He didn't mean to go against Odin, but he really put the overall situation first!

Odin was silent for a long time, and then he said:"Well, it seems that they will have to go through this before they can fully awaken!"

When he said this, Odin kept looking at Thor!

And from time to time, his eyes looked into the distance!

At this time, Thor's eyes were wide open!

"Father, what is Ragnarok? How could Asgard be destroyed? What is going on?

Thor, the god of thunder, can be said to have grown up in a greenhouse.

Even though he fought in the nine realms, he was always under the protection of the god king Odin!

It can be said that if he got into trouble, Odin would clean it up!

He never thought that Asgard would be destroyed one day!

Ragnarok or something! How is this possible?

""Prince Thor, you have never read any of the books in Asgard's library!"

Heimdall sighed!

If Thor had read the books in Asgard, he wouldn't know nothing now!

He wouldn't even know that Odin's eternal sleep had failed and his deadline was approaching!

"Asgard will be destroyed? This, this……"

Seeing that everyone was serious, it didn't seem like they were lying to him!

Moreover, his father Odin was so solemn, which made it even more clear that this matter was true!

Thor found it hard to accept and ran out of the hall as fast as he could!

Obviously, he ran to the Asgard Library to read books!

"Oh, it seems that I have failed in educating my children!"

Odin's tone was silent, and he looked a little older!

Su Chen remained silent and didn't say much!

It's not easy for others to interrupt the ethical drama of Odin's family!

Besides, after all, they are gods, and they have lived for so long. Who can guarantee that they will take care of their children every day!

What's more, he is the Lord of the Nine Realms, the God King Odin!

Sometimes, you can't blame his educational ability!

"Come on, I will personally take you to the Asgard Treasury!"

Odin held Gungnir in his hand and jumped to Su Chen's side under the throne! He looked at Su Chen and then walked out of the hall!

Su Chen nodded to Frigga and Heimdall, and followed Odin's steps!

"You are indeed very attractive. After all, I have found a partner for Hela before!

I have even introduced her to outstanding male gods from various mythological departments.

But she didn't even look at them. She only wanted to conquer the world!

Unexpectedly, she fell in love with you!"

When Odin said this, it was obviously not the tone of the God King!

It was more like a father, surprised that his daughter had found her other half!

At the same time, he was also examining this son-in-law!

Su Chen kept a parallel pace with the other party, with an indifferent expression:

"You have never really understood Hela's heart!"

Having said this, Su Chen said nothing more!

He knew that Odin should understand!

Odin lowered his head slightly, but did not say much!

His expression was a bit complicated!

The two of them just talked a few words along the way, and then came to the Asgard Treasury!

The gate here was obviously damaged!

"Is this what the Frost Giants left behind?"

Su Chen looked at Odin and asked!

Odin nodded, and then carved a few strange runes on the door!

Just like that, the door was finally opened!

What you can see is a spacious hall!

There are many stone platforms in the hall, and on the stone platforms are all kinds of treasures!

Su Chen saw that there are many weapons, strange creature skeletons, and armor and the like!

However, Su Chen was not interested in looking at these things!

Instead, he was looking for something everywhere!

Odin stood in the center of the hall, saying nothing, letting Su Chen search in the bag!

Soon, Su Chen came to a burning flame!

Su Chen's glasses lit up!

Found it!

This is the eternal fire!

The flame that the fire giant Surtur once used! (To read the exciting novel, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

That's right, Surtur is the huge fire monster in Ragnarok! He is also the ruler of Muspelheim, one of the nine realms.

He once fought with Odin. Before Odin became the king of gods, Surtur was eyeing Asgard.

The God King at that time was Odin's father, Bor!

Even Bor, who was powerful at that time, did not have the strength to compete with Surtur, who possessed the Eternal Fire. He could only send his three sons, Willy, Fei and Odin, to Muspelheim to steal the Eternal Fire in order to weaken Surtur's strength.

However, the actions of the three brothers were discovered by Surtur, and the three could only escape! They could not get rid of Surtur's pursuit.

In the end, Odin's two brothers, Willy and Fei, sacrificed their lives and gave their power to Odin.

Odin's power suddenly increased, and he finally successfully repelled Surtur and took away the Eternal Fire.

This successfully weakened Surtur's power and prevented the other party from invading Asgard.

You know, Surtur, who possesses the Eternal Fire, is a huge and evil existence.

It is exaggerated to have the power of a thousand scorching suns.

A fire giant over a thousand feet tall with flames burning all over his body[]

It is powerful enough to affect the temperature of the earth from Asgard.

His power has reached the level of natural disasters!

And all this is because of the Eternal Fire!

It can be said that Surtur with the Eternal Fire can reach the level of a single universe! However, without the Eternal Fire, he is just a small monster at the planetary level!

Su Chen has now mastered the power of fire.

If he has the Eternal Fire, he can make the power of fire even stronger!

The power of fire alone is enough to reach the level of a single universe!

To do it, you have to be an all-round strong man!

Hexagonal Warrior!

This is what he pursues!

"You want to absorb the eternal fire?"Odin came to the side, slightly surprised!

Su Chen could not hide the surprise in his heart, and nodded:"Yes, but I only need to absorb one eternal fire.

As long as I have this core, it is enough to make my fire attribute power grow to the single universe level!" It is useless to absorb too much, and there is also the risk of being swallowed by the eternal fire!

Even one eternal fire faces a terrible crisis!

He must use the power of the horse spell at all times!

"Well, you are very smart. You really can't absorb too much of this eternal fire, otherwise you will be burned to the point where not even your soul is left!"

Odin had a deep understanding of this!

If it weren't for the help of his two brothers and the special container that his father had asked the dwarves to make, he would not have dared to steal the flame!

"In that case, you absorb it here, I will help you on the side!"

Odin looked at Su Chen with a serious expression!

Su Chen glanced at Odin, nodded slightly, and said:"Thank you, God King!"

As he said that, Su Chen exerted the power of fire attribute and took out an eternal fire from the brazier!

Suddenly, he felt a burning sensation!

If he hadn't mastered the power of the fire element, Su Chen felt that his hand would be burned directly by the flame!

Roughly estimated, this flame is at least tens of thousands of degrees!

The surface temperature of the sun is 6000 degrees, and the internal temperature is up to 15 million degrees!!

This flame has obviously become docile because it has been placed for a long time!

Even so, there are tens of thousands of degrees.

If all the heat is released, it will be in billions!

Then, Su Chen no longer hesitated, sat cross-legged, placed the flame in the palm of his hand, and began to absorb!

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