American Comics: Let You Fish, You Fish Big Super Template?

Chapter 99 The Latest Masterpiece 【Please Subscribe! ! 】

Wei Li is also an earthling.

The rocket, which is nothing in the universe, is a product made by people, and they often despise Tony Stark's scientific level.

In terms of IQ level alone, Xu Fu can outshine Tony Stark.


Knowledge will not come to your mind just because you are smart.

Xu Fu suddenly found that he couldn't understand the series of complex coordinates provided by the system.

He could barely see that the coordinates did not describe the location on the earth.

But whether this describes a planet, a comet, or other miscellaneous messy things in the Marvel universe, it is not certain.

"The system is really troublesome, why can't you give me a name."

“Also provide coordinates, really sick”

Xu Fu couldn't help but rolled his eyes.

Although he complained in his heart, Xu Fu also understood.

The Marvel world is so big, it is impossible for him to find the place just by a name, and he still needs specific coordinates. "One Four Seven" For example, anyone who has watched the movie knows the planet and name of the Soul Gem, the Power Gem.

But the universe is so big, how do you find it?

Just one solar system has 60 astronomical units and 900 billion kilometers!

The solar system is just an inconspicuous galaxy in the universe.

It is difficult for ordinary people to imagine how vast the universe is.

Even with the speed of light, it would take tens of thousands of years to travel through the universe.

Without specific coordinates, if you want to find a planet in the universe, it is equivalent to finding a grain of sand in the boundless sea.

It's almost impossible.

It is also very normal for the system to give coordinates.

But now Xu Fu is very troublesome, he has to find someone to find out the location of this coordinate.

"After thinking about it, I can only find Tony Stark.

"Among the people I know, he is probably the only one who has this ability."

Xu Fu stroked his chin and thought.

Although his relationship with Tony Stark is not very good, it can be regarded as acquaintance.

This guy really knows astronomy and geography.

It may be possible to calculate the specific orientation of this coordinate.

Xu Fu has saved him several times, so why should he show affection this time.

After making this decision, Xu Fu's huge mental power spread out, covering the whole of New York in an instant.

"Not in the Stark Building, but in the Avengers headquarters."

Xu Fu quickly determined the position of Tony Stark.

Tony · Stark can be said to be full of disasters.

The mansion was blown up by the enemy, and the Stark Building was messed up by Loki.

Coupled with the disbandment of S.H.I.E.L.D, many employees have no place to work.

Tony Stark funded the construction of huge amounts of Avengers headquarters.

Provide re-employment for laid-off S.H.I.E.L.D employees.

This place is not far from New York, just by a lake in northern New York.

Xu Fu stretched out his hand directly, and the golden portal of Ridao appeared in front of Xu Fu.

Xu Fu walked in directly, and the next moment he reached the door of the Avengers headquarters.

He rang the doorbell, and soon contacted Tony Stark through the intercom in front of the door.


"why you?"

Tony Stark's face on the screen was very stunned, and he never thought that Xu Fu would come to him.

After realizing that it was really Xu Fu, Tony Stark put down the combat equipment in his hands calmly.

Xu Fu glanced at him.

"You won't just let me talk at the door?"

Xu Fu said.

"Definitely not, my friend."

"Please come in."

Tony Stark said, and the door in front of him was opened.

"Sir, welcome to the Avengers headquarters."

A melodious girl rang from Xu Fu's ear.

Xu Fu knew it was Tony Stark's AI Friday.

Nodding his head, Xu Fu directly replaced a phantom.

In the next second, he had already appeared in the Avengers headquarters.


"My God, why did you suddenly appear here."

"Are you Peter Pan?"

Tony Stark was taken aback and couldn't help complaining loudly.

"It's not my problem, it's your reaction speed is too slow."

Xu Fu smiled and said.

"I don't think I'm slow."

"It's you who are too perverted."

Tony Stark couldn't help shrugging.

"Come and sit."

Tony Stark sat down on the sofa and poured Xu Fu a glass of wine.

"What do you come to see me for?"

Tony Stark looked up at Xu Fu.

He didn't think that Xu Fu was the kind of guy who came to chat with him when he had nothing to do.

"As the saying goes, don't go to the Three Treasures Hall if you have nothing to do."

"I do need your help with something."

Xu Fu nodded.

"What's up?"

"Let me tell you first, if things are too difficult, I may not be able to help you"

Tony Stark looked at Xu Fu very vigilantly.

With Xu Fu's strength so strong, things that need help are not that simple.

"Don't worry, you can definitely help with this matter.

"I need you to calculate some data for me."

Xu Fu said straight to the point.


"Then that's really what I'm good at."

"You are really right to ask me for help..."

Tony Stark said quite proudly.

"If it wasn't for that, I wouldn't have come to you."

"This is the data. This should be a certain star in the universe. You need to calculate the specific position for me.

"Mark it for me in a way that humans can understand."

While introducing to Tony·Stark, Xu Fu gave the USB flash drive in his hand to Tony·Stark.

This is what he recorded from the system.

Tony· Stark directly took out his mobile phone, and began to check it on the tablet on his face.

"Friday, count this so-called planet for me."

Commanded his own artificial intelligence.

Tony Stark tasted the beautiful short-term red wine.

Xu Fu raised his eyebrows.

"So simple?"

"How hard can this be?"

"Friday is enough for this kind of calculation without difficulty."

"This is my latest masterpiece."

Tony Stark didn't bat an eye.

"All right."

"But what were you doing before?"

Seeing how confident Tony Stark was, Xu Fu asked slowly.

Tony Stark's face froze suddenly.

Seeing him like this, Xu Fu felt a little funny.

"You're not researching some armored weapon that can counter me, are you?"

"Like anti-Hulk armor."

Xu Fu said so.

The expression on Tony Stark's face hardened even more.

"You misunderstood, how could I do such a thing?"

I was just working on my armor before.

Tony Stark cleared his throat and spoke.

Even if Xu Fu is not that 0.4 good at observing words and expressions, he can see that Tony Stark's words are insincere.

"That's the best way."

"If there is a chance in the future, I don't mind if you know an armor that restrains me.

"I want to see if the armor you made can be stronger than mine."

Xu Fu spoke slowly.

The pale blue on Tony Stark's face became more and more stiff.


Tony Stark said rather insincerely.

"Sir, the analysis has been completed.

The sound of Friday sounded.

Tony Stark breathed a sigh of relief.

"It seems that the result has come out."

"Come and see this thing."

Tony Stark changed the subject abruptly.

He took out the collection directly and began to check the data on it.


"how so?"

The look on Tony Stark's face became puzzled. .

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