【That afternoon, a charming female employee brought a transfer contract and asked Tony and Pepper to sign it.】

【After signing, Pepper Potts became the new chairman of Stark Industries!】

【After seeing this female employee, Tony, who had already given up on her, was moved. He asked her name, and she told him her name was Natalie!】

【Tony Stark decisively and secretly checked the other party's information!】

【Tony Stark specially enlarged the sexy photo, please enjoy it carefully! 】

The little pepper, who was still immersed in the emotion and guilt, suddenly turned cold.

Sure enough, his boss is still a dog that can't change its eating habits!

Although the woman doesn't look like shit.

But Tony is really like a dog that smells meat!

He pushed Tony Stark's arms away and said:

"Boss, I think you should hug that female employee!"

Tony Stark was also very embarrassed at this time.

He had changed his mind, so why was he still so useless!

This woman was just a little bit pretty, she wouldn't break it again.���Right!

Thinking of this, he quickly explained with a smile:"Pepper, that was supposed to happen.

I have changed the plot now. What's more, it's still in the future.

I promise you that this will never happen!"

"I have some doubts about your assurance!"

Apparently Pepper has calmed down and started to look at the problem objectively again!

Gwen on the side couldn't help but cover her mouth!

"Now let's see how you, Tony Stark, show your affection!"

This action was seen by Tony Stark, so he couldn't help but say:

"Hey, not only did your classmate not help, he even laughed secretly!"

"I was just thinking of something happy, I didn't laugh at you!"

Gwen spread her hands, looking like she didn't admit it.

This made Tony Stark speechless!

But he still quickly turned his eyes to the screen!

【Pepper and company were properly arranged, but Tony's condition got worse!】

【No one has noticed this yet!】

【Soon we arrived at the next scene!】

【Perhaps wanting to go a little crazy before his death, Tony actually participated in a much-anticipated car race!】

【However, what was unexpected was that the crisis was approaching!】

【The other party quietly pushed open the protective door and entered the stadium, and unbuttoned his shirt facing the speeding cars!】

【There was actually an Ark Reactor on his chest. The steel whip he swung out sizzled and ignited his shirt, revealing the mechanical exoskeleton underneath.】

【His target this time was Tony. With one whip, the racing car worth tens of millions was split into two pieces!】

【The car flipped wildly in the air, but fortunately the safety performance passed the test and Tony saved his life!】

"Oh my god!"


"Who is this lunatic?"×3Tony

Stark, Pepper Potts and Gwen, who had been watching the show, asked this question at the same time!

This guy came up and wanted to kill Tony Stark?

How deep is the hatred!

Looking at Su Chen, he saw that the other party was teasing the Charizard leisurely!

He didn't take the situation here seriously at all!

This guy must know what's going on?

But the other party won't spoil it at all!

This made Tony Stark grind his teeth!

"Could this guy be a remnant of the Ten Rings Gang?"

Tony Stark immediately remembered the terrorist that Aokiji had killed yesterday!

Could it be that the other party came to seek revenge on him?

Otherwise, it must be someone else he had offended!

Is it that Justin Hammer?

Or that senator?

Maybe both are possible.

But the Ark reactor was obviously invented by his father.

And he, Tony Stark, was able to inherit it!

But why did the other party also have this technology?

Now he was full of questions!

But Su Chen would not tell him what was going on! He could only suppress his temper and read on!

【Because of this accident, the other cars also collided directly with each other, and the scene instantly became very spectacular!】

【Fortunately, the outsider Chili and the driver Happy came to the rescue in time, rushing into the field with the Mark 5 like a suitcase, the accelerator was welded, and it went in the opposite direction all the way.】

【Just when Tony Stark was about to be split in half by the whip, Happy finally arrived!】

【But although the opponent's exoskeleton is simple, it also has a certain defensive power!】

【Even though he was hit by a car traveling at 180 miles per hour, he only suffered minor injuries, and the car was eventually split in half!】

【Fortunately, Pepper threw out the Mark V in time, and Tony Stark put on the mecha in a handsome transformation!】

【After a tough fight, Tony Stark was almost killed by his opponent before he grabbed his opponent's whip.】

【He knocked the opponent unconscious with a tactic that hurt the enemy by 1,000 but hurt himself by 800! In the end, the opponent was taken away by the police! 】

Off screen, Tony Stark finally breathed a sigh of relief!

"This guy is so cruel. Where on earth did he come from?"

"Also, why does he also have the technology for the Ark Reactor?"

"Tony, promise me that you will develop the Mark mecha as soon as possible after you go back!"

Pepper was still scared at this time!

That man was simply a devil, not giving Tony a chance to breathe.

He was going for Tony's life!

Tony had a plan to develop a battle armor next, and she supported it a hundred percent!

She even hoped that the other party would develop it better!

Otherwise, like the Mark V in the picture, it was too weak!

If it weren't for Tony's cleverness, he might have died this time!

"Don't worry, Pepper, I will develop the armor when I return!"

Tony Stark also solemnly promised!

【The crisis finally came to an end, and Tony Stark finally knew the man's name.】

【Ivan Vanko! Mao people!】

【Tony Stark went to the interrogation room to meet this man secretly with doubts.】

【It turns out that his father was once one of the founders of Stark Industries, but was sentenced to exile for trumped-up espionage charges!】

【Until the moment before his death, he still believed that everything was a conspiracy by Tony's father! The purpose was to monopolize the reactor technology!】

【Ivan carefully planned this assassination to tell the world that Tony and his family are thieves and robbers!】

【He wants to destroy the image of Iron Man in people's minds! 】

Off-screen, Tony Stark shouted

"Impossible, absolutely impossible, I know the old man’s character!"

"He is indeed very rigid and mean, but he will never do anything to take advantage of someone's misfortune!"

As a son, even though he has always been at odds with his father Howard, he still understands his father's character.

This kind of thing is definitely not true!

That Ivan Vanko is lying!

"Su Chen, this guy is lying, right?"

Tony Stark stared at Su Chen, his eyes even reddened.

Pepper and Gwen were stunned!

Seeing that Tony Stark's faith was about to collapse, Su Chen sighed helplessly.

"You've already guessed it, why are you still asking me?"

Huh, Tony

Stark finally breathed a sigh of relief. This time, Su Chen finally gave up and stopped keeping the secret, which made him feel much better.

But what was going on?

What happened between Ivan's father and his own father?

He felt that the truth would soon be revealed.

So, he looked at the screen again with great concentration.

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