around Fang Quan's neck, lying in his arms, with a soft voice: "There is only fun left. Under the Supreme, they are all ants."

She was able to single-handedly beat Jotonheim to the brink of civilization.

Now, she does the same.

Fang Quan chuckled: "Indeed.

A large number of handsome mecha black shadows wearing steel armors strode forward, making the sound of scrambling footsteps, guarding all around the throne in an orderly manner, which looked extraordinarily well-organized.

These are a group of "guards of honor" formed by Tony after discussing with the leaders of the shadows in his spare time.

The requirements of the leaders of the shadows are very clear. The guard of honor may not be responsible for fighting, but the weapons on their bodies must be strong and handsome.

Facts have proved that the effect after getting it out is indeed very eye-catching and very handsome.

The two leaders of the dark shadows walked out of the darkness silently, and stood on both sides of the throne, silently guarding their king.

Iron Man Tony came to the side of the throne wearing an updated version of the biological supreme armor, ready for this battle with confidence.

After going through a long period of accumulation and metamorphosis, he thinks he already has enough qualifications to make Fang Quan take a second look, and he also has the qualifications to make the enemy fear.

The green giant/color has become thicker, and he has steadily completed the cultivation of Level 1. After the transformation, he will be in a strong state, and he can retain more wisdom.

Absorber David has not been idle during this period of time, and has carried out a deeper level of training on his own characteristics. At present, he can transform part of the material into Vibranium, so that he can hold a Vibranium shield for defense, or when fighting in the form of a storm, use his palm Transform into a thunderous stance to attack the enemy.

The two black shadow legions walked out of the darkness with neat steps, one neatly covering the earth, ready to face the ground station. One began to envelope the sky, ready to face the enemy's air forces.

Ancient One looked at the dark soldiers coming out of the darkness one after another, and opened his mouth in surprise: "You actually have so many non-soldiers?"

She had already overestimated Fang Quan's strength, and never thought that Fang Quan could summon so many immortal soldiers.

Fang Quan smiled lightly: "This is not all I have... But, it is enough."

On the side of the dark army, a series of bright yellow portals opened, and a magician filed out. Sorcerer Supreme Stephen was the first to fly out and laughed: "Finally, it's time for me to reveal

Damn it!"

Stephen hurriedly stopped his figure, suspended in mid-air, and stared dumbfounded at the dark army that could not be seen in front of him.

Let's just say, even though we know that we are cooperating with King Mephista of the Dark Empire, aren't so many super dark life forms a bit too much?

Every one of them exudes a top-notch elite aura, and everyone's steps are so uniform... The strength of this army is a bit too strong.

The king held the staff in his hand and his face was solemn: "King Mephista's empire is far stronger than we imagined."

Jill Magician looked in the direction of the Dark Throne with a twitching corner of his mouth: "I think, rather than this [you should electric refine our teacher has already thrown himself into the arms of Lord Mephista.

The magicians were extremely shocked, their pupils were shaken, their minds were shaken, and each of them frantically swiped the Hawkeye spell on themselves and looked towards the direction of the Dark Throne.

Sure enough, they saw their respected teacher lying in the arms of King Mephista, showing a shy and weak posture.


I must be blind!

The teacher actually had sex with King Mephista!

In Jotonheim, a suburb near the royal capital, King Ice Giant Laufey is sitting on the throne, watching the giants form the portal.

For a full month, the giants prepared the pre-war work to the most perfect level.

Next to Laofei is the Icebreaker Hammer, which is a super artifact that is powerful enough to kill Odin.

During that legendary battle that was sung by the world, Laufey also blinded Odin in one eye, and almost narrowly beat Odin to become the winner.

However, the overall situation of the war was unfavorable, and Lao Fei alone was powerless, so he was forced to sign a peace treaty with Asgard.

But now, Pun plans to concentrate Jotonheim's power to attack the weak Blue Star.

I can't beat Odin, can I still beat Blue Star?

A natural arrogance and sense of superiority appeared on Lao Fei's face, which was the self-confidence and arrogance crushed by the absolute strength of racial superiority.

Little humans, ridiculous.

"King! The portal has opened!"

Lao Fei watched the huge amounts of the portal light up with ice blue light, and then formed a huge ice crystal door. With a confident smile on his face, he stood up and opened his arms to start the pre-battle speech:

"Subjects, warriors! For the glory and development of the giant family for thousands of years, I, Lao Fei, decided to launch a war against Blue Star!

In this universe, the winner is the king, and the loser is the bandit.

From beginning to end, the strong rule over the weak.

Once, the dastardly Odin stood in the way of our great development plans.

But now, we have finally waited for the opportunity, the opportunity for the rise of the giant race!

Shameless Asgardians will certainly stop us, but! Gentlemen!

It is our supreme honor to fight and die for the country, the people, the ancestors, and the descendants!

Asgard can't stop us from rising, not in the past, not now, and not in the future!

We are invincible, never give up giant family!

We are great, mighty, giants that the gods fear!

For Jotonheim! For giant civilization! For you! For our family! For our faith! For our civilization!

Me! Ice Giant King Laufey!

Please everyone!

Die for me!

Die for your country!

Die for civilization!

Die for the world of giants!"

The giants let out wild cheers!

Although Lao Fei failed once, his strong personality and strength are still the backbone of the giant civilization, and he is still a superpower admired by people.

