Following Su Chen's instructions, he recited silently in his heart and used it!

This time, the scroll did not turn into light.

Instead, it turned into strange runes.

From various parts of Strange's body, it entered his body!

In an instant, Strange felt as if there was an extra warm current in his body.

Then, Strange magically discovered that his feeling about this world seemed different.

It was as if this world was originally ordinary and there was no difference.

But now he found that whether he closed his eyes or opened his eyes, he could feel that there seemed to be some magical energy in the world!

And he can control these energies, and even absorb them into his own strength.

He can not only use these energies to perform various means of attack. He can also use them to strengthen his body and make his physical fitness stronger!

"Is this the melee mage?"

Strange even felt that his body, which had been a little weak due to the decadence, had not only recovered its health, but also seemed to have endless energy.

If he were to fight a beautiful woman now, he would definitely have sex ten times a night!

Christine might not be able to bear it!

Thinking of this, Strange felt that he was a piece of shit. He actually wanted to betray Christine at this time.

He quickly looked at the magic wand, which was about 1.6 meters long!

I don't know what kind of tree this magic wand is made of.

The top position just formed a groove for placing a crystal ball.

There was a colorful luster flowing in the crystal ball!

Holding it in his hand, he could clearly feel the surge of it. It exuded a strong power.

It resonated with the power in his body!

Strange knew that this was the magic element.

This time, Su Chen didn't need to say it, Strange's mind moved.

A small amount of magic power emerged from his body.

Then, the magic wand turned into a cool-looking spear.

This spear is about two meters and three meters long.

It is pitch black and emits a cold light.

The tip of the spear is more like a short broadsword with a double-edged protrusion in the middle!

There are strange patterns engraved on it, and the patterns are dark red! There are many strange magic runes engraved on the gun body.

The characteristics of this spear are very magical.

At first glance, it is the kind of melee weapon used by combat mages.

Strange touched the spear carefully, although it was a bit heavy.

About twenty or thirty pounds..

However, he exerted the magic power in his body to control it.

He found that he could pick it up very easily.

It even felt very smooth.

This gun is so cool! The more I look at it, the more I like it!

Then, the spear changed again.

A broadsword appeared in his hand.

The blade of this broadsword is very similar to the tip of the spear.

There are strange patterns engraved on it, and the patterns are dark red!

It's just wider.

The hilt is also very cool, and there are magic runes engraved on it.

This knife is also heavier in the hand!

Even heavier than the spear!

The weight of the spear is twenty or thirty pounds.

But this broadsword must be at least fifty or sixty pounds!

Using magic power to pick up the knife, I found that more magic power was consumed!

Soon that small amount of magic power will be exhausted!

Ster Strange put down the broadsword.

Sweat even broke out on his forehead.

He quickly put down the broadsword and turned it back into a staff.

Strange already understood these three forms.

Each form represents a different way of casting spells.

The spear and broadsword represent close combat.

At the same time, they will also be used in conjunction with corresponding close combat magic moves.

The staff is more suitable for output at a distance.

Be a serious magician!

Strange has also watched movies and TV series.

He knows the disadvantages of such a mage.

That is, the defense is too weak.

The melee mage is a combination of a mage and a warrior.

He can output and can fight in close combat.

He is much more powerful than a purely fragile mage. (To read exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

At this moment, Zhao Hailun's voice suddenly came from a distance.

"Come and eat, Doctor Strange, or we will eat you all!"

At this point, Strange finally noticed the rich meaty aroma that filled the room.


His stomach immediately protested.[]


I was too focused on studying what I had just acquired.

It was like a child getting a new toy.

I forgot about this delicious meat.


The West doesn't pay much attention to the idea of washing hands before meals.

Strange sat directly on the table.

"I'm really sorry, I was too engrossed just now!"

Strange sat on the chair and apologized to everyone first.

Su Chen shook his head to indicate that it was okay. He ate another piece of meat and said,"Doctor Strange, it's good for you to change your career to the battle mage, but you should not waste this career, you need to keep exercising and improve your physical fitness!

Also, with your three-form magic wand, be proficient in using the skills in your mind!

When fighting, you can attack the enemy by surprise!"

Strange nodded seriously.

"I will! Manager!"

Now Strange is very convinced of this store and this young manager.

He finally knows how great an opportunity he and Zhao Hailun have obtained.

This was unimaginable before.

After all, these are simply unbelievable for people like them who flatter science.

However, the magic of this store has completely overturned his three views.

Then, Strange looked at the chopsticks in front of him and said with some embarrassment:

""Manager, do you have a fork?"

He was not like Su Chen and Zhao Hailun, who were all Asian.

China, Korea, and Japan all use chopsticks!

But he was from Dengta, and he didn't know how to use chopsticks at all! He only used a knife and fork!

Su Chen ignored him and just said,"Learn!"

Even Wanda has learned to use chopsticks, so what's so difficult about it!

Strange was stunned. He didn't expect that the manager would not want to give him a knife and fork.

But after looking at the rich meaty aroma and beautiful golden roasted meat on the grate

, he could only swallow his saliva and said,"Okay!"

So, he could only learn from Su Chen and the other two and pick up the chopsticks.

Then he clumsily picked up a piece of roasted meat on the grate.

As a result, after picking it up several times, he finally stumbled and put the piece of meat into his bowl.

Dipped it in the sauce, and then struggled to put it into his mouth.

His eyes widened immediately. It was really delicious! Better than any meat he had eaten!

"It would be nice if there was some wine!" Strange thought so!

Then, Su Chen suddenly seemed to have thought of something.

"By the way, you should be able to find a designated driver, right?"

After hearing Su Chen's words, Zhao Hailun, who had already ignored his eating manners, raised his head and looked at Su Chen.

He nodded slightly.


Then, Su Chen pointed.

Several bottles of wine appeared on the table.

There were three kinds of wine: white wine, beer, and red wine.

When everyone saw this scene, they immediately understood what Su Chen meant.

Wanda's eyes lit up,"Can I drink?"

"No! You are not of drinking age yet!"Su Chen interrupted her joy directly.

Sure enough, it was simple. Wanda curled her lips a little slowly.

She said"Oh" angrily, and then continued to fight against the meat.

If you don't want to drink, don't drink!

You can still save some space to eat more meat!

"Doctor Strange, Dr. Zhao Helen should be fine!

This wine won't give you a hangover. Even if you drink too much, you'll sober up tomorrow!"

"Of course, no problem. Then I will drink with you until we are drunk!" Strange was very excited.

Good meat goes well with good wine. It is a good thing to come here today!

However, at this time, Dr. Zhao Hailun on the side shook his head and said:

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