He is powerful, he is sympathetic to the people, he is for the people and the country, and he is fair and selfless.

It can be said that Lao Fei is a perfect hero.

It's just that during the rise of this hero who is loved by giants, he met another more powerful leader of the Protoss, Odin.

Although it failed once, the giant civilization was once on the verge of extinction.

But the giants never regretted it, and still firmly followed their leader, the ice giant Lao Fei.

Because the ice giant Lao Fei is really pursuing happiness, a better future, and a more prosperous civilized country for all of them.

It is precisely because of this firm and united cultural will that the giant civilization can quickly recover after being on the verge of extinction, and quickly return to the strength and status that can wrestle with the Aesir Protoss.

Now, the giant civilization with great ambitions, ready to go, and high morale decided to use the Blue Star of Xinshou Village to train soldiers to seek a better future for the giant civilization.

"Prosperity! Prosperity! Prosperity!"

"Prosperity! Prosperity! Prosperity!"

"Prosperity! Prosperity! Prosperity!"

The giants cheered wildly, cheering that their civilization will be more prosperous and their life will be better,

Countless giant soldiers reveled hard, shouting for the great king's wise decision.

Seeing the ice crystal portal completely open, Lao Fei laughed excitedly:

"Hahaha! The whole army, attack!!!"

The giants shouted and uttered battle roars, and charged with weapons in hand, rushing towards the portal quickly.

Within a certain range of the giants approaching the portal, the light of space enveloped them, continuously teleporting them to the blue star world where the weak civilization is located.

Blue Star, a super-giant mirror world.

Countless ice giants and other types of giants landed on the ground excitedly, and then saw the boundless legion of dark life forms waiting in full force, watching them indifferently and majestically.

The giant soldiers instinctively felt that something was wrong, and hurriedly formed a team one by one, maintaining excellent morale and discipline.

Something is wrong with this situation.

When the army passed through halfway, when Lao Fei also arrived at the mirror world in the frozen chariot, he saw what he least expected.

A huge dark army is blocking the front, and there is a medium-sized army of suspected spellcasters on the side watching him and the others solemnly.

Above the dark army, there is a dark throne floating. On the throne sits a young man in black casual clothes with a playful smile, holding ten peerless beauties for fun.

Lao Fei pressed his hand slightly, signaling for everyone to form an formation and not to act rashly.

The elders issued orders one after another, and the giants acted quickly, forming relevant legion formations according to the elders' orders, and confronted the dark legions.

In the rear of Laofei, there are still giants arriving in the mirror world through the portal.

After the giants arrived, they saw the compatriots in front of them form an formation, and quickly and methodically formed an formation to form an efficient war legion formation.

Lao Fei looked around and frowned: "The situation is not right."

Especially the young man on the dark throne in mid-air, although he didn't exude coercion, he faintly brought a strong sense of oppression to himself.

Laofei pondered for a moment, then said in a concentrated voice: "I am the ice giant king Laofei, the ruler of Jotonheim, who is your Excellency? Why do you want to block our route to attack Blue Star?"

A hearty laugh came from the dark throne in the distant sky:

"Who am I? I am Fang Quan, the Dark Mephista King, ruler of the dark side of the Blue Star."

When the voice fell to the ground, the red and black magic light centered on the Dark Throne roared arrogantly towards the surroundings, dyeing half of the sky and the earth red in an instant, covering everything under the magic light.

A burst of terrifying dark coercion erupted from the red and black magic light, pressing on the giants.

"Empty empty!"

The giants only felt that the whole world 1.9 was trembling, all the elemental environment was forcibly crushed by the darkest force, an indescribable sense of suffocation welled up in their chests, they couldn't be squeezed out, and they pressed hard on their chests.

Lao Fei took a breath, and unconsciously clenched the ice-breaking magic hammer. The magic hammer provided him with a burst of ice power in time, alleviating the terrifying pressure he was under.

Lao Fei's pupils shrank suddenly, and he stood up in shock, his mouth slightly opened.

how come!

Why does Blue Star have eternal level powerhouses!

Why does this civilization that is so weak that it has not even stepped out of the planet have eternal powerhouses!

The cheeks of the elders turned pale slightly, and they all looked at their leader, the ice giant Lao Fei.

They also didn't expect that they would run into an Eternal Rank powerhouse head-on.

This is equivalent to the local tyrants in the capital driving luxury cars to a remote village and wanting to forcefully expropriate a few pieces of land.

As a result, I met the richest man in the country drinking tea in this poor place.

How can there be eternal-level strong people in this broken place? How can this broken civilization level support eternal-level strong people?

The ice giant Lao Fei took a deep breath, knowing exactly what kind of Eternal-level powerhouse he was facing at this moment.

Although he is at his peak, there is no young man in the Shen clan who can take over his banner.

Maybe I will also enter the frozen state in the future, waiting for the call of the next generation of giant kings to fight for civilization.

And the Eternal-level powerhouse on the opposite side is still very young, very young, unbelievably young, so young that he is squandering the power of the darkest to deter them.

Because he is young, he has a promising future.

Lao Fei's complexion was heavy, and his heart was even heavier.

After finally waiting for an eternal-level powerhouse to fall asleep, is it possible that Jotonheim will provoke another eternal-level powerhouse?

